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Time to get Fit thread

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I have a friend sweating me to do this kind of yoga, or any at all. Of course she's right, but I'm still on the fence about joining a studio; fear of commitment and of the new I guess.

With that said, I'm feeling exceptionally run down. Right now I'm struggling through a back workout. I think besides a 20 minute row each morning I'll take the whole weekend off. And I think I'll switch up my lifting routine a little with different inclines, grip widths, and more squats.

I need to get my stoke back.

I think you may be over training. A weekend off sounds good. When was the last time you mountain biked? I need a big variety of activities to keep me motivated. Shooting hoops, Swimming, Hill runs, Outrigger, Bike rides, Surfing (fuck its been a while there) and Yoga all need to be in the mix or I just get so damn board and that leads to being lazy.

The "core" yoga class I have been doing has been challenging and refreshing. It kicked my ass last night.
I have a friend sweating me to do this kind of yoga, or any at all. Of course she's right, but I'm still on the fence about joining a studio; fear of commitment and of the new I guess.

With that said, I'm feeling exceptionally run down. Right now I'm struggling through a back workout. I think besides a 20 minute row each morning I'll take the whole weekend off. And I think I'll switch up my lifting routine a little with different inclines, grip widths, and more squats.

I need to get my stoke back.
One thing our bodies are really good at is adapting to a commonly done activities and getting super efficient at doing them.

Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and throw a monkey wrench into your activities to get past a plateau, both physically (primarily) and mentally. All of us will subconsciously do what's easiest and familiar to our bodies, but that can be a trap, as well.

I've always told athletes that I coach (across multiple sports) to focus on the drills that you subconsciously avoid and make yourself do them, that is the path to greater ability as those things we avoid are our weaknesses and an athlete that strengthens their weaknesses are more complete and rounded athletes and better at their event(s).

A complete change in your workout, for a month, could have a very positive effect on your fitness.

Just a thought. :ride
I have a friend sweating me to do this kind of yoga, or any at all. Of course she's right, but I'm still on the fence about joining a studio; fear of commitment and of the new I guess.

With that said, I'm feeling exceptionally run down. Right now I'm struggling through a back workout. I think besides a 20 minute row each morning I'll take the whole weekend off. And I think I'll switch up my lifting routine a little with different inclines, grip widths, and more squats.

I need to get my stoke back.

Dude, give the yoga a try. Vinyasa is the faster paced flowing sequence style. It can be tough to keep up if you aren't familiar with the poses. And especially in a hot studio, you'll sweat your face off and love every minute of it.

Also, there are few things more glorious than yoga pants in their native environment.
Also, there are few things more glorious than yoga pants in their native environment.
One other feature about yoga pants is that they don't hide anything, that could be cause for concern if a guy gets too distracted by what he sees. :rofl

15 Min Elliptical Trainer
2x25 - Push Up
6x10 - Bench Press
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x10 - Decline Cable X Over
3x10 - DB Incline Press
5x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Calf Raise
1x10 - BB Mil Press


• 1 Orange
• 3 eggs, 1 sausage patty, 2 slices spelt bread
• Post Workout
• Chocolate Raisins
• Panda Express: Teriyaki Chicken w/o Sauce, Green Bean Chicken, Mixed Vaggies - 540 Cal, 54g Protein
• 1 Orange
• Pro Shake - 24g
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I have a friend sweating me to do this kind of yoga, or any at all. Of course she's right, but I'm still on the fence about joining a studio; fear of commitment and of the new I guess.

With that said, I'm feeling exceptionally run down. Right now I'm struggling through a back workout. I think besides a 20 minute row each morning I'll take the whole weekend off. And I think I'll switch up my lifting routine a little with different inclines, grip widths, and more squats.

I need to get my stoke back.

Def try yoga. I did it once a week for two months. It was awesome. I stopped because it was an evening class that sometimes interfered with work night mtgs.

The first class was eye opening. I couldn’t believe how much strength it takes. While my arms were shaking during “down dog” or whatever its called, I was thinking of the gorillas in the weight room whom think they are strong. After a few weeks I felt great! I slept better. I became more flexible. Most importantly, when i woke up in the am I felt rested and easily crawled out of my coffin without the usual stiffness and aches and pains. I should really add yoga into my routine again. Give it a shot, Breau!

Oh and like others have suggested, take some
time off and/or change up your routine. Have a nice wkend everyone!
Def try yoga. I did it once a week for two months. It was awesome. I stopped because it was an evening class that sometimes interfered with work night mtgs.

The first class was eye opening. I couldn’t believe how much strength it takes. While my arms were shaking during “down dog” or whatever its called, I was thinking of the gorillas in the weight room whom think they are strong. After a few weeks I felt great! I slept better. I became more flexible. Most importantly, when i woke up in the am I felt rested and easily crawled out of my coffin without the usual stiffness and aches and pains. I should really add yoga into my routine again. Give it a shot, Breau!

Oh and like others have suggested, take some
time off and/or change up your routine. Have a nice wkend everyone!
I believe it's 'Downward facing dog', yeah it works.

