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Time to get Fit thread

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That's a major bummer. Moto or Pedal? I did that on the moto and it is what eventually led me to have surgery 6 years later. I am a major procrastinator in case you couldn't tell.

Moto. In town, I was turning at our turn, my buddy (also a racer ironically) wasn't paying attention and went to go straight right where I was turning - collided, and it yanked the bars on my bike, so as soon as he was past down I went. Not sure if it was the bar yank or the fall, but ya, it's not particularly happy at the moment, but doesn't seem doctor-worthy with my shitty insurance, either.

got in another climbing workout today. 30 V-points mostly on V3 & V4. I also did some one-arm hangs. on an 18mm edge on one of the Beastmaker hangboards, I need -25lbs to hang for 5seconds. im very close to -20lbs with my right hand. ive never trained hangs before so its kinda cool. hopefully ill actually do it enough to notice a benefit.

in other news, construction of my wife's home wall is starting tomorrow in our backyard. 12' wide x 12' tall. the front will be a 40deg overhang and the left side will be a 15deg overhang. I may never go to the gym again haha.

Flashed 11d, fell multiple times on 10d at the gym yesterday. Sometimes I feel like ratings are way off, or maybe certain type of climbs that require a lot of strength I just suck at. The 11D was more technical and was more about foot placement, finger strength, and balance.

+1 to Climber

indoor ratings should be taken with a grain of salt. its not uncommon to climb 2-5 grades different at different gyms in the same city.

a bunch of gyms have issues with consistency as well. one common problem is when inexperienced route setters grade their own stuff and dont confer with others. climbs that play to their strengths get an easier grade, even if the general population doesnt have those strengths.

u gotta go outside and climb some test-pieces if want to know what a certain grade really feels like.
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20 minute row
30 minute run at 9 minute miles
1.5hr surf session in overhead (it's got to count for something)

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
8oz salmon
1 cup sesame noodles
2 zucchini & corn pancakes
4 egg whites and one whole egg
1 head broccoli
20oz protein shake
6oz spinach
3/4 cup almonds
1 think! sugarless protein bar
1 quart 1% milk
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Hip Thrusts 255 x 8, 9, 12
Leg Curls 140 x 8, 8, 6
Squat 205 x 5,5,5 (Struggling to gain on these)
Standing Calf 45, 7-10 reps 5 sets (this machine feels twice as heavy)
Split Squats 45 DBs x 8,8,8.
Seated Calf 55 x 12, 12, 11, 45 x 12

Shoulders tomorrow.
20 minute row
30 minute run at 9 minute miles
1.5hr surf session in overhead (it's got to count for something)

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
8oz salmon
1 cup sesame noodles
2 zucchini & corn pancakes
4 egg whites and one whole egg
1 head broccoli
20oz protein shake
6oz spinach
3/4 cup almonds
1 think! sugarless protein bar
1 quart 1% milk

Your meals sound delish!
Training plan said a 3-hour run/hike with 2,000 ft of elevation, and the only thing available after work tonight was the neighborhood hill. So I went and did endless repeats. 11 miles walking up and down the same three blocks, shoot me now.

Moto. In town, I was turning at our turn, my buddy (also a racer ironically) wasn't paying attention and went to go straight right where I was turning - collided, and it yanked the bars on my bike, so as soon as he was past down I went. Not sure if it was the bar yank or the fall, but ya, it's not particularly happy at the moment, but doesn't seem doctor-worthy with my shitty insurance, either.


That sucks. Hope you heal up soon, bummer when you can’t workout as much due to injury.

Hopefully you can still work your legs.
Felt like shit. No sleep. Late to work. 10 hrs. 15-min lunch break. But I showed up. Bleh...


5x10 - Standing Cable X Over
4x10 - Standing Cable Incline X Over
4x10 - Standing Cable Decline X Over
5x10 - Bar Dip
2x15 - BB Military Press


• Burger King Sausage Croissanwich (see comment re: waking up late)
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 TB Honey
• 4 oz Turkey Breast, Hummus, 1 Slice Ezekial Sesame Seed Bread
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake
• 1/2 Can Albacore, 1 TB Vegenaise, 1 Slice Ezekial Sesame Seed Bread
• Pre Workout: 3 in 1 Malaysian White Coffee
• Pro Shake
• Grilled Chicken Breast & Steamed Vaggies at H☉☉TERS :twofinger


Cal - 1950
Pro - 168
Carb - 176 ☜ Goddamnit!!!!
Flab - 60
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I found each gym has it's own idea of what's hard and what isn't.

Back when I was competing, I could flash any 12(a-d) and up to 13b in my own gym and local gyms, but then I went back east and was getting my ass kicked by some 11's in the local gym. They were much heavier on slab problems back there and I wasn't used to small edges with slightly off vertical.

