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Time to get Fit thread

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I'm still at it.

The running has been iffy because my whole world is a sheet of ice.

I've been mostly rowing. Currently averaging 18 miles/week.

Down to 207 pounds.

I've been doing it in the early hours because I like my day free but working out pre-coffee is......something.

Ended up hiking Lizzy Hill twice yesterday on my "day off." That's 50 minutes and 1300ft elevation each time. My legs are toast.... so squats today!

Sounds: Birthday Massacre.

20 minute row
Squats sets of 8 to failure (been a while so a form-intensive 205lbs)

20oz protein shake
5oz kale
3tbsp almond butter
1 handmade flour tortilla

Menu today will include 2000 more calories in chicken, oranges, bean chips, avocado, and humus.
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Started to feel meh on Tuesday and by end of a day came down with cold. Didn't exercise Wednesday and today. Just slept in and slept for 9+ hours. Even couple years ago I would have been exercising, although at lower intensity. Not sure if it's progress or not. Cold is not that bad. No cough just feeling bleh, and running nose.

Been pounding massive doses of vitamin C. Seems to help, but could be placebo effect. Research is kind of mixed. At most it helps with lessening duration, sometimes. Doesn't do anything for prevention.
Started to feel meh on Tuesday and by end of a day came down with cold. Didn't exercise Wednesday and today. Just slept in and slept for 9+ hours. Even couple years ago I would have been exercising, although at lower intensity. Not sure if it's progress or not. Cold is not that bad. No cough just feeling bleh, and running nose.

Been pounding massive doses of vitamin C. Seems to help, but could be placebo effect. Research is kind of mixed. At most it helps with lessening duration, sometimes. Doesn't do anything for prevention.
I'm always skeptical over the use of more vitamin C than normal for helping with colds.

I have had plenty of luck with steam, plenty of fluids and plenty of ginger (Asian ginger drink, like Salabat, ginger chews from Trader Joe's or crystalized ginger from a place like Sprouts).

Sleep is, IMHO, the biggest factor in getting past a cold, I use NyQuil (equivalent) if the symptoms will get in the way of getting sleep.

Hope you're fully back to healthy soon!
Hit the gym Monday and Tuesday.

Started with a light run on Monday doing 2 ten minute intervals at about a 4.8MPH pace. The total time was about 50 minutes. It seemed pretty easy so planned on upping the pace on Tuesday. Did a random assortment of back and bicep exercises don't remember them all.

Tuesday started with the treadmill. Did 2 12 minute intervals at a 5MPH pace and it still seemed kind of easy so I am planning on upping pace again for tonight's treadmill portion. The total time was about 50 minutes. Did some chest and triceps exercises. Not really structured just did what felt good.

Going to hit the gym again tonight and try for a 5.2MPH pace and see how it feels for the 2 twelve minute intervals. I went to 2 long intervals instead of 4 short high intensity just to mix it up as I have been doing the short intervals for about a month or so.

I need to switch up the training program for the next few months so really have to sit down this weekend and plan out my training program. I find that if I don't have a plan I feel a little lost and don't workout as well. I am still getting soreness that tells me I am pushing myself and building muscle but I just don't feel as focused. It doesn't help that there are gaggles of kids at the gym right now so I am having to shuffle the plans around to get open equipment hopefully it dies down soon.

Going to try and focus more on weight loss at the beginning of this year and not so much on big muscle gains. Once I get to my target weight I am going to shift so I hope to not focus so much on how much less I am lifting as compared to when I was trying to bulk up and eating more. I really want to be able to do "after" pics sometime around spring/summer.
Feeling large and not so in charge. Time to turn it around. Again :laughing

This time, besides getting on my intake, I want to start by getting limber and nimble then go into strength training.

Any recommendations on the limber and nimble part?
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+1 For Sleep and Fluids. I think Vitamin C actually makes me sniff and drip less temporarily but I have no proof of that. I see no gains made by really pushing yourself to exercise while sick. I think it best to recover from being ill as fast as possible then get back into it.

I did my first run since being sick last evening. My neighborhood park was invaded by about half a dozen 20 somethings "boot camping" on MY hill.

I feel ok calling it my hill because I have never seen anyone run or exercise on it before I started and I am there bout 3 times a week. Anyway after my 20 minute shoot around warm up on the basketball court I sauntered over to my hill to join in the fun. I wasn't going to to do their full PT workout with push ups, sit ups and sprints up 1/2 the hill. I was going to do sprints up the entire hill like i usually do. I asked one of them if they could share the spot and they were happy to. I may have detected an "ok boomer" tone to the reply but that may have just been me projecting. Anyhow after about my 5th lap up and back I overheard their ringleader say to one of his buddies, "yeah he's fit.." While looking over my way. After my 8th lap up and back one of them lined up at the bottom of the hill with me for a "race." I smiled and the ringleader gave us a count down. 3, 2, 1,.....Go! balls out to the fence that I'm guessing is about 50 yards away and about 75 feet up.

