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Time to get Fit thread

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Quick delt workout today.


3x10 - Rotator Cuff No. 1
3x10 - Rotator Cuff No. 2
3x10 - Rotator Cuff No. 3
3x10 - Rotator Cuff No. 4
2x10 - Cable Side Raise
4x10 - DB Side Raise
6x10 - BB Military Press (getting stronger)
3x10 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/35 & 45 LB Plates


• 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Wheat Toast, 1 TJ’s Vegan Pro Patty - see pic below
◦◦◦ Total: 575 Cal, 43g Pro, 37g Carb, 28g Fat
◦◦◦ TJ Patty: 260 cal, 26 g pro, 12 g carb, 12 g fat
• Kim Chi & 4 Small Korean Potstickers :twofinger
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Black Beans, Small Piece of Pork, Brocoli
• Handful of Cashews
• 2 Poached Eggs, 1 Slice Wheat Toast
• 2 Oranges
• Piece of Dark Chocolate

Happy Weekend Everyone! Life is good!

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Wife and I just got back from a week at Disneyworld walking 5-10 miles a day. I lost 12 lbs.! Since I live in the Hayward Hills I've decided to torture the dog and make him walk/hike with me. It seems it's easier to do when you have 4 legs lol. Anyways, praying the motivation stays with me.
Gym during the Niner game is the best!


3x12 - Hanging Scap Rotation
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Burpees
3x30 - Push Up
3x250 Feet - Farmer’s Carry w/45 LB Plates
3x10 - Standing Tri Press w/45 LB Plate
3x15 - Standing Calf Raise
20 Min Row @ 23 R/Min | 550 Cal/Hr


• 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Wheat Toast, TJ’s Vegan Pro Patty
• Odwalla Chai Pro Shake
• 2 Oranges
• Black Beans, Small Serving of Rice, Grilled Vaggies
• Handful of Cashews
• Pre Workout
• Turkey Breast, Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, Raw Spinach
• Think Protein Bar
• Pro Shake
• 2 Screwdrivers :twofinger


2500 Cal
185 Pro
245 Carb (too high!)
90 Fat

Goddamnit, the handful of cashews were 21 Pro, 31 carb, and 62 Fat. And the beans and Odwalla had 50 g Carbs each.

My goal for fat loss is:

2,000 Cal
150 Pro
75 Carb
75 Fat
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Only thing I was working out was my arm..... lifting trulys to my mouth while going fucking ape shit watching the niners!

Back at it tomorrow though. :)
Only thing I was working out was my arm..... lifting trulys to my mouth while going fucking ape shit watching the niners!

Back at it tomorrow though. :)

I love that workout but I substituted Shiners Lemon Pils and added flame-grilled burgers with homemade french fries. #feelingbloatedtoday
Oh I made pulled pork sliders yesterday for the game and they came out goooooood. But definitely feeling it today.

Part 1 Every min on the min for 8 rounds

Cleans - 1
hang power cleans - 1

Part 2
Squat x3 for 8 reps
on the 3rd set do as many as you can, but not to failure. Leave "2 in the tank"
I went way too light and ended up doing 20 reps on my 3rd set :p

Part 3
Strict barbell press x3 same deal on the 3rd set
Again, went way too light and did 24 on my 3rd set. I guess i think im weaker than I am.

Part 4
3 rounds or 12:00

x12 Barbell RDL (hip hinge, from shin to full extension)
20 dumbbell lunges
Dumbbell press - as many as you can do
30sec L - hang

My butt hurts already, next couple of days should be fun....
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I wish people wouldn't drop a huge slice of Japanese cheesecake in front of me just after cardio. Whats the point in even trying :mad
yes, but i couldnt do it. lol So I did knee to chest or knees up as high as possible.
yes, but i couldnt do it. lol So I did knee to chest or knees up as high as possible.

Keep at it and you will get there!



