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Time to get Fit thread

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I got to hike 11 miles of brand new trails above Shell Beach thanks to the invite of a friend on the Land Conservancy board, I don't know if that counts as cardio but it was amazing.

Soundtrack: Fear Factory, Neurotech, and Gojira.

20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 13 sets at 225lbs.

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1 banana
1tbsp almond butter
1/2 gallon 1% milk
1/2 cup wheat berries
8oz spinach
1 can albacore tuna
1500 more calories to come in white meat, bean chips, and cheese

How about a full day of your diet?
I forgot what i was doing and did back and biceps today instead of deadlifts.

Pullup x 4 (added two reps to my most recent PR)
Bent row x5
Bar curl x 5
Hammer curl x5
Modified concentration curl x4 with 2x drop sets
I am using marginally longer rest periods between sets to maximize rep count with heavier weight.
How about a full day of your diet?

You got it. I will edit this post throughout the day as I eat.

20 minute row
40 minute weighted run 25lbs and 445ft elevation
20 minute row

2x ham and cheese on home made flour tortillas
10oz protein shake
1 banana
1tbsp almond butter
1qt 1% milk
1 cup spinach egg noodles and more ham (8oz for the day).
1/2 bag of sweet potato chips
1 handful of peanuts
8 Belvita cookie wafer things (460 calories & 18 grams of sugar... had to do it)
20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
2 tangerines
1 fuji apple
1tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup blueberry granola
8oz lowfat cottage cheese
1/2 bag bean chips
1 handful of peanuts
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You got it. I will edit this post throughout the day as I eat.

20 minute row
40 minute weighted run 25lbs and 445ft elevation
20 minute row

2x ham and cheese on home made flour tortillas
10oz protein shake
1 banana
1tblsp almond butter
1qt 1% milk

I just want to see a full day of some of you guys, especially you. :D

I wondered why some of you log your stuff but I’m guessing it keeps you accountable. I am considering doing the same, because my motivation won’t be high forever. Right now the motivation is very healthy.
I just want to see a full day of some of you guys, especially you. :D

I wondered why some of you log your stuff but I’m guessing it keeps you accountable. I am considering doing the same, because my motivation won’t be high forever. Right now the motivation is very healthy.

I post my nutrition because Beau posted his - its all about sharing and motivation. Its not for accountability but just to share with others what I eat and my supplements. Also its to point out to others that you need to work on your nutrition IF you want to see gains. For me, getting and staying in shape is 2/3 nutrition and 1/3 workout. I’m not a bodybuilder, I am an older gent that’s been working out since the Orbitron days when I was 13 and enjoy staying in shape.
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An hour of core Yoga, free weights after, a 17 minute row and 20 minutes in the sauna. I’m jelly. Energy level was pretty damn good tonight.
Monday: rest day (did yoga)
Tuesday: core & strength routine, including the beloved Turkish getups
Wednesday: 1 hour hill intervals at aerobic threshold, hr was 150-180 throughout
Tonight: 1 hour easy run, did 5.5 miles at a chill pace while watching Aeronaut's on the phone.

I won our weight loss bet from August-December and the guys got me a fucking rad set of ski goggles as my prize. Stoked because I would never have bought any that nice for myself.
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One year ago the doctor said either pills or exercise.

The pills all made me feel like I had the flu.

So I got a bicycle. Thought I was going to die the first time out. Now I crank it hard for an hour and a half daily. Weight dropped 9%, wind came back, depression faded, headaches ebbed, digestive processes improved and my sex life soared.

All the things motorcycling was supposed to do for me were accomplished with out the motor.
One year ago the doctor said either pills or exercise.

The pills all made me feel like I had the flu.

So I got a bicycle. Thought I was going to die the first time out. Now I crank it hard for an hour and a half daily. Weight dropped 9%, wind came back, depression faded, headaches ebbed, digestive processes improved and my sex life soared.

All the things motorcycling was supposed to do for me were accomplished with out the motor.

Awesome :thumbup
One year ago the doctor said either pills or exercise.

The pills all made me feel like I had the flu.

So I got a bicycle. Thought I was going to die the first time out. Now I crank it hard for an hour and a half daily. Weight dropped 9%, wind came back, depression faded, headaches ebbed, digestive processes improved and my sex life soared.

All the things motorcycling was supposed to do for me were accomplished with out the motor.

Fuck Yeah!!!!
One year ago the doctor said either pills or exercise.

The pills all made me feel like I had the flu.

So I got a bicycle. Thought I was going to die the first time out. Now I crank it hard for an hour and a half daily. Weight dropped 9%, wind came back, depression faded, headaches ebbed, digestive processes improved and my sex life soared.

All the things motorcycling was supposed to do for me were accomplished with out the motor.

You'll probably be able to ride better too.
One year ago the doctor said either pills or exercise.

The pills all made me feel like I had the flu.

