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Time to get Fit thread

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Hit the gym late last night so only got in a short session on the treadmill. Also the local football team was there just kind of screwing around which kills my motivation to work hard around the a**holes.

Going again tonight hopefully, they stay home.

2020 goals
Get healthier.
Currently, at 280lbs need to get this down to around 220ish.
Get faster and more agile.
Get my damn rear delts looking good. Does anyone know of any good rear delt exercises? I have tried everything and they look non-existent.
Get as close to two plates on the bench as I can............
Hit the gym late last night so only got in a short session on the treadmill. Also the local football team was there just kind of screwing around which kills my motivation to work hard around the a**holes.

Going again tonight hopefully, they stay home.

2020 goals
Get healthier.
Currently, at 280lbs need to get this down to around 220ish.
Get faster and more agile.
Get my damn rear delts looking good. Does anyone know of any good rear delt exercises? I have tried everything and they look non-existent.
Get as close to two plates on the bench as I can............
Yup use that machine. Do face pulls, bent over flys and Arnold presses side and front are getting big but rear is meh.......

Going to do some research and then revamp the workout routine. Going to incorporate more agility and compound moves for a bit.
Yup use that machine. Do face pulls, bent over flys and Arnold presses side and front are getting big but rear is meh.......

Going to do some research and then revamp the workout routine. Going to incorporate more agility and compound moves for a bit.
It's easy to put more focus on the front, it's what we see most and it's the easiest muscles to work. Your back requires a lot more variety to really get it strengthened properly, there are a much wider variety of muscles and angles to work them than the front.

I found that hand crank cardio machines can give them a good workout.
I like that its 2020 and we still have a thread that says "Time To".

But to actually contribute, I wonder what many people who work out regularly think about the "slow burn" theory, of doing about 20 very deliberate reps of a given exercise with the purpose of NOT using momentum but of kind of mindfully tending every moment of the rep.

I have been gravitating more and more to it, though I do about 40 reps of each machine exercise at City Sports, where I work out.

It's excruciatingly slow but I think I'm starting to really benefit from it. I'm too old to gain muscle mass, according to the common theory, so I haven't been able to add weight much but I am finding that some of the routines are getting a bit easier and I'm getting more toned underneath all the fat.
I like that its 2020 and we still have a thread that says "Time To".

But to actually contribute, I wonder what many people who work out regularly think about the "slow burn" theory, of doing about 20 very deliberate reps of a given exercise with the purpose of NOT using momentum but of kind of mindfully tending every moment of the rep.

I have been gravitating more and more to it, though I do about 40 reps of each machine exercise at City Sports, where I work out.

It's excruciatingly slow but I think I'm starting to really benefit from it. I'm too old to gain muscle mass, according to the common theory, so I haven't been able to add weight much but I am finding that some of the routines are getting a bit easier and I'm getting more toned underneath all the fat.

this kind of isometric strength is far more functional anyway
this kind of isometric strength is far more functional anyway

Well, that's certainly what I want. I'm in it for bone mass, too, because I'm skeered that because I'm old, I'm gonna start breaking bones. Such an ignominous fate of geezerdom.

And your comment makes me wonder, if that is what isometrics was anyway, and the exercise author guy who came up with slow burn was actually re-packaging....thanks, I'm gonna look this up now...
It's easy to put more focus on the front, it's what we see most and it's the easiest muscles to work. Your back requires a lot more variety to really get it strengthened properly, there are a much wider variety of muscles and angles to work them than the front.

I found that hand crank cardio machines can give them a good workout.

Will have to look and see if I can find one. Willing to try anything to get them bigger.

It's excruciatingly slow but I think I'm starting to really benefit from it. I'm too old to gain muscle mass, according to the common theory, so I haven't been able to add weight much but I am finding that some of the routines are getting a bit easier and I'm getting more toned underneath all the fat.

Not sure how old you are BA but I am getting near 50 and I am putting on mass and I know some of the others in here are on the older side and I am amazed at how good they look. There are some guys at my gym that seem to be older than me and they have some mass on them. Although there was that one guy I could have sworn was older than me but overheard him talking and he was about 15 years younger than me.......
Well, that's certainly what I want. I'm in it for bone mass, too, because I'm skeered that because I'm old, I'm gonna start breaking bones. Such an ignominous fate of geezerdom.

And your comment makes me wonder, if that is what isometrics was anyway, and the exercise author guy who came up with slow burn was actually re-packaging....thanks, I'm gonna look this up now...
My brother and I have talked at length about loss of bone mass.

We have come to the conclusion that most people have problems with low bone mass because they're afraid of hurting their bones, so they do less higher impact, which results in lower bone mass in a downward cycle leading to major problems.

When you do high impact exercises, you create micro-fractures in your bones, which tells the bones they need to be stronger so they heal the micro-fractures and add to the calcium. The opposite happens without those micro-fractures. The key is to not over-due it and turn micro-fractures into macro-fractures.
I like that its 2020 and we still have a thread that says "Time To".