10-Min Row @ 24 S/Min | 800 Cal/Hr (finally figured out how to increase cal/hr)
10-Min Elliptical Trainer

3x15 - Leg Press
3x15 - Calf Raise
3x15 - Leg Extension
3x15 - DB Curl
3x10 - Cable Tri Press Down
3x10 - OH 45-LB Plate Tri Extension
4x15 - Dead Hang Pull Up
4x10 - BB Military Press
0x00 - Sit Ups LOL :twofinger


• 2 am -> Jack in the Box Chicken Fajita Pita :twofinger 350 Cal | 24 Pro | 36 Carb | 12 Fat
• 2 Eggs, TJ’s Vegan Pro Patty, 4 Turkey Sausages, 2 Slices Ezekial Toast
• Pro Shake
• 1/2 Pack M&M’s
• Fish, Raw and Cooked Cabbage
• Pre Workout
• Green Smoothie - Spinach, Berries, Banana, Almond Milk, Vegan Pro
• 2 oz Turkey w/1 TB Hummus
• 1 Orange
• 1/2 Can Tuna w/1 TB Vegenaise


1940 Cal
174 Pro
144 Carb*
74 Fat

*Now that I’m tracking macros, I am surprised at my carb intake. Goddamnit. FYI I use Mike’s Macros app.
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Was in Oahu last week and didn’t go to the gym once despite planning on going to the 24 hour fitness every morning that was a 5 minute walk from the hotel. 5 days off, which maybe helps.

Incline DB 95s x 8,8,6
Chinups 5,6,6,6,5 (getting worse at these as I gain weight)
Weighted Dips 80 x 7,7,6
BB curls 100 x 8, 7, 6
Cable flies - 12 plates per side (5 pounds each?) 10-12 reps for 4 sets
DB side Raises 22.5s x 12, 11, 14
DB Hammer Curl 32.5s x 8, 10, 8
DB Overhead Extensions 40 x 8, 8, 7

Ramen soup with 3/4 pounds thin sliced ribeye
Preworkout shake
Chicken Fajitas
Maybe something later

Legs tomorrow.
If anyone wants a heavy bag for $30 check the grab bag.

I will throw in some gloves too
Flashed 11d, fell multiple times on 10d at the gym yesterday. Sometimes I feel like ratings are way off, or maybe certain type of climbs that require a lot of strength I just suck at. The 11D was more technical and was more about foot placement, finger strength, and balance.
Flashed 11d, fell multiple times on 10d at the gym yesterday. Sometimes I feel like ratings are way off, or maybe certain type of climbs that require a lot of strength I just suck at. The 11D was more technical and was more about foot placement, finger strength, and balance.
I found each gym has it's own idea of what's hard and what isn't.

Back when I was competing, I could flash any 12(a-d) and up to 13b in my own gym and local gyms, but then I went back east and was getting my ass kicked by some 11's in the local gym. They were much heavier on slab problems back there and I wasn't used to small edges with slightly off vertical.

Also, some route setters are very short or very tall and a move that is easy for them is tougher for a taller/shorter climber.
Part 1 Tabata Style Jump rope work (20 secs on 10 secs off for 8 rounds)
Double unders. I was getting frustrated as I dont quite have them yet and was spending more time trying to get situated than actually working out. So after the first round I just did 20 secs of single unders.

Part 2 Tabata Style
Body Builders
Knee raises
x8 rounds

Part 3
500m row
21 Burpees
400m run
Welp, pretty sure I separated my shoulder Sunday. Dumbest squid-shit story ever, but, ya. Tis not a happy shoulder ATM, but hopefully won't slow me down for too long. Still managed to ride another ~200 miles after that LOL.
Welp, pretty sure I separated my shoulder Sunday. Dumbest squid-shit story ever, but, ya. Tis not a happy shoulder ATM, but hopefully won't slow me down for too long. Still managed to ride another ~200 miles after that LOL.

That's a major bummer. Moto or Pedal? I did that on the moto and it is what eventually led me to have surgery 6 years later. I am a major procrastinator in case you couldn't tell.
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