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Time to get Fit thread

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Soundtrack: Pelican

20 minute row
50 minute cardio intensive weighted hike 25lbs 1300ft elevation

1 turkey and cheese burrito
8oz green shake
1tbsp almond butter
1 banana
8oz fresh turkey breast
1/2 cup sesame noodles
1 head broccoli
1 handful sweet potato chips
10” cheese and turkey pizza on whole wheat crust
20oz protein shake
6oz spinach

I’ll prolly row some more today.

Good point. I’ll select certain exercises for failure, eg, quads aren’t growing so will target them.

Just do squats on leg day, 2x a week to failure and you will see growth and definition.
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50 minute cardio intensive weighted hike 25lbs 1300ft elevation
I used to train with a weight vest in preparation of carrying a 100 lb pack up 3400 vertical feet (over 5.5 mile trail) with some very steep sections that were up to 3/4 mile long. Final 700 vertical feet included an additional 25-45 lbs in water as my brother and I swapped 3 and 5 gallon water containers as the only water at the summit had to be carried up. Those last 700 feet were brutal!

I found that I was good up to 30 extra lbs for running a 4 mile, 1200 vertical feet elevation climb (up then down) in the roads/paths, 35 and 40 lbs really felt like I was pounding my legs into the ground.
Just do squats on leg day, 2x a week to failure and you will see growth and definition.

Copy that, beau!

Friday night at the gym is my favorite time to go!

GYM▐ █———█▐

10-Min Elliptical Trainer

1x40 - Push Up
6x6 to 15 - Bench Press
4x15 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x12 - DB Incline Press
3x10 - DB Standing Decline X Over
3x10 - Cable Decline X Over
3x10 - Cable X Over
4x10 - Straight Bar Dip
6x250 Feet - Farmer’s Carry w/45s
3x10 - DB Tri Press

10-Min Swim in Gym Pool
10-Min Jaccuzi :)


• 2 Eggs, TJ’s Vegan Pro Patty, 4 Turkey Sausage Links, 2 Slices Ezekial Sesame Bread
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake
• Black Beans, Chicken Thigh, & Raw Cabbage
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout & 12 Gummy Bears
• Wholefoods: burger patty, 2 brussel sprouts, & cooked carrots
• Homemade smoothie: 2 Bananas, 3 oz Blueberries, 1/2C Almond Milk & Pea Protein


Cal - 1750
Pro - 175
Carbs - 221 (Goddamnit! Frickin’ black beans!)
Fat - 53


I have a lot of knots in my neck, forearms, back, etc. I saw this “muscle hook” at Target and picked it up. I works pretty well so I wanted to share.

Link: https://gofit.net/products/muscle-hook

Pic (hot chick not included):

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^^^^ Smoking hot.

Soundtrack: Pennywise

20 minute row
Lat pulldowns close-grip sets of 8 to failure 14 sets at 225lbs
20 minute row

20oz whey protein shake
1 banana
1tbsp almond butter
1/4 cup peeled almonds
1/2 gallon 1% milk
16oz chicken and cheese burrito
1 SLODOCO creme filled donut of heavenly happiness and sugary perfection
1 cup ground turkey
1/2 bag Beanfield's bean chips
1/2 cup peanut butter pretzels
Oh man I have played with a muscle hook at big 5 before. Loved it. I should pick one up.

8.3 mile outrigger paddle yesterday and then a 2 hr surf session. I was whooped!
We got this and it works really well. I got one for my daughter and her whole volleyball team uses it on their back.

Oh man I have played with a muscle hook at big 5 before. Loved it. I should pick one up.

8.3 mile outrigger paddle yesterday and then a 2 hr surf session. I was whooped!

It’s worth whatever I paid. I can hit all the spots much easier than with a lacrosse ball, door knob, etc.


I rested on Saturday...

Saturday, 1-25-20

Rest day.


• 2 Eggs, 4 Turkey Sausage Links (10g), TJ’s Vegan Pro Burger 26g), 2 Slices Ezekial Sesame Bread (8g)
• Smoothie: 2 Bananas, Blueberries, Alm Milk, Pea Protein, Honey
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake
• Chicken Thigh & Grilled Zucchini
• Hershey’s Choc Bar :twofinger
• Cheeseburger, Fries & Coke :twofinger


Cal - 2,450
Pro - 153
Carb- 263
Fat - 92
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^ i was in heaven with it too. I balked at the $45 price tag but I was just being cheap. I knew it was worth it when I picked it up.
Soundtrack: 3TEETH, If These Trees Could Talk

20 minute row
30 minute run 270ft elevation
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 14 sets at 225lbs

1 cup ground turkey
5 egg whites
1/2 bag rice chips
1/2 bag chic pea pops
1 think! protein bar
1 Kirkland dark chocolate nut bar
Chicken shawrma plate with humus
1000 more calories to come in turkey, broccoli, sesame noodles, bean chips, and beef patty.
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Soundtrack: 3TEETH, If These Trees Could Talk

20 minute row
30 minute run 270ft elevation
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 14 sets at 225lbs

1 cup ground turkey
5 egg whites
1/2 bag rice chips
1/2 bag chic pea pops
1 think! protein bar
1 Kirkland dark chocolate nut bar
Chicken shawrma plate with humus
1000 more calories to come in turkey, broccoli, sesame noodles, bean chips, and beef patty.

