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Time to get Fit thread

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Jealous. Dan's playlist would hit the spot. Listened to BoL's album three weeks ago. My GF was trying to remember the name of one of their songs and I had it out before she was finished. Practically no one knows Book of Love these days. We're perfect for each other...

Memories. I saw Book of Love at the 9:30 Club in DC in 1989. Wow, thirty years ago.

Holy Fuck. Both you guys listen to Book of Love. Right on!

5x10 - DB Flye
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Bench Press
3x10 - DB Upright Flye
5x10 - Bodyweight Lunge
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x10 - Cable Decline


• 1 Pear
• 3 eggs, 1 sausage patty, 1 slice wheat toast
• 2 Oranges
• Green Smoothie - spinach vegan pro banana berries & almond milk
• 2 slices pizza and 3 glasses of Chianti :twofinger
• Pro Shake - 24g

5x10 - DB Flye
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Bench Press
3x10 - DB Upright Flye
5x10 - Bodyweight Lunge
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x10 - Cable Decline


• 1 Pear
• 3 eggs, 1 sausage patty, 1 slice wheat toast
• 2 Oranges
• Green Smoothie - spinach vegan pro banana berries & almond milk
• 2 slices pizza and 3 glasses of Chianti :twofinger
• Pro Shake - 24g


Deadlift x 10 sets
Sets 1-6 work up to PR weight.
Sets 7-8 equal PR for 3 reps.
9-10 drop 20lbs for x3 reps.
Holy Fuck. Both you guys listen to Book of Love. Right on!

You both would enjoy Wolfsheim.

Playlist: Front Line Assembly, 3TEETH, Velvet Acid Christ.

20 minute row
45 minute weighted run 25lbs and 870ft elevation @ 9+ minute miles
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 225lbs for 13 sets

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1/2 cup peeled almonds
1 can tuna
1/2 cup wheat berries
1 cup turkey & pasta
3 edamame potstickers

1500 more calories to come, and maybe another 20 minute row.

Thanks, Breau, I will check it out.


Steve Miller Band
Marshall Tucker
The Band


25 Min Elliptical Trainer
6x12 - DB Curls
3x12 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/45LB Plate
3x15 - Face Pull
3x12 - Glute Extension
3x20 - Leg Press
3x10 - Leg Extension


• Burger King Sausage Croissanwich - 500 Cal, 19 pro, 30 carb, 33 fat :twofinger
• 2 Oranges
• 1 Banana
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1TB Honey
• Chicken Wrap & 1 Carrot
• Odwalla Pro Smoothie - 25g
• Pre Workout
• Garbanzo Beans, Black Eyed Peas and Vaggies (see pic below)
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake - 24g

Thanks, Breau, I will check it out.


Steve Miller Band
Marshall Tucker
The Band


25 Min Elliptical Trainer
6x12 - DB Curls
3x12 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/45LB Plate
3x15 - Face Pull
3x12 - Glute Extension
3x20 - Leg Press
3x10 - Leg Extension


• Burger King Sausage Croissanwich - 500 Cal, 19 pro, 30 carb, 33 fat :twofinger
• 2 Oranges
• 1 Banana
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1TB Honey
• Chicken Wrap & 1 Carrot
• Odwalla Pro Smoothie - 25g
• Pre Workout
• Garbanzo Beans, Black Eyed Peas and Vaggies (see pic below)
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake - 24g


4 sets
All sets to failure 29; 19; 16; 14. Wide grip seemed to target my back more. I decided i will increase my pullup PR to 40. Not sure how long that will take.

Bent rows x 4

Bar curls x 4

Seated open DB curl x 4

Hammer curl x 3
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4 sets
All sets to failure 29; 19; 16; 14.


Holy fuck. You are STRONG :thumbup

PS I have night meetings at work Tu, We and Th. Not sure how I’m going to work out.
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Tonight was a hell of a reminder that a month(ish) off from basically any cardio activity combined with eating like shit and too much booze makes sports performance ability PLUMMET.

