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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I find even when it's busy if I am selective with my line I am out pretty quick

People in the south have absolutely no idea how to queue like normal humans.

last time I went one week ago on a Saturday there were THREE green lights at the gas pumps for my car(among a few rows) so... EZ GO :rofl

I forgot about the lights at the pumps...they don't have those here. :laughing

and I'm posting only for Korn-holi :)

What am I missing here? :dunno
Advertising worked on me just now. Was scrolling through insta and saw an ad that there's a showing of the 1980's classic, Rad, on March 21 in area theaters. Bought 2 tickets!
i was recommended a test from clear blue to see where in menopause i might be. not purchasing that. :x
i wasn’t browsing chainsaws. i follow a lot of cat related accounts, check out some miscellaneous fitness reels and look at fashion and motorcycle stuff.

this just… it was in my feed and i am mad. :x
I've got seven of 'em. :facepalm

seems excessive. three at the most - heavy lifter big boy (big wood >12" diameter), attack at the base and then section or section already downed big wood), middle-weight - safe shit for a rookie to take down (mid diameter, 8-10" or so, and height, maybe to 40' or thereabouts), already downed wood, big limbs low or already low on the ground. and then the little buzzer - cutting up the little shit (sub 6" diameter) and getting it ready for the chipper. like i said, i count 3.
We have saws we need people to use them. :laughing

My dog is making GSD noises.
Been on the toilet for the last 30 minutes. Something didn't agree with me :nchantr
seems excessive. three at the most - heavy lifter big boy (big wood >12" diameter), attack at the base and then section or section already downed big wood), middle-weight - safe shit for a rookie to take down (mid diameter, 8-10" or so, and height, maybe to 40' or thereabouts), already downed wood, big limbs low or already low on the ground. and then the little buzzer - cutting up the little shit (sub 6" diameter) and getting it ready for the chipper. like i said, i count 3.

It’s a little excessive, but not by much. The saws are in two locations and don’t get transported back and forth. Two are at our primary residence, the others are in the mountains.

Of the ones in the mountains, there are two arborist saws for work aloft, one gas, one electric. Each are still useful. Two felling saws, one 20”, the other a larger powerhead with a 28” bar that can fell pretty much anything we have. The last is set up for ripping and stays that way.
I've been telling myself I need a small chainsaw for a while now. Tree limbs down all over the property and I need to get them cleaned up. Nothing big at all, just enough that the work definitely needs to get done.

I've been thinking of just getting an electric one since my needs with the chainsaw aren't massive anyway. Probably a battery-powered one would be fine and removes the hassle of an extension cord. Thoughts?
Here they still have the self checkout lines at Costco so a breeze if you aren't buying liquor.

But usually I'm buying liquor so no Saturdays for me.

9:30 on weekdays is usually ok.
I've been telling myself I need a small chainsaw for a while now. Tree limbs down all over the property and I need to get them cleaned up. Nothing big at all, just enough that the work definitely needs to get done.

I've been thinking of just getting an electric one since my needs with the chainsaw aren't massive anyway. Probably a battery-powered one would be fine and removes the hassle of an extension cord. Thoughts?

I have an el cheapo electric one with a cord and it works pretty well for small stuff in a small yard.
Good morning :wave

Ernie Cabral passed away yesterday. Ernie owned Cycle West in Petaluma one of the oldest motorcycle dealers in the Bay Area perhaps even in the state.

I want to post an RIP thread for him but feel like I may be overstepping my bounds since he has family members that belong to thhis forum.

saying I'm sad is an understatement, he was someone who was geting older and life ending is inevitable but still... gutted.
There are a lot of good battery saws out there. Husqvarna and still make good saws, but expensive and proprietary batteries. Makita makes a saw that runs on two of their standard 18v batteries and it works really well. Other common tool brands do to, so if you’re already in those ecosystems, it might be a good way to go.
Almost blew a good friendship this AM.

I have friends on Franz Valley Road who rebuilt after the fire after staying with us a couple of months.

D has always had asthma but his insistence to return very fast to work on the still smoldering property despite our telling him not to was, it seems, the final straw as he can no longer take care of the 40 acres as he once did.

Just the other day he said he's down to one hour max at a time every few days as he can't breath well at all. He luckily has hired two great guys to do the work for him but that likely takes both their combined incomes from SS.

They've been saying for at least a year now they are going to move as things up there are not the same any longer for them, vandalism on the rise as is noise and light pollution from new residents who have ruined some of their views.

The other day I suggested they sell and rent from a neighbor as it would be the kind of area they love but with none of the day to day maintenance headaches and they could bank the $1.5 million plus they'd get.

D responded "on no, we are moving to 20 acres down a long driveway surrounded by trees."

Keep in mind the guy has a net worth of around $20,000 while his partner L is a trust fund baby who really wants to move to a town within walking distance of downtown but D is a dreamer, not a realist.

He's essentially disabled but in his mind he's not and another country property makes "sense" to him as he doesn't want to live in a town.

I pointed out to him that there will be no "Country House Number 2" for them in their now mid 70s and told him to come down to earth and face facts. They either stay where they are and pay the maintenance cost or move to a city with a hospital and within walking distance of a downtown.

I told him to grow up.

A bit harsh but I did get a response after a second e'mail apologizing for my first, but from L who actually appreciated the opinion.


I'm going to guess D will still be a bit pissed at him for pointing out his new reality and squashing his fantasy.