Goddamnit. I was going to take the day off but NOOoooo, you had to post.


So... light workout.

Sunday 1-26-20

3x20 - Leg Press
3x20 - Calf Raise
3x15 - Leg Extension
3x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up

15-Min Swim in the gym pool (HF, the Gen Z girl & her flip turns!)

*Whenever I “swim” I am always amazed at swimmers. So graceful, effortless and smooth. And you open water swimmers! The pool is so much easier - no current, waves, coral... Really amazing. My only goal in life is to do a flip turn.


• 2 Eggs, TJ’s Vegan Pro Burger, 2 Slices Ezekial Sesame Bread (highly recommend!)
• Muscle Milk Blueberry Yogurt - 20g
• Papaya, 2 Oranges
• Chicken Thigh & Grilled Zucchini
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout & 9 Gummy Bears
• Burger Patty, Brown Rice, Carrots, Eggplant Parmigiana
• 2 Whiskeys (Bulleit) :twofinger
• Pro Shake


Cal - 1800
Pro - 154
Carb - 163
Fat - 60
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Goddamnit. I was going to take the day off but NOOoooo, you had to post.


I don't even know how to pronounce this thing you say "dae oof."

Soundtrack: Avalost, Front Line Assembly

20 minute row
40 minute weighted run 25lbs and 720ft elevation
Incline bench sets of 10 to failure 14 sets at 205lbs

20oz whey protein shake
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/4 cup peeled almonds
8oz spinach
1 cup oats
1/2 gallon 1% milk
10oz fresh turkey breast
8oz tuna steak
1 head broccoli
1 cup spinach egg noodles
1 think! protein bar
1 large handful of peanut butter pretzels
I don't even know how to pronounce this thing you say "dae oof."

1 think! protein bar

Lol, nice one!

Btw, think! bar is purty darn good. For others that haven’t tried its $1.89 & 20 g & low cal:thumbup

Monday 1-27-20

I worked on building strength using low weight, high reps and speed.

28-Min Elliptical Trainer
9x25 - BB Military Press
6x25 - DB Press
6x20 - DB Lateral Raise
3x20 - Face Pull


• Burger King Sausage Egg & Cheese Croissanwich
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 TB Honey
• 3 oz Turkey Breast w/1 TB Hummus
• Chicken Thigh, Cabbage & Carrots
• Burger Patty
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout & 9 Gummy Bears
• Chicken Tikka Masala & 1/4 C Rice
• Beets & Peas
• Raw Broccoli, Carrots & Bell Peppers
• Pro Shake


Cal - 2,263
Pro - 174
Carb - 196 (Thank you, Burger King. Fucker!)
Fat - 87
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Added 10 pounds to squats and hip thrusts today. Overall the working out is going well. It’s fun to go for strength/muscle after a long lean phase.
I'm feeling like a big fat lazy bitch today... I need to do some work on liking me as much as everyone else seems to.

20 minute row
Deadlift (hex) sets of 10 to failure 5 sets at 300lbs (quit on account of apathy)
20 minute row
20 minute row

1 egg and 5 egg whites
1 Dave's Killer whole wheat English muffin
1 turkey wrap with lettuce and sprouts
1/2 cup sugar-free frozen yogurt
1000 more low-fat sugar free calories to come in ahi, brown rice, and veggies
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Great work out today. I was feeling a bit slow and tired. Nothing like sweating it out at the gym for an hour. :love

Part 1

- Inch worms to kettle bell clean and push.
So kettle bell in between your feet. walk your hands out. Do a push up, walk your hands back in, grab the kettle bell, clean it up to your shoulder, push press and set it back down. x5

10 box jumps

3 knees to elbows

repeat x10 rounds

Part 2 20 min grind
Virtual shovel - flat back. pick up barbell on one end, flat back, lift, take 3 steps forward set it back down. back and forth 10 times

Kneeling Kettle bell halo. On knees from one hip, cross across your body up around your head and back across to the other side like a ribbon up, across, over, down.

5 sand bags over shoulder - 60lbs

10 good mornings with empty barbell. hinge at the hip.

the results?

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