So I got a bicycle. Thought I was going to die the first time out. Now I crank it hard for an hour and a half daily. Weight dropped 9%, wind came back, depression faded, headaches ebbed, digestive processes improved and my sex life soared.

All the things motorcycling was supposed to do for me were accomplished with out the motor.


Keep at it and report back :thumbup
So I got a bicycle.

Well done. So very well done.

At East Bay Mike, everything I ate yesterday is logged. Dunno how many calories but I'm guessing around 3500.

20 minute row
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 13 sets at 225lbs
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
1 apple
8oz spinach
1 tangerine
2 whole wheat English muffins with olive oil
6 egg whites
6oz spinach & 2tbsp wheat berries (salad)
8oz chicken
12” cheese & pesto pizza on whole wheat crust
4 Belvita cookie wafer things

500 more calories to come in cottage cheese. Maybe some bean chips too. I'm trying to alternate high/low calorie days; 3500/2500. My basal metabolic rate is around 2700.
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Wilco. And for perspective, I'm at the end of my sixth decade walking the sod.

Props for righting the ship and not giving up man. I hope I have that kind of grit.

Just finished up my first barn run in like 2 weeks. It hurt but got easier towards the end.
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Wilco. And for perspective, I'm at the end of my sixth decade walking the sod.

I am right behind you. Ole guys rule!


4x25 - Push Up
4x15 - Face Pull
4x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
4x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x20 - DB Military Press
3x20 - Leg Press
3x15 - Calf Raise
4x10 - Leg Extension (new PR, which is 2x PR 5 mos ago)
3x10 - One Leg Toe Raise w/Kettleball
4x10 - Bar Dips
3x10 - Dual Pulley Row
3x10 - Straight Arm Pulldown
3x10 - Leg Raise


• 2 Eggs, 1 White, 2 Small Potatoes, 1 Sausage
• 1 Banana
• Pro Shake - 24g
• 1/2 Turkey & Cheese Sammie, Small Serving Potato Salad (size of Slowpoke’s left testicle)
• 2 Oranges
• Small Chocolate :twofinger
• Skinless Chicken Breast, Beets, Cherry Tomatoes, Olives & Raw Spinach
• 2 Oranges
• 2 oz Turkey w/Hummus - 10g
• Pro Shake - 24g
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Well done. So very well done.

At East Bay Mike, everything I ate yesterday is logged. Dunno how many calories but I'm guessing around 3500.

20 minute row
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 13 sets at 225lbs
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
1 apple
8oz spinach
1 tangerine
2 whole wheat English muffins with olive oil
6 egg whites
6oz spinach & 2tbsp wheat berries (salad)
8oz chicken
12” cheese & pesto pizza on whole wheat crust
4 Belvita cookie wafer things

500 more calories to come in cottage cheese. Maybe some bean chips too. I'm trying to alternate high/low calorie days; 3500/2500. My basal metabolic rate is around 2700.

Thanks. Your diet is pretty damn solid overall. Gives me some ideas. Thanks.

Lizard, you do quite a bit of volume per workout sometimes. I’m guessing you don’t go too heavy? Either way, nice work.

I’ll post my routine soon. I think I have it dialed in for now. Upper/lower routine with 4 different workouts 2 upper and 2 lowers. 2 days on one day off.

Front squat - every 90 secs
4 reps 110lbs

Light Bench press
4 rounds 8reps

4 rounds
12x (each) 1 Arm Bent Over Row
Max Push Ups

4 rounds
15x Lateral Raises
15x DB Skull Crushers
15x DB Curls

3 Rounds
2:00 Row
2:00 Sled Push
2:00 Bike
2:00 Farmer Carry - 25lbs
2:00 Step Up and Overs

8 rounds - 20 secs in each position
Hollow holds
Superman hold
Lizard, you do quite a bit of volume per workout sometimes. I’m guessing you don’t go too heavy? Either way, nice work.

Thanks for the compliment.

I can’t lift heavy like I did in my 20s and 30s. Aging sucks except I know how to better pleasure a woman now, hehe. But I often go heavy on delts and pecs.

My goal is stay healthy, get a little bigger and leaner, and hope I am active when I really old. Side delts are stubborn!

Yeah I usually do a lot of volume. I follow Jim Stoppani on IG. I subscribe to his web site and follow of one his many programs along with using his supps: pre, post and protein.
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Front squat - every 90 secs
4 reps 110lbs

Light Bench press
4 rounds 8reps

4 rounds
12x (each) 1 Arm Bent Over Row
Max Push Ups

4 rounds
15x Lateral Raises
15x DB Skull Crushers
15x DB Curls

3 Rounds
2:00 Row
2:00 Sled Push
2:00 Bike
2:00 Farmer Carry - 25lbs
2:00 Step Up and Overs

8 rounds - 20 secs in each position
Hollow holds
Superman hold

Kim hitting it hard! :thumbup
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