Also, some route setters are very short or very tall and a move that is easy for them is tougher for a taller/shorter climber.

got in another climbing workout today. 30 V-points mostly on V3 & V4. I also did some one-arm hangs. on an 18mm edge on one of the Beastmaker hangboards, I need -25lbs to hang for 5seconds. im very close to -20lbs with my right hand. ive never trained hangs before so its kinda cool. hopefully ill actually do it enough to notice a benefit.

in other news, construction of my wife's home wall is starting tomorrow in our backyard. 12' wide x 12' tall. the front will be a 40deg overhang and the left side will be a 15deg overhang. I may never go to the gym again haha.

+1 to Climber

indoor ratings should be taken with a grain of salt. its not uncommon to climb 2-5 grades different at different gyms in the same city.

a bunch of gyms have issues with consistency as well. one common problem is when inexperienced route setters grade their own stuff and dont confer with others. climbs that play to their strengths get an easier grade, even if the general population doesnt have those strengths.

u gotta go outside and climb some test-pieces if want to know what a certain grade really feels like.

That's true. This gym usually has fairly consistent ratings, but some times there are abnormalities. Although overall ratings are softer then other gyms I have been in.

Training plan said a 3-hour run/hike with 2,000 ft of elevation, and the only thing available after work tonight was the neighborhood hill. So I went and did endless repeats. 11 miles walking up and down the same three blocks, shoot me now.


Dedication! :thumbup
Training plan said a 3-hour run/hike with 2,000 ft of elevation, and the only thing available after work tonight was the neighborhood hill. So I went and did endless repeats. 11 miles walking up and down the same three blocks, shoot me now.


I used to cycle with a buddy from work on weekends. He was pretty even with me but I wanted to be able to kick his ass. Weekdays I started to ride a hill in the neighbourhood over and over. I never told him what I was doing.

Few weeks of that and we met up again. Dude almost had a heat stroke trying to keep up. I wouldn't let him get close enough to draft. He had to pull off under a bridge to rest, then turned around and headed back to his truck. He was wondering why I was riding so much better than him. I thought it was pretty funny.

Those little evening excursions add up.
That's true. This gym usually has fairly consistent ratings, but some times there are abnormalities. Although overall ratings are softer then other gyms I have been in.
One thing I used to do was to do 5 5.11 to low 5.12 routes in a row, I'd quickly drop down and hop on the next while my arms were still pumped from the previous one, that gave me much better endurance for the harder and more sustained routes.

In track they have a name for it, 'Lactate tolerance', which can be built up by powering through lactic acid build-up.
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Moto. In town, I was turning at our turn, my buddy (also a racer ironically) wasn't paying attention and went to go straight right where I was turning - collided, and it yanked the bars on my bike, so as soon as he was past down I went. Not sure if it was the bar yank or the fall, but ya, it's not particularly happy at the moment, but doesn't seem doctor-worthy with my shitty insurance, either.


HB If you can I would get it looked at soon. My shoulder injury was a build-up of fucking it over many times until it got to the point that picking something up too far in front of my body would cause my shoulder to pop out. I waited many years to get it fixed and now am looking at shoulder replacement due to severe degradation of the joint according to my ortho but I am going to gut it out until the very end. Don't wait because if something is bad or torn it can cause the whole joint to go downhill quickly.

So last night hit the treadmill for a sedate 3.3mph session at a 7 percent grade. giving the knees a rest from pushing them on Monday.
4x10 flat bench
4x10 incline dumbbells
4x10 cable crossover
4x10 butterfly machine
4x10 triceps pulldown
4x10 skull crushers

I am taking tonight off and will resume the torture on Thursday......:teeth
One thing I used to do was to do 5 5.11 to low 5.12 routes in a row, I'd quickly drop down and hop on the next while my arms were still pumped from the previous one, that gave me much better endurance for the harder and more sustained routes.

In track they have a name for it, 'Lactate tolerance', which can be built up by powering through lactic acid build-up.

I down climb. Which I think has similar effect of building endurance. It's a busy gym, and hard to find open routes.
I down climb. Which I think has similar effect of building endurance. It's a busy gym, and hard to find open routes.
We were in a small gym (Class 5 in San Rafael, long gone for decades now) and they stacked 4-5 routes on each belay station.
Part 1 - Front Squat every 90 secs 4 reps 4 rounds. I keep wussing out at my first set and going too light. Anyways you build up the first 3 on the 4th you do - 10% of the 3rd set.


Part 2 - Bench Press - 3 sets 3rd set do as many as you can with a leaving 2 in the tank.

1) 65lbs x8
2) 65lbs x8
3) 65lbs x20

Part 3
Bent over rows - 25lbs x10
Hammer curls - 15lbs x10
repeat x3
Soundtrack: The Birthday Massacre

50 minute cardio-intensive hike with 1300ft elevation & 15% grade
Close-grip lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 14 sets at 212.5lbs
20 minute row

20oz whey protein shake
10oz frozen spinach
1/2 bag Hipeas chic pea puffs
1/2 bag rice chips
8oz lowfat cottage cheese
1 think! sugarless protein bar
1 quart 1% milk
1000 more calories to come in whey protein, turkey, and broccoli

We inspire each other. This is huge.
HF, Kim and Beau hitting it hard. I just arrived at my gym. Thanks for inspiration :thumbup
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