But to actually contribute, I wonder what many people who work out regularly think about the "slow burn" theory, of doing about 20 very deliberate reps of a given exercise with the purpose of NOT using momentum but of kind of mindfully tending every moment of the rep.

I have been gravitating more and more to it, though I do about 40 reps of each machine exercise at City Sports, where I work out.

It's excruciatingly slow but I think I'm starting to really benefit from it. I'm too old to gain muscle mass, according to the common theory, so I haven't been able to add weight much but I am finding that some of the routines are getting a bit easier and I'm getting more toned underneath all the fat.

I think the secret is to exercise, any exercise and often.
Will have to look and see if I can find one. Willing to try anything to get them bigger.

Not sure how old you are BA but I am getting near 50 and I am putting on mass and I know some of the others in here are on the older side and I am amazed at how good they look. There are some guys at my gym that seem to be older than me and they have some mass on them. Although there was that one guy I could have sworn was older than me but overheard him talking and he was about 15 years younger than me.......

I’ll be 60 in May. Its not easy to gain muscle at this age. I really need to take protein supplements along with pre and post workout supplements. Also really need a legit routine (stoppani, athleanx, etc) and hit it hard AND you need a legit diet. Without these things there will be no improvement.
Will have to look and see if I can find one. Willing to try anything to get them bigger.

Not sure how old you are BA but I am getting near 50 and I am putting on mass and I know some of the others in here are on the older side and I am amazed at how good they look. There are some guys at my gym that seem to be older than me and they have some mass on them. Although there was that one guy I could have sworn was older than me but overheard him talking and he was about 15 years younger than me.......

63. It's really weird. By no means all shriveled up but you can just see the difference from past decades. I feel good and tight after the workout, like I DID something, but some days, it's all I can do to get through the reps. And I do believe in the hard push, believe me (as per Climber), I know that is what helps the bones.

My too-late for many advice is to work it hard when you are young so you'll have something when you're old because it will shrink away. And the ironic thing? I actually like working out more now. I mean, I have to talk myself into going all afternoon, but once I get there I feel pretty good and definitely good after...It's like I have purpose that has little to do with vanity. Some of the younger gym rats crack me up regarding the latter.

The two biggest problems I have now is one bad knee that I hurt recently. Very slow recovery so I have decided that maybe I am content with my two mile daily walk and go light on machine lifts and presses.

The other problem is the bursa sacs, I guess. Especially where your arms bend. They always hurt when I work out and I think there are a few others, some nonsense in shoulder area.
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Bulk is muscle size. I have the size I want, now to tone it.

Yeah, muscle size comes back very easy, the part that can get you in trouble, especially if you'r past 30 and have taken a 6 month break, either through heavy work load or some other reason, the muscles and strength will come back very fast, but your tendons and ligaments will take longer to return. I had shoulder surgery in my early 30's because work had gotten in the way of consistently working out, then when the strength came back fast the ligaments in my shoulders weren't ready for it.

"Bulk" is fat, plain and simple. If you have the muscle size you want and you want to be more tone, you need to lose fat anf probably have to have more.muscle to make up for the size you lost when you lose the fat.

People bulk up to gain muscle because you need to be in a calorie surplus to add muscle effectively. Once you reach whatever the goal is, you lose the fat you gained while "bulking".
Bulk is muscle size. I have the size I want, now to tone it.

Yeah, muscle size comes back very easy, the part that can get you in trouble, especially if you'r past 30 and have taken a 6 month break, either through heavy work load or some other reason, the muscles and strength will come back very fast, but your tendons and ligaments will take longer to return. I had shoulder surgery in my early 30's because work had gotten in the way of consistently working out, then when the strength came back fast the ligaments in my shoulders weren't ready for it.

Yep I need to be cautious. The older I get the easier that gets. Good reminder, most people do too much too soon. The beauty of coming back is only minimal work is needed in the first few workouts.

I had tendinosis on a shoulder from gaining too much rapid strength years back, took a year to recover.
"Bulk" is fat, plain and simple. If you have the muscle size you want and you want to be more tone, you need to lose fat anf probably have to have more.muscle to make up for the size you lost when you lose the fat.

People bulk up to gain muscle because you need to be in a calorie surplus to add muscle effectively. Once you reach whatever the goal is, you lose the fat you gained while "bulking".

Semantics, but I’d say bulk is muscle and fat. To bulk up is gain weight, period.

So yea, way easier to bulk and cut rather than slowly gain muscle or try to “recomp” assuming you ain’t on the juice.
You need to recognize when you're doing damage and stop immediately. A few times I ignored stuff and pushed through to finish a set. Then ended working around a sore joint for a month waiting for it to recover.
Agree with everyone. Just want to add that as an older gent I have to face reality and realize I’m no longer in my 20s so I have to take care of my body, avoid injury, stay fit so I can still move around when I’m really old, accept that I won’t be as strong as my youth, and work around all these physical constraints I have now, e.g, bad shoulder, impinged ulnars, two hernias, two hand surgeries, one back surgery, and old and creaky joints. For the young BARFers, take care of your body now so you can be active later in life. And wear sunscreen!
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