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Time to get Fit thread

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FINALLY back to the gym. New work out routine for a while is 90% strength training it sounds like..

ive been gone for nearly 3 weeks (1 week was spent in CA :p). Everyone was happy to see me back :)

Good time to hit it hard again. Those little aches and pains (that everyone seems to get when they workout all the time) have had plenty of time to resolve.

I had a definite strength rebound after my forced layoff. The only deficits I have are directly related to my injury. All other areas have had nice increases.
Finally taking off some time during the NONDENOMINATIONAL WINTERTIME HOLIDAY to re-set up the garage gym space. It has been far too long.
Finally taking off some time during the NONDENOMINATIONAL WINTERTIME HOLIDAY to re-set up the garage gym space. It has been far too long.
Great thing to do! :thumbup

You'll probably get a good workout in the process! :laughing

Might even discover muscles that you hadn't developed. :laughing
Want some inspiration? This is excellent for getting our minds into training mode:


Really great stuff. I had no idea, but one of my good friends growing up and still is one of the producers; Darron Rahlves. I like the training aspect and shear drive to succeed.
Great thing to do! :thumbup

You'll probably get a good workout in the process! :laughing

Might even discover muscles that you hadn't developed. :laughing

The squat rack and bench have been horzontal storage surfaces :laughing
I’m at about 205lbs right now, I’ll try tomorrow before rowing and post up, I’m betting 15.

Looking forward to it!!

(You probably already know this, reduce energy loss by locking up abs, glutes and legs).
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Looking forward to it!!

16 without stopping, 24 in half a minute.

20 minute row
Military press sets of 10 to failure (15 @205lbs)

20oz protein shake
10oz spinach
1 cup Barbara's oat chex
1/4 cup heavy cream

No running today but I will row again. I'll also eat about 2500 more calories in chicken and bean chips etc.
16 without stopping, 24 in half a minute.

20 minute row
Military press sets of 10 to failure (15 @205lbs)

20oz protein shake
10oz spinach
1 cup Barbara's oat chex
1/4 cup heavy cream

No running today but I will row again. I'll also eat about 2500 more calories in chicken and bean chips etc.
16 is a very good count, especially the additional 8 within 30 seconds! Very impressive! I did 14 last week when all of the pull down machines (4) were taken, it was in place of my first set where I start at 160 (set of 18) to get my arthritic shoulder warmed up. It's a lot less than the 32 I used to do when I was a competitive rock climber but those muscles were very well developed for that kind of strength. It didn't hurt that I was about 40 lbs lighter back then. :laughing

I've kept that strength up since I stopped climbing with the thought that I'd get back into climbing again some day....probably when I get back down below 190.
16 is a very good count, especially the additional 8 within 30 seconds! Very impressive! I did 14 last week when all of the pull down machines (4) were taken, it was in place of my first set where I start at 160 (set of 18) to get my arthritic shoulder warmed up. It's a lot less than the 32 I used to do when I was a competitive rock climber but those muscles were very well developed for that kind of strength. It didn't hurt that I was about 40 lbs lighter back then. :laughing

I've kept that strength up since I stopped climbing with the thought that I'd get back into climbing again some day....probably when I get back down below 190.

When the pull down machines are in use, try doing a pullup with a slight arch in your back, aiming your chest up towards the bar. Have your mid chest meet the bar with your shoulders back a bit. The movement should look a lot like a lat pull down.

I find this is much more focused on the middle back and lats instead of being mostly a bicep exercise.

For me, doing pullups in this manner makes them about 1/3 harder than a regular pullup.
When the pull down machines are in use, try doing a pullup with a slight arch in your back, aiming your chest up towards the bar. Have your mid chest meet the bar with your shoulders back a bit. The movement should look a lot like a lat pull down.

I find this is much more focused on the middle back and lats instead of being mostly a bicep exercise.

For me, doing pullups in this manner makes them about 1/3 harder than a regular pullup.
Thanks for the suggestion! :thumbup

I usually avoid pull-ups with my body weight because my (moderately) arthritic shoulder can be painful and using a pulley machine gives me more control over getting an angle that keeps the pain manageable. I usually start at 160 then go up by 20 each set as my arthritis fades back throughout my workout. I always keep it at sets of 18.

On pull-ups, it cracks me up to see some guys in the gym massively kipping their bodies to do their pull-ups like they do in the CrossFit competitions. :laughing
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ohhh fuck Brett just summoned the kip v. hanging pull up "debate."

Can we just save some time and say they are different things for different purposes and no one cares what the fuck anyone else does so be happy and go work out. There. Finished. :laughing
ohhh fuck Brett just summoned the kip v. hanging pull up "debate."

Can we just save some time and say they are different things for different purposes and no one cares what the fuck anyone else does so be happy and go work out. There. Finished. :laughing

The pullup is perhaps one of the best upper body exercises there is.

The kip up is something, but it sure it not a pullup.
Does every gym have a fat guy who walks around telling others they're doing it wrong while also shaming other fat people.
There's one of them at the local gym and its pretty hilarious.
ohhh fuck Brett just summoned the kip v. hanging pull up "debate."

Can we just save some time and say they are different things for different purposes and no one cares what the fuck anyone else does so be happy and go work out. There. Finished. :laughing
What exactly is the kip adding to your development besides being able to 'cheat' doing pull-ups?

it has always struck me as more of a crossFit gymnastic move than anything else. I've thought that ever since I saw my first crossFit competition and thought :wtf. :laughing

I was at an armed services event where they had a pull-up bar and if you could do 20 pull-ups you'd win a prize. One dude started doing the kip-up technique and they flat out told him that each one he did that way would count for 0. The dude was pissed because he said that he could do 30 pull-ups easy and had been bragging about it to his friends while waiting in line.
Does every gym have a fat guy who walks around telling others they're doing it wrong while also shaming other fat people.
There's one of them at the local gym and its pretty hilarious.
I had a young early 20 something come up to me in my old gym (24hr fitness) and tell me that I was doing my pull-downs wrong because I wasn't leaning back far enough. :rofl

I've probably been doing pull-downs since before his daddy was born. I couldn't believe it when he did that. :wtf
I used to use wrist straps when I'd do pullups. Don't bother pullups anymore though.
Seems stuck at 130-140 pound pull downs for years. Guess I'm just going through the motions but better than nothing I suppose.
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