Whenever I develop a back problem that lasts more than a couple days, a couple yoga classes will always clear it up. First time I did yoga, I had a nagging back issue that had been bugging me for over a month. That was back when I was climbing and boxing. I took one yoga class and I had my first good night of sleep in awhile. After the second one, a few days later, the problem was gone. It was in that hard to fix location just to left of center of the middle of my shoulder blades.

It works! I've cleared up a couple more back issues with yoga a couple times in the 15 years since that first time.
elbows feeling better after what, 2 months. Still not 100%.

Honestly think my monday/friday 5x5s of squats and deadlifts caused it. As I really strain and grunt out the last couple reps of squats I think I as gripping the shit out of the bar and really taxing my elbows then I'd do bench, shoulders followed by heavy deadlifts. Recipe for disaster I guess.

I hate getting sidetracked and having to re-tool and get creative lifting wise when the body wont allow doing certain things. I gotta keep telling myself, it's marathon not a sprint.

Think I'll knock it down to once a week of that routine and see how it goes.

being doing a lot of tyler twists for the elbows and slow hammer rotations until the forearm is on fire. Really seems to be helping.

Has anybody else encountered the HOJO UNDO?

My son's sensei used them for strength and conditioning training, personally and with his black belts.

Seemed like you could develop great strength with them, but could also easily injure yourself if misused.

Hojo Undo 101: Chishi

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I’m with Brett Beau...something different. Your workout is pretty rigid, from what you post.

Do you look forward to workouts?
being doing a lot of tyler twists for the elbows and slow hammer rotations until the forearm is on fire. Really seems to be helping.


I didn't know that exercise had name. I’ve done them and can confirm they definitely help :thumbup
Feeling lazy, fat and weak but showed up.


20 Min - Elliptical Trainer
20 Min - Stationary Bike
3 x 15 - Hip Thrust
3 x 15 - Hanging Leg Raise
3 x 12 - DB Shoulder Flexion
3 x 15 - Face Pull
7 x 10-25 - BB Military Press
5 x 10 - DB Side Raise
5 x 10 - DB Bent Over Raise
3 x 15 - Kettleball Toe Raise
3 x 12 - BB Wrist Curl
3 x 12 - BB Reverse Wrist Curl
3 x 250 Feet - Farmer Carry 45-LB Plate (have no idea how to do with 100-LB DBs)
3x10 - Cable Tri Extension
1 x 12 - OH 45-LB Plate Shoulder Rotation


• 1 Orange
• 3 eggs, 2 slices wheat toast, 1 sausage patty
• 1/2 Ham & Egg Croissant
• 1 Mango
• Chocolate Raisins
• Post Workout - BCAAs, glutamine, creatine, beta-alanine, L-carnitine, L-tartrate, beta alanine
• Lentils, Brown Rice & Mixed Vaggies (see pic below) - about 22g Protein

• Pro Shake - 24g
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 TB Honey
• 4 oz Turkey - 18g


Dumb fake-blonde 50-something broad complained to manager of stuffy air. She worked out about 10 minutes and left.

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Feeling lazy, fat and weak but showed up.


20 Min - Elliptical Trainer
20 Min - Stationary Bike
3 x 15 - Hip Thrust
3 x 15 - Hanging Leg Raise
3 x 12 - DB Shoulder Flexion
3 x 15 - Face Pull
7 x 10-25 - BB Military Press
5 x 10 - DB Side Raise
5 x 10 - DB Bent Over Raise
3 x 15 - Kettleball Toe Raise
3 x 12 - BB Wrist Curl
3 x 12 - BB Reverse Wrist Curl
3 x 250 Feet - Farmer Carry 45-LB Plate (have no idea how to do with 100-LB DBs)
3x10 - Cable Tri Extension
1 x 12 - OH 45-LB Plate Shoulder Rotation


• 1 Orange
• 3 eggs, 2 slices wheat toast, 1 sausage patty
• 1/2 Ham & Egg Croissant
• 1 Mango
• Chocolate Raisins
• Post Workout - BCAAs, glutamine, creatine, beta-alanine, L-carnitine, L-tartrate, beta alanine
• Lentils, Brown Rice & Mixed Vaggies (see pic below) - about 22g Protein


Dumb fake-blonde 50-something broad complained to manager of stuffy air. She worked out about 10 minutes and left.


Just bested my personal deadline record by 30lbs tonight.

PS I need to get back to improving my dead hang pull ups; target is 25.

Recently i have been feeling pretty strong. Probably because i am carrying a few extra pounds. Good time to start really hitting it hard and break out of the plateaus.

Next month lets see 25. Ill try to add 5 reps too. Middle Feb.
Recently i have been feeling pretty strong. Probably because i am carrying a few extra pounds. Good time to start really hitting it hard and break out of the plateaus.

Next month lets see 25. Ill try to add 5 reps too. Middle Feb.

Lately I’ve been feeling weak - lots of night meetings at work that disrupted my routine and decreased protein intake.

Middle Feb - lets do this!
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