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Time to get Fit thread

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I free hang as a pre-workout stretch. It's probably around 45 second to a minute for each arm. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
I would encourage everyone in this thread to try and do a dead hang for 60 seconds.

When I was in Phuket over the holidays, a bar had a contest. You pay $3 to enter the contest; if you can hang for 2 minutes you win one whiskey. I was down! I paid my $3, stepped on the stool to reach the bar, and when I grabbed the bar I realized I was fucked. The bar diameter was big, about the same diameter as a barbell where the plates slide on to. AND... the bar rotated freely. I only lasted for 48 seconds. I tried different grips: reverse, staggered. But 48 seconds was the longest I could hang on for.
....tendons. Trying to dislocate everything on command!
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Skied up and then back down one of our local mountains Saturday.
Elevation hike Sunday, 2500' of vert over a six mile loop.
Yoga Monday.
Strength and core tonight, 2 sets of ten reps of each:
-hanging leg raises
-turkish getups
-pullups (I still can do zero without assist, despite having lost 40# so far)
-split squats
-box jumps

And an assortment of core work

Food: none. Fasting since Friday night. Feeling good. :)
Not just on grip but on the shoulder sockets.

For grip I still love farmer’s walks the best.

Love Farmers walks (HATE them, but man they're good).

What's great for my grip strength: Slalom skiing (water).
Yeah, fuck situps to hell. They're way 80's anyway...
power cleans, dips, modified chin-ups and rowing.

not that bad of a work out but lord i was winded and had to use my inhaler. :/
I'm still at it.

The running has been iffy because my whole world is a sheet of ice.

I've been mostly rowing. Currently averaging 18 miles/week.

Down to 207 pounds.

I've been doing it in the early hours because I like my day free but working out pre-coffee is......something.
One hour on the treadmill tonight, incline between 9% and 15%, fast enough to keep HR between 140-160.
At least I managed to find one that didn't have 24 hour news talking heads in front of it.

Got on the scale this morning at 217.2. Haven't been under 220 since boot camp in 1998. :)
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I would encourage everyone in this thread to try and do a dead hang for 60 seconds.

89 seconds.

Time stood still in the last 20 seconds. Nice forearm burn.


General Public
The Plimsouls
Bow Wow Wow
Modern English
The Cure
Red Rockers


3x10 - Bodyweight Squat
2x10 - Bodyweight Calf Raise
5 Min Row
5 Min Elliptical Trainer
3x10 - DB Military Press
1x10 - Arnold Press
4x10 - DB Side Raise
2x10 - Leg Press
15 Min Elliptical Trainer


• Green Smoothie - spinach, banana, berries, vegan pro, almond milk
• Carrot with Hummus
• Pro Shake - 24g
• 1/2 Turkey Sammie & a Coke
• Banana
• Chicken Teriyaki, brown rice & mixed vaggies
• Pro Shake - 24g
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