Time to get back to it.
I swam tonight. Didn’t count laps. Didn’t time anything. Just swam until I got my heart rate up for a while and worked on having a good stroke. It felt so good to be in the pool. It was actually fun with only feeling about 85% normal. I’m pretty stoked for an easy day. I was afraid it would be worse.
I swam tonight. Didn’t count laps. Didn’t time anything. Just swam until I got my heart rate up for a while and worked on having a good stroke. It felt so good to be in the pool. It was actually fun with only feeling about 85% normal. I’m pretty stoked for an easy day. I was afraid it would be worse.
Man i find swimming for any real length of time quite taxing. Full body cardio hell. Lol
Holy fuck. You are STRONG :thumbup

PS I have night meetings at work Tu, We and Th. Not sure how I’m going to work out.

More like i have good endurance in that exercise. When i can deadlift 400+, them i will consider myself strong.

Some Czech guy did 232 pullups.....
Double leg amputee?

With a count of 232, he could be a full body amputee.

Sorry 238
The record is for the most pull-ups without dismounting. However, during the attempt it was permitted to hang on the bar with one hand only (allowing the other arm a little "rest").
The record holder is Jan Kareš (Czech Republic) who did 238 pull-ups in 34 minutes on 18 November 2017 in Hergetova Cihelna, Czech Republic. VIDEO
The female record are 48 pull-ups by Irina Rudometkina (Russia/USA) on 18 December 2014 at River City High School in West Sacramento, California, USA.

For the record, my lats are sore (within 12 hours), so I think I will continue doing that exercise with a wide grip and similar intensity/volume.
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Time to get back to it.

Muscle memory is very cool.

20 minute row
45 minute weighted run 25lbs and 870ft elevation @ 9+ minute miles
Shoulder press sets of 8 to failure 205lbs for 10 sets (had to quit a little early)

20oz protein shake
8oz kale
2 nut bars
1 pack Belvita cookie things
10oz protein shake
1 apple
3 tangerines
1 Larabar

1500 more calories to come in turkey and whole grains.
With a count of 232, he could be a full body amputee.

Sorry 238
The record is for the most pull-ups without dismounting. However, during the attempt it was permitted to hang on the bar with one hand only (allowing the other arm a little "rest").
The record holder is Jan Kareš (Czech Republic) who did 238 pull-ups in 34 minutes on 18 November 2017 in Hergetova Cihelna, Czech Republic. VIDEO
The female record are 48 pull-ups by Irina Rudometkina (Russia/USA) on 18 December 2014 at River City High School in West Sacramento, California, USA.

For the record, my lats are sore (within 12 hours), so I think I will continue doing that exercise with a wide grip and similar intensity/volume.
I wonder if they allowed straps, which would have allowed him to rest even further.
I wonder if they allowed straps, which would have allowed him to rest even further.

I doubt it, but does it really matter to normal people?

There are records of total reps in given time periods (total in 30 min; 60 min; 6 hours etc.) that were simply outrageous.

600+ for 30 minutes etc.
I doubt it, but does it really matter to normal people?

There are records of total reps in given time periods (total in 30 min; 60 min; 6 hours etc.) that were simply outrageous.

600+ for 30 minutes etc.
With a strap on one of the hands, the effort to hang in between sets with that hand would be reduced by at least 75%, allowing it to recover faster.

It's a big deal, in competitive rock climbing or even just rock climbing, forearm pump is the biggest limiting factor, so everything you did took that into consideration.

Granted, if one are was always strapped you couldn't shake it out but most people have a dominant arm that is stronger than the other.
With a strap on one of the hands, the effort to hang in between sets with that hand would be reduced by at least 75%, allowing it to recover faster.

It's a big deal, in competitive rock climbing or even just rock climbing, forearm pump is the biggest limiting factor, so everything you did took that into consideration.

Granted, if one are was always strapped you couldn't shake it out but most people have a dominant arm that is stronger than the other.

I would encourage everyone in this thread to try and do a dead hang for 60 seconds.
I would encourage everyone in this thread to try and do a dead hang for 60 seconds.

I like to hang after upper-body workouts, I’m around 90 seconds right now. I wonder what a good time is for a guy my size (200).
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