Well, the kid edged me out by about 2 feet. If he lost he was going to have to buy the rest of his buds dinner so he was pretty motivated. When we got to the top I asked him how old he was.....

"I'm 18!"

"I'm gonna get you next time, nice job."

I hope that little cadre comes back. They were pushing pretty hard and it is a hell of a motivator.
Feeling large and not so in charge. Time to turn it around. Again :laughing

This time, besides getting on my intake, I want to start by getting limber and nimble then go into strength training.

Any recommendations on the limber and nimble part?

I am going to get back into USPSA shooting comps and will need to work on my agility for the movement drills. If I find anything good I will let you know but for now, I am thinking ladder drills and maybe some cone drills.
Feeling large and not so in charge. Time to turn it around. Again :laughing

This time, besides getting on my intake, I want to start by getting limber and nimble then go into strength training.

Any recommendations on the limber and nimble part?

Vinyasa yoga.
+1 For Sleep and Fluids. I think Vitamin C actually makes me sniff and drip less temporarily but I have no proof of that. I see no gains made by really pushing yourself to exercise while sick. I think it best to recover from being ill as fast as possible then get back into it.

I did my first run since being sick last evening. My neighborhood park was invaded by about half a dozen 20 somethings "boot camping" on MY hill.

I feel ok calling it my hill because I have never seen anyone run or exercise on it before I started and I am there bout 3 times a week. Anyway after my 20 minute shoot around warm up on the basketball court I sauntered over to my hill to join in the fun. I wasn't going to to do their full PT workout with push ups, sit ups and sprints up 1/2 the hill. I was going to do sprints up the entire hill like i usually do. I asked one of them if they could share the spot and they were happy to. I may have detected an "ok boomer" tone to the reply but that may have just been me projecting. Anyhow after about my 5th lap up and back I overheard their ringleader say to one of his buddies, "yeah he's fit.." While looking over my way. After my 8th lap up and back one of them lined up at the bottom of the hill with me for a "race." I smiled and the ringleader gave us a count down. 3, 2, 1,.....Go! balls out to the fence that I'm guessing is about 50 yards away and about 75 feet up.

Well, the kid edged me out by about 2 feet. If he lost he was going to have to buy the rest of his buds dinner so he was pretty motivated. When we got to the top I asked him how old he was.....

"I'm 18!"

"I'm gonna get you next time, nice job."

I hope that little cadre comes back. They were pushing pretty hard and it is a hell of a motivator.

Part 1
Rope Climb - never attempted it, so it was just getting the wrap down x3
Turkish get-ups - you guys jinxed me ;) x 6

Part 2 AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
80 box steps
10 sandbag to shoulder - 60lbs
1 min battle ropes
800m run

I did it almost 3 times through. The run was going to take too long as we had a 30min cap so last run was only about 200m

89 seconds.

Time stood still in the last 20 seconds. Nice forearm burn.


General Public
The Plimsouls
Bow Wow Wow
Modern English
The Cure
Red Rockers


3x10 - Bodyweight Squat
2x10 - Bodyweight Calf Raise
5 Min Row
5 Min Elliptical Trainer
3x10 - DB Military Press
1x10 - Arnold Press
4x10 - DB Side Raise
2x10 - Leg Press
15 Min Elliptical Trainer


• Green Smoothie - spinach, banana, berries, vegan pro, almond milk
• Carrot with Hummus
• Pro Shake - 24g
• 1/2 Turkey Sammie & a Coke
• Banana
• Chicken Teriyaki, brown rice & mixed vaggies
• Pro Shake - 24g

I hung there for 70 second and decided that it was a stupid idea

It does give a nice burn.
How about hanging by the top of your toes for 2 minutes? :laughing

Did it for a minute last year, just for the hell of it.
I’m back up to the 100lb dumbbells for ~30 second farmer’s walks after building up over 6 weeks. Grip still needs a bit more work, 120s or bust.
Jesus. I need to up my farmer’s carry game.

As long as you’re able to actually “carry” a couple carry-on suit cases at the airport instead of rolling them.

Yea, I’m that guy that carries my gf and my bag when traveling, of course she gives me shit every time. It’s a good workout. :laughing
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Vinyasa yoga.

I have a friend sweating me to do this kind of yoga, or any at all. Of course she's right, but I'm still on the fence about joining a studio; fear of commitment and of the new I guess.

With that said, I'm feeling exceptionally run down. Right now I'm struggling through a back workout. I think besides a 20 minute row each morning I'll take the whole weekend off. And I think I'll switch up my lifting routine a little with different inclines, grip widths, and more squats.

I need to get my stoke back.
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