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Time to get Fit thread

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finished my first assessment/private training session at my new gym.

basically, my strength is awesome my cardio is fucking horrific. We were all stoked on my front squat then was like "it's ok just do one more and we will call it" on the cardio. :laughing
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I only do body weight squats (10 sets of 20 reps)...

Nice! I do the same and feel somewhat silly about it while other guys are squatting with many plates. Glad to see others do the same.

10x20?!!?! I need to pick up my game lol
I thought I was going light with one plate (135 lbs) for 20 reps. Everything I do is 20 reps.
I had stomach surgery a year ago and still playing it safe. If I go heavier than that I get a heartburn the next day which I'm thinking is a warning sign of some sort. I've tried lunges so I can use lighter weight but my balance is wonky with that movement.

Like most here I'm simply looking to be healthy and not in competition with anyone.
Yoooooooo! Good morning fellow fit aspiring peeps!

Wanted to share my rope skipping routine - and something I recently started is hip twists. I get in about 3 rounds with 1 minute breaks (sometimes longer if somebody get's to talking to me or people are walking by). My rope is a 1.5lb steel cable that I make myself with the same ball-bearing handles I've had for years.

I have a bunch of unorthodox exercises I do in the gym that steer away from bodybuilding and more toward functionality that incorporates total body movement. Many people ask me how I work out my legs, they assume I squat heavy. I don't. I only do body weight squats (10 sets of 20 reps), wall sits, box jumps and body weight hamstring preacher curls, sometimes I do lunges with a medicine ball and I extend out (like I'm handing the ball to somebody). I haven't done a traditional weighted squat, leg press, dead lifts or anything like that for many, many years.

If anybody is interested in this sort of stuff, I'd be happy to share more. It's taken my years to develop the stuff that works for me and to truly compliment the sports I do. Learned a lot of it from Coach Ross (rossboxing.com) and martial arts/MMA stuff I've done over the years.

At 44 years old, this is probably the most fit I've ever been. It's also been the most humbling, checking my ego and not touching those big, heavy weights. Lifting heavy in my 20's truly damaged my body in ways I could not foresee during that time.

If you want the best-defined legs ever ride a mountain bike at the highest gear you can for a distance. When I was younger I rode my mountain bike from my house in MH to my friend's house on Palm ave almost in SJ I think it was a 9-mile one-way trip. My legs were ripped and I could run for days. I even had that little teardrop muscle showing that sits right above the knees. I could also squat and do leg machine presses with the whole stack. It really did crazy things for my legs.
If you want the best-defined legs ever ride a mountain bike at the highest gear you can for a distance. When I was younger I rode my mountain bike from my house in MH to my friend's house on Palm ave almost in SJ I think it was a 9-mile one-way trip. My legs were ripped and I could run for days. I even had that little teardrop muscle showing that sits right above the knees. I could also squat and do leg machine presses with the whole stack. It really did crazy things for my legs.

I ride BMX, and used to race CX and MTB. You're right!
I've got the PERFECT socks for you...
Six weeks after multiple fractures to my scapula and I'm back in the gym on the incline bench. I've lost a lot of strength and some size on my left side and am pretty sure I'm going to be sore as hell tomorrow. I'll use this as my "before" picture.

Bring it.

:love :love :love
My problem is dropping food doesn't help as my body fights to keep its weight. Not sure other than PEDs what will help.
Turkish Get Up’s are probably the hardest thing I do with a kettlebell. I can do 25lbs, but usually don’t go higher than 18lbs on a normal workout. This is a 15lb’er

Also, I usually stick the stand up MUCH better :nchantr

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Does working out when already sore help with the soreness or will it effect my performance? I have another session today and Tuesday's really kicked my ass. Not as bad as yesterday but it hurts to cough, i have to grab onto things when sitting, and i cant really lift my hands above my head :laughing
Does working out when already sore help with the soreness or will it effect my performance? I have another session today and Tuesday's really kicked my ass. Not as bad as yesterday but it hurts to cough, i have to grab onto things when sitting, and i cant really lift my hands above my head :laughing

It depends on what you're doing - also what type of workout. Cyclists can ride back-to-back, but usually do a "spin" day for soreness to help with the lactic acid. I have a half dozen injuries that I continually live with - the newest being a small achilles tear. I use KT Tape for all my stuff, but I ALWAYS ice inflammation. Also, I think I've dialed my diet enough to know which foods cause inflammation (it's bread for me), so if I eat that kind of stuff, I know I will pay for it for a few days.

I think in your case, you should do some aerobic "spinny" type stuff and lay off the hard resistance stuff until you've recovered. That's what I would do!

I only do resistance training twice a week - and it's fairly light weight. When I was competing in bodybuilding, I'd do the "back one day" "chest another" to stave off over doing one muscle group. I don't do any of that stuff anymore.

The only soreness I have today is my neck and jaw from drilling rear-naked chokes and hip throws. Surprising how gnarly an 18 yr old with gusto can strangle the sh*t out of my 44yr. old ass. :laughing
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The workout is all assessments. So basically another full body "work out" to see where I fall in the group, where i should be starting and what my goals should be. Likely more squats, more weights, and some light endurance training.

Most of the "tests" are 5mins max but we go through about 5-6 and I am maxing out my efforts in each.
Those Turkish Get UPS look really hard!

I usually eat or drink some easily digestible protein after a hard workout. I seem to have more of tge after burn. And soreness since I allowed a substantial amount of fat to find its way back onto my body.
Those Turkish Get UPS look really hard!

I usually eat or drink some easily digestible protein after a hard workout. I seem to have more of tge after burn. And soreness since I allowed a substantial amount of fat to find its way back onto my body.

VERY hard! I started out just raising my hand (no weight) :rofl and barely could do them. I do another good one called windmills. Again, started off with no weight and worked my way up!
I’m doing a lot of mountain climbers. Burners make my knee swell so this is what I get.
I just did a body composition analysis. Was pretty cool to see everything broken down. She kept saying for my build, my age, and where I am at with weight everything is "really good!" but said she would like to see my lean muscle go up and my body fat go down even if that means my overall weight doesnt go down and I told her thats exactly what im looking for.

Next 6 weeks im bringing it!
Well, I climbed up to the obsevitory on Mt Tam Sunday, felt like I was going to have a heart attack and hurl blood. So much for cardio at the gym-I'm going to go hike that thing once a week until it causes no pain.

<<<<<<<<<<<< down 6lbs since starting this thread :banana
I just did a body composition analysis. Was pretty cool to see everything broken down. She kept saying for my build, my age, and where I am at with weight everything is "really good!" but said she would like to see my lean muscle go up and my body fat go down even if that means my overall weight doesnt go down and I told her thats exactly what im looking for.

Next 6 weeks im bringing it!

Muscle is denser than fat. You will gain muscle by working out depending on diet and intensity of your workouts. You may gain 10 pounds of muscle, lose 5 pounds of fat and end up weighing more but looking better. Don’t worry about the weight, focus on inches.
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