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Time to get Fit thread

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Gonna put together a before/after shot come end of year. It's been a damn fine lap around the sun.

Did some backcountry skiing today, and holy eff are my legs sore. I've been running and climbing and all the slow twitch muscle stuff, apparently that doesn't help much with the downhill part of things. Anybody have a good workout to start building up the fast twitch side of things?
Beau and Mike are throwing down the gauntlet! :thumbup

Beau, your fitness goes without saying! Mike, you're doing great! :thumbup

Thanks Brett. You are still the bravest for tossing up a “before” pic. Looking forward to your “after” shots.

The shirtless mirror selfie may be shallow and vane when you are feeling good but, fuck it. Anything that keeps ya motivated is ok by me.

Ok, back to trying unsuccessfully to ignore holiday sugar.....

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom.....
Thanks Brett. You are still the bravest for tossing up a “before” pic. Looking forward to your “after” shots.

The shirtless mirror selfie may be shallow and vane when you are feeling good but, fuck it. Anything that keeps ya motivated is ok by me.

Ok, back to trying unsuccessfully to ignore holiday sugar.....

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom.....
Doing a holiday bulk.
Mike you look fucking awesome. I’d wingman for you anytime.

Berto well done on the pull-ups.

Thanks Dan, if I look half as good as you in seven years I’ll be stoked.

Brett, it’s positive reinforcing words like yours that motivate me.

30 minute run ~700ft elevation

10oz protein shake
1/2 bag peanut Bamabas
7 chocolate chip cookies
3x 12oz sugary creamy coffee
2 chicken thighs
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I got my fitness paddle in yesterday. Fun swells to surf the canoe on. If we are gonna toss up shirtless selfies....

the pic... Fuckin’ A! AND... you got that hairy fuckin’ chest that pulls chicks all on its own.

Fuck, I need to totally cut out carbs and fat.
Was out late last night so felt weak today but showed up at the house of pain..


20 Min Row

5x15 - DB Curl
5x20 - BB Military Press
2x15 - Face Pull
1x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
1x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x15 - DB Upright Row
5x15 - DB Shrug
3x10 - DB Shoulder Flexion (to treat sore bi tendon)
3x20 - Leg Press
3x20 - Calf Raise


• Fresh Squeezed Honey Tangerine Juice
• Breakfast Burrito :twofinger
• Green Smoothie - vegan pro, spinach, banana, strawberries, almond milk
• 1 pack - Dry Roasted Edamame - $1.29 and 20g of protein!
• Pro Shake - 24g
• Chicken Breast, 1/2 avocado and vaggies
• 2 Oranges and 1 Banana
• Pro Shake - 24g
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Was out late last night so felt weak today but showed up at the house of pain..


20 Min Row

5x15 - DB Curl
5x20 - BB Military Press
2x15 - Face Pull
1x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
1x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x15 - DB Upright Row
5x15 - DB Shrug
3x10 - DB Shoulder Flexion (to treat sore bi tendon)
3x20 - Leg Press
3x20 - Calf Raise


• Fresh Squeezed Honey Tangerine Juice
• Breakfast Burrito :twofinger
• Green Smoothie - vegan pro, spinach, banana, strawberries, almond milk
• 1 pack - Dry Roasted Edamame - $1.29 and 20g of protein!
• Pro Shake - 24g
• Chicken Breast, 1/2 avocado and vaggies
• 2 Oranges and 1 Banana
• Pro Shake - 24g

Your eating is clean. I assume your results are great!

I need to clean up my diet, although I'll never eat tofu. LOL
Your eating is clean. I assume your results are great!

I need to clean up my diet, although I'll never eat tofu. LOL

I eat pretty clean but cheat a little, not a lot of cheat just a little. Example: Saturday night’s dinner was a wine flight and cold cuts. My results are pretty good. I should really track my carbs and fats because I still have a fat pad below the navel.

Though I love food I don’t miss delish food because I get off on staying healthy. I eat to live, I don’t live to eat. Sounds corny, I know.

Tofu is not delish. It’s not a ribeye but to me it serves its purpose as a protein source. I dress it up with a little salad dressing. And chow it down with quinoa. I started to add pumpkin seeds - another protein source and adds crunchy texture!

My doc told me that most men in my age group are on three meds. I couldn’t believe that! I’m on zero meds. Not sure how I’m going to “go out” but I just want to be healthy and mobile when I am really old.

