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Time to get Fit thread

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Ever have one of those days where you feel like a fat-ass octegenarian? Bleh. Showed up anyhow.


20 Min Elliptical Trainer
2x10 - Tyler Forearm per Dubbington
3x10 - DB Hammer Curl/Press Combo
3x10 - Curling Bar
6x10 - Calf Raise
3x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
3x10 - Bar Dip
3x10 - Cable Crunch


• 1 Orange
• 3 Eggs, 2 Slices Ezekial, 1 Sausage Patty
• Post Workout
• Coke & McDonald’s Grilled Chicken - 430 Cal | 34 pro | 40 carb | 15 fat
• 2 oz Turkey


Hot chick. 30 something. Feels privileged so slams weights and makes you feel you’re in her way.

Reminds me of my cop-friend. I once asked him what does he do when he lights up a hot chick. He replied “I write up the bitches.” LOL
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Man, some of you guys eat pretty light.

Today for me is:

Meal 1
4 fried eggs
Ham steak
5 strips bacon
4 slices sourdough toast
Lots of ketchup and butter

Meal 2
Preworkout Shake
40g proposing 50g carbs 15g MCT oil

Meal 3 will be
Chicken fettuccine Alfredo with extra chicken (nice big portion, gotta love bulking)
Spinach and bell peppers

Meal 4 will be
Homemade soup
Half a pound of sliced ribeye
Noodles or rice
Onion, carrots, celery

2 or 3 small Cinnabons with extra frosting
3 cups of milk

:teeth I’ve been into leanness for the last couple years, good to be bulking up again.
Haven't done a damn thing in a week and a half. Need to start living that Nike slogan.

I haven’t been that bad, but close to your program. It was scheduled tho...so, back t the grind next week.
I haven’t been that bad, but close to your program. It was scheduled tho...so, back t the grind next week.
A week or two off isn't a bad thing, it gives your body a chance to repair itself and come back even stronger than before.

Now, a couple months off....that takes awhile, especially as you get older.
I took this weekend off as promised, I only rowed 20 minutes each day. Saturday was pretty brutal nonetheless, I went dune surfing which involves a lot of sand hill climbing. Oh, then there was the testosterone fueled dare tho climb a super steep gnarley sand hill in under two minutes.... I did in in just over thirty seconds. Half the hill is pictured below.


30 minute weighted run 25lbs and 400ft elevativation
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 225lbs and 12 sets
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
7oz spinach
4 Belvita wafers
1.5 cups spinach & wheat berry salad

1500 more calories to come in protein and complex carbs.


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My daughter had a teammate in volleyball (Libero, very good one!) whose Grandfather (raised her) used to take her to the sand dunes for hard core training. She was very explosive on the courts, getting to balls that nobody thought she could reach.

Sadly, she dropped out of volleyball despite getting heavily recruited by D1 schools, she was burned out on the training.
6 rounds of:

Mountain climber pull ups on the trapeze bar x6
Toes to bar or if like me you cant do them, leg raises on the trapeze bar x6
Burpee box jumps x6

Part 2 - 3 rounds

3mins of turkish get-ups
2 mins of double under work
1 min rest
6 rounds of:

Mountain climber pull ups on the trapeze bar x6
Toes to bar or if like me you cant do them, leg raises on the trapeze bar x6
Burpee box jumps x6

Part 2 - 3 rounds

3mins of turkish get-ups
2 mins of double under work
1 min rest

I took this weekend off as promised, I only rowed 20 minutes each day. Saturday was pretty brutal nonetheless, I went dune surfing which involves a lot of sand hill climbing. Oh, then there was the testosterone fueled dare tho climb a super steep gnarley sand hill in under two minutes.... I did in in just over thirty seconds. Half the hill is pictured below.


30 minute weighted run 25lbs and 400ft elevativation
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 225lbs and 12 sets
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
7oz spinach
4 Belvita wafers
1.5 cups spinach & wheat berry salad

1500 more calories to come in protein and complex carbs.

