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Time to get Fit thread

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... 3 yrs ago I was impatient on the BB mil press and didn’t do my usual warm up. I did something to my right shldr. Took time off. Ice every night. Went to PT. Got back to 95%. Then more setbacks. Finally discovered moveu and othe IG accounts (scroll up to my prev posts). I learned a few things, ie, I was using wrong technique on shldr work plus learned how to rehab, strengthen & protect shldrs...

I aggravated my right shoulder again about a week ago. Continued to do stretching per various IGs I follow. But this time I also added “lacrosse ball” self-massage. I worked on various shldr muscles followed by a lot of stretching. I tried to hit those trigger points. My shoulder loosened up. Hit delts at the gym tonight. I felt pretty good. There’s still impingement, rice krispies crackling and some very minor pain. Now I am 90% certain my pain isnt from a tear but from tightness.

Stretch and massage those delts is my new mantra.
I think Athleen X has done more to relieve physical pain than anyone or thing in my life. That guy is amazing.
Dude is awesome. I feel I'm getting in shape sitting on the couch and just watching his videos.
7.5M subscriber. I bet he's making $100K per month.
Dude is awesome. I feel I'm getting in shape sitting on the couch and just watching his videos.
7.5M subscriber. I bet he's making $100K per month.

I hope so. He offers a lot of value.
Weight in at 195 this morning. Mostly trained in martial arts this week, but I got in a gym workout yesterday that consisted of a a 1 mile run with 1 minute sprint blasts, then try to recover to reduce my heart rate down 130bpm in 1 minute, then blast again. I lifted weights, then skipped rope for 10 minutes. I've increased my carbs slightly to see how my body would respond, and I actually dropped weight. Don't think this will last long though, and will go back to lower carbs starting today.

Peeps, this is the best body composition, endurance and power I've ever had - even more than in my 20's (in my mid 40's now). I punch, kick and can explode better than ever. I just can't lift as heavy - but it's not in my goals to bench 405 again. The best thing about all of this, is I don't gas out like I used to when I was big.

I've realized some things:

1) Having been a competitive bodybuilder in the past, bodybuilding exercises (pressing, squatting, etc) in strict, isolation form is really only good for bodybuilding. Our bodies don't move that way naturally - we don't pick up groceries that way, we don't even move our motorcycles around that way. We use our whole body as one unit, leveraging our appendages to use the least amount of energy to accomplish a heavy task. I've created exercises (with help of online resources and with 26 years of being a gym rat) so that I can make my body move - with resistance training - in a way that mimics real life movements. For example - my current favorite exercise are Turkish Get-Ups with a kettlebell. I can only do 5 reps per side and I'm beat. I never do isolation exercises anymore, even something as simple as a bicep curl, I incorporate, with good form, my lower body.

2) Being (muscle) big (like, 210+, muscular, unnatural) sucks for most things. It's good for competitive powerlifting, professional wrestling, knockout fighters and competitive bodybuilding. In my experience of fluctuating my weight from 245 to 170 by manipulating my diet and workouts, nothing good came out of being heavier, with the exception that I could just lift heavier, but see #4.

3) The term "fit" has become synonymous with a cosmetic look. Skinny does not mean fit, nor does big and muscular mean fit. I know plenty of thin people who can't lift a feather, and plenty of huge bodybuilders who gas out 20 seconds on the heavy bag. To me, "fit" means to have a pleasant, generally athletic appearance, but with the ability to exert athleticism equal to - or better than - you look. "Fit" is a state of well being, not just looking good. Looking good is a byproduct of fitness.

4) We think of "strength" as the ability to lift or resist weight, whether it be weights in the traditional sense or body weight (like gymnasts). I think that we often overlook flexibility as a strength. Somebody may be able to rep 225 on military press, but that strength is compromised by being inflexible. Flexibility is it's own form of strength. If somebody can curl the 150lb barbell, but can't touch their toes without bending their knees, that is actually "weak".

Anyway, sorry for the long post :)
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^ Preach on Dion. you summed up my exact feelings about how I want my body to be and what it means to be in shape. I wanna do Stuff!!!

This is my next goal. They have drop ins/open house on the first and 3rd Sunday of each month. That would be next Sunday, if they are not taking off for easter, I'm gonna try it. Anybody else in?



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You nailed it Dion.
When I say I want to be fit I mean I wan to be able to ride my bike 150 miles through sand and rocks while carrying 30lbs of gear and gas. It means when I drop it I can pick it up and still have energy in reserve.
I got burnt out on P90X.

so I did a thing this morning...............I............

joined a collaborative gym. aka Crossfit. Don't judge! :laughing I really want to get into to weight lifting more and I need help. They have a nutritionist, Olympic lifting classes, and CrossFit classes. I start tomorrow on my intro since i know ZERO about all the different moves. But will be doing a body composition assessment, before and after photos, private sessions, group sessions, and a bi-weekly nutrition check-in. Really trying to ramp it up for the next 2 or so mos!
I got burnt out on P90X.

so I did a thing this morning...............I............

joined a collaborative gym. aka Crossfit. Don't judge! :laughing I really want to get into to weight lifting more and I need help. They have a nutritionist, Olympic lifting classes, and CrossFit classes. I start tomorrow on my intro since i know ZERO about all the different moves. But will be doing a body composition, before and after, private sessions, group sessions, and a bi-weekly nutrition check-in. Really trying to ramp it up for the next 2 or so mos!