And props to everyone on this thread. You have all inspired me. Really the best thread besides Feanor.
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I’ve been feeling so weak lately. It’s bumming me out. :(

Squat endurance and bench press today. I upped my squat weight because I knew I’ve done more. Didn’t with bench; wanted to see where I was. Goal was 5 rep max, I got 85lbs. Tried for 95 only got 2 reps. :/
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5 min Elliptical Trainer

5x10 - DB Flye
7x4-10 - Bench Press
7x10 - Bodyweight Squat
2x30 - Push Up
6x15 - Cable Crunch
2x15 - Face Pull
6x10 - Leg Extension
1x10 Calf Raise


3 eggs, 1 potato , 1 small pork sausage
Pro Shake - 24g
Egg and cheese croissant & overpriced Viet Coffee
Pro Shake - 24g
2 oranges
Pre Workout
Grilled tofu, raw spinach and cherry tomatoes
1/2 Pineapple (looking forward to 1 am diarrhea)
Pro Shake - 24g
1 Banana
Handful of Chocolate Covered Apricots
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I’ve been feeling so weak lately. It’s bumming me out. :(

Squat endurance and bench press today. I upped my squat weight because I knew I’ve done more. Didn’t with bench; wanted to see where I was. Goal was 5 rep max, I got 85lbs. Tried for 95 only got 2 reps. :/

I feel ya Kim. I am in the same boat right now. I was benching way more a bit ago and now I am struggling to finish the same amount of reps with less weight. Not sure what is causing it but I will prevail.

went to the doctor yesterday for my yearly checkup and going over. I got really good news other than slightly high blood pressure everything is spot on. Cholesterol is great and for a big damn bastard, my blood sugar is well within tolerance. I am always worried about diabetes as it runs in my family on my mom's side. My sister wound up becoming diabetic but was able to lose weight and get back to normal. So I really live in fear that it will happen to me. Big weight off my chest for the coming year as fitness and weight will be gettng better not worse.

This week is going to be shot for gym-going at least until after Christmas. Yesterday was all day last-minute Christmas shopping. Today will be helping the wife cook tamales for dinner. Maybe I can get in some football with the kids to at least burn some calories.

I am off work this week so not on the computers as much so just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and keep up the good work.
I’ve been feeling so weak lately. It’s bumming me out. :(

Squat endurance and bench press today. I upped my squat weight because I knew I’ve done more. Didn’t with bench; wanted to see where I was. Goal was 5 rep max, I got 85lbs. Tried for 95 only got 2 reps. :/
Be patient with yourself, Kim.

You body is going to have good weeks and bad weeks, it's the nature of our bodies. In track training, we have what we call mesocycles where you come off of a rest week and build from there, peaking with over-compensation with the body responding to the training and over-compensating for the loads put on it. You have to have the rest periods to keep from plateauing. Also, in track, you need the 6 weeks off at the end of the season to let all of the micro-tears and micro-fractures that have accumulated to be fully healed before starting training for the next season. It's the same with us, especially as we get older, we aren't going to be able to maintain a high level forever, we have to give our body a chance to repair itself, from time to time, then we can get back to pushing it.

Here is a book for Track and Field training that actually has a lot of information for all athletes, they get heavy into cell biology and training cycles, I'd recommend it for any serious athlete to better understand their body: Track & Field Coaching Essentials at $6.82 it's an incredible bargain!

5 min Elliptical Trainer

5x10 - DB Flye
7x4-10 - Bench Press
7x10 - Bodyweight Squat
2x30 - Push Up
6x15 - Cable Crunch
2x15 - Face Pull
6x10 - Leg Extension
1x10 Calf Raise


3 eggs, 1 potato , 1 small pork sausage
Pro Shake - 24g
Egg and cheese croissant & overpriced Viet Coffee
Pro Shake - 24g
2 oranges
Pre Workout
Grilled tofu, raw spinach and cherry tomatoes
1/2 Pineapple (looking forward to 1 am diarrhea)
Pro Shake - 24g
1 Banana
Handful of Chocolate Covered Apricots

Incline bench
7 sets with rep ranges of 12-7
Flat Bench
6 sets with rep ranges from 10-6
Cable Ext (bar)
5 sets rep ranges 12-8
Skull Crushers
5 sets rep ranges 12-10
Single cable ext
3 drop sets rep range from 12-6.
Incline bench
7 sets with rep ranges of 12-7
Flat Bench
6 sets with rep ranges from 10-6
Cable Ext (bar)
5 sets rep ranges 12-8
Skull Crushers
5 sets rep ranges 12-10
Single cable ext
3 drop sets rep range from 12-6.

Nice and thanks for the ongoing motivation!
Arrived in Phuket early in the morning. Took a nap then brekkie then Paradise Beach.


20 Min Swim
5x20 - Push Up
5x20 - Bodyweight Squat
1x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5 Min Swim
5 Min Swim



There’s a local gym near my hotel so I bought 1 week pass.

5x10 - DB Military Press
5x10 - DB Side Laterals
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - DB Shrug
3x10 - DB Upright Row
2x10 - DB Lunge


• 2 fried eggs, 1 slice bacon, 1 slice white bread
• Small serving of rice and small serving of potatoes and chicken
• Mango Smoothie
• Steamed Fish with small serving of rice (see below)

Edited for additional meals:

• Piña Colada, Mango Martini, 3 beers :twofinger
• Fried fish, steamed fish, prawns, fried rice, banana/coconut pudding :twofinger
• Chicken breast skewer, fish skewer

Happy holidays everyone esp. Thumper for creating this thread that has personally done wonders for me.

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According to YouTube all this time I've been doing pushups wrong. Think I might just keep doing what I've been doing 🤫
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