:thumbup !!!!!

BTW, how do you prepare your spinach?
I blend it in with my shake.




20 Min Elliptical Trainer
10 Min Stationary Bike

86 Seconds Hanging on Pull Up Bar (2 min looks a long way down the road)

3x20 - DB Lunge
2x10 - BB Military Press
4x10 - DB Military Press
3x10 - BB Upright Row


• 2 Eggs, 1 Sausage Patty, 1 Slice of Bread
• 2 Oranges
• Sammie: 2 oz Turkey, Hummus, 1 Slice Ezekial Bread
• Pro Shake - 24g
• Chocolate Covered Cherries :twofinger
• Pre Workout
• Beef Stew, Brown Rice & Mixed Vaggies
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake - 24g
Drove the one freeway exit to my favorite surf spot with the promise of light offshore winds and a 5-7' swell only to be greeted by 2-4' slop. #magicseaweedsucks.

20 minute row
20 minute row
Squats sets of 10 at 205lbs until failure. Currently on set 6.

20oz protein shake
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 banana
1tbsp almond butter
2000 more calories to come in chicken, broccoli, and bean chips.

I'm trying to put on three to five pounds of lean muscle which involves the delicate balance of cardio, weights, and calories. It's kind of a bitch.
^I got some Sunday with 200 of my best friends at Pleasure Point.

Surfline sucks too. Because accuracy.
Pullups x 4 (first set +2 on recent best)
Bent rows x 5
Standing cable row x 4
Bar curl x 4
DB Hammer Curl x 4
DB crossover curl x 5

Bench x5
Incline bench x 5
Cable tricep ext x 5
Skull crushers x 5
Single cable ext x 8 sets (including numerous drop sets to failure)
2650 total yards in the pool. Still swimming ~10 minute 500’s. Felt good to swim tho.

Nice. Swimming distance is not easy.


Squat x 7 sets
Leg extension x 6 (lighter weight 12 odd reps to preserve the knees)
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Missed gym on Monday due to College Football Championship. had to watch the local guys LSU whoop-ass on those northerners Clemson.

Last night:
55 minutes on the treadmill
20 minutes at 5.2MPH pace burned about 350 calories.
Going up about .2MPH each session trying to get to 7MPH. 5.2MPH was fairly easy so expect to start working at around 5.8MPH and up.

4x10 Arnold presses
4x10 reverse fly machine
4x10 shoulder shrugs
4x10 machine bar pullups
~80M x 5 farmers carries with 45lb plate

Felt really good about the reverse flys I think I got it figured out and really feel it on the rear shoulder now. Hope to make some gains on that muscle.
Put some Britney Spears "Man on the Moon" on with some Carly Rae and 80's mixing in. Awesome having taken about 1.5 weeks off...things worked well and I didn't feel beat down.
I got to hike 11 miles of brand new trails above Shell Beach thanks to the invite of a friend on the Land Conservancy board, I don't know if that counts as cardio but it was amazing.

Soundtrack: Fear Factory, Neurotech, and Gojira.

20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 13 sets at 225lbs.

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1 banana
1tbsp almond butter
1/2 gallon 1% milk
1/2 cup wheat berries
8oz spinach
1 can albacore tuna
1500 more calories to come in white meat, bean chips, and cheese
Props to holey mike95 breau and both sharks!


10 Min Row (learned how to row better for more cal/hr)
10 Min Elliptical

2x25 - Push Up
7x10 - Bench Press
3x10 - OH 45-LB Plate Shldr Rotation
4x10 - DB Curl
4x10 - BB Military Press
3x10 - Decline Cable X Over
3X10 - Incline Cable X Over
3x10 - Cable X Over


• Scone with Andytown Coffee
• 1 Banana
• 1/2 Turkey and Cheese Sammie
• 2 Oranges
• Pre Workout
• Vegan Chick’n, Cherry Tomatoes, 2 Hard Eggs, Raw Spinach
• Pro Shake
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 TB Honey
• 2 Oranges
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