Congrats Kim. if it makes you happy and gets you to the gym then it's all good. Sounds like a great deal with all the extras.

Went to the Orthopod today and he said to not do any bicep or shoulder stuff at the gym but released me for cardio so I am guessing that means the treadmill is back on rotation. Can't do external shoulder rotation either past 45 degrees but at least I can do some yard work now it is spring in the south and the weeds are back in full force. Also going to be able to get back into training for pistol comps. So excited.:teeth:teeth
I have a tverapy pedal thing if anyone wants it. I think this is great PT for shoulders. I’ll post a picture latet
I got burnt out on P90X.

so I did a thing this morning...............I............

joined a collaborative gym. aka Crossfit. Don't judge! :laughing I really want to get into to weight lifting more and I need help. They have a nutritionist, Olympic lifting classes, and CrossFit classes. I start tomorrow on my intro since i know ZERO about all the different moves. But will be doing a body composition assessment, before and after photos, private sessions, group sessions, and a bi-weekly nutrition check-in. Really trying to ramp it up for the next 2 or so mos!

Bravo. Just keep going.

Yoooooooo! Good morning fellow fit aspiring peeps!

Wanted to share my rope skipping routine - and something I recently started is hip twists. I get in about 3 rounds with 1 minute breaks (sometimes longer if somebody get's to talking to me or people are walking by). My rope is a 1.5lb steel cable that I make myself with the same ball-bearing handles I've had for years.

I have a bunch of unorthodox exercises I do in the gym that steer away from bodybuilding and more toward functionality that incorporates total body movement. Many people ask me how I work out my legs, they assume I squat heavy. I don't. I only do body weight squats (10 sets of 20 reps), wall sits, box jumps and body weight hamstring preacher curls, sometimes I do lunges with a medicine ball and I extend out (like I'm handing the ball to somebody). I haven't done a traditional weighted squat, leg press, dead lifts or anything like that for many, many years.

If anybody is interested in this sort of stuff, I'd be happy to share more. It's taken my years to develop the stuff that works for me and to truly compliment the sports I do. Learned a lot of it from Coach Ross (rossboxing.com) and martial arts/MMA stuff I've done over the years.

At 44 years old, this is probably the most fit I've ever been. It's also been the most humbling, checking my ego and not touching those big, heavy weights. Lifting heavy in my 20's truly damaged my body in ways I could not foresee during that time.
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A fun debate here: I don't believe in cardio for weight loss. Yes, I have said it!

Two years ago, I wanted to do an experiment of a targeted weight loss of 20lbs without doing a single lick of cardio. Zero. Nada. None. No jump rope, no running, no epiptical - NOTHING.

I have always taken issue with people doing all these "boot camp" style classes and while a better alternative to doing nothing, I noticed many still carrying around a higher body fat - in other words, having a "skinny-fat" look. I just look at them and see punishment with little results with a higher chance of injury.

I did a simple calorie adjust and a modified ketogenic diet. Lifted weights and did martial arts and BMX (which is not really cardio based, and more anaerobic). I dropped 20lbs in 3 months.

I think that if you are going from doing nothing to doing something, you will always find benefit in cardio exercise. I think that anybody in that situation will lose weight and feel much better. For those who have been into it for a long time and willing to do a little bio-hacking, I challenge to try something like what I did. It was a very interesting experiment and for me it proved correct.

I think that cardio health is super important. But for weight loss? Initially, yes, but NOTHING will replace a weight loss dedicated diet with carb/sugar control built into the plan.
I agree that diet is key to not being fat. But cardio is key to having your body be useful and doing stuff so they go hand in hand in my book.
I agree that diet is key to not being fat. But cardio is key to having your body be useful and doing stuff so they go hand in hand in my book.

Agreed. I think a good level of cardio fitness is really good - not just for fitness, but overall health. Like when people are labored after walking up a flight of stairs is not good! I just hate the sales pitch of these punishing boot camp style, injury-inducing, kill-yourself clinics that sell themselves on weight loss.
Three weeks in and now I’m in my rest week. I didn’t want to lose any weight so the diet has been spot on.

40.5 waist
40 hips
16.5 neck

39.5 waist
40.5 hips
16.25 neck

Lots to go but the shape is starting to form. How is everyone else doing?
AthleneX is one of youtube's best fitness guys. Youtube is so full of fitness knuckleheads with crap programs pushed by guys on gear (I don't have any problem with PEDs, except when these guys hold themselves out as natural and push programming that won't work for someone not using PED).
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