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Time to get Fit thread

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Kim, I agree with everyone. I strained my right shldr 3 yrs ago during BB Military when I didn’t do my usual warm up. It took a long time to get back to 95%. Still have pain but am stronger now. Like Sharky said, its weird the pain is in the back when benching; usually its the long bicep tendon at the shoulder (my issue). Take it easy. Be patient. Ice every night helped me a lot along with a lacrosse ball (but may not work for you). If you can get to that SOB with a lacrosse ball, try cross fiber massage, which works for me.

Worked late. Felt like a fat tub of goo but I showed up because of you guys :thumbup


Continuing to work on strength. Per Stoppani, light weights high reps and speed.

3x20 - Lat Pull
4x20 - Bodyweight Squat
4x15 - Glute Bridge Thingie
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
2x15 - DB Shrug

11-Min Swim in Gym Pool (swimming is not easy!)


• 2 Eggs, 1 Egg White, Small Potato
• 4 See’s Candies, which I now regret.
• 4 oz Turkey Breast, Red Onion, Hummus & 1 Slice Ezekial Bread
• Banana
• Orange
• Prunes
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout & 10 Gummy Bears
• Chicken Breast, Slice of Eggplant Parmigiana & Grilled zucchini
• Orange
• Pro Shake
• More to come?


Cal - 1900
Pro - 105
Carb - 225
Fat - 52
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Holy crap, I just found out on IG that Flex Wheeler had part of his right leg amputated. Apparently he’s had blood clots in that leg for a long time. Yikes!
You should see a doctor if it doesnt resolve in a few days to a week of rest. Tendinitis in the shoulder sounds like a suspicious diagnosis to me. Consider the dynamic movements of crossfit are hard on the most complex joint in your body and nobody likes a rotator cuff tear or shoulder impingements.

If bench press and pushups are aggravating it, which seems weird given the location, adjust the way your elbow bends during that movement. Elbows out will increase strain on your shoulder instead of loading your chest and triceps. The elbows out happens to a lot of people when they are getting fatigued in the movement and are shifting the workload to the shoulder in order to complete the rep. Just watch about any beginner to intermediate lifter max out on bench press and you will see whst i mean.


"you should see a dr. so it can be diagnosed properly"


"oh i know the problem".

"you should see a dr. so it can be diagnosed properly"


"oh i know the problem".

Thats right, i have a degree in Internet diagnosis of injurh and disease based on zero examination and minimal description of symptoms. It's a gift.
Good info Brett. I'm trying not to injure myself and above all, not put the bike on the ground when I'm not doing weights. I haven't posted the results of my last two years of workouts/ program up in visual form....debating if I want to.

Next season my goal is to win a Jetski championship and AFM championship in the same season.
That's quite a goal! Glad you're back on Jetski's, I know you were really good at them before getting into motorcycle racing. I've always preferred the stand-up ones, you can do a lot more things with them. Good luck!
Thanks Brett. I'm trying to rope others in (shamelessly).
Modified movements all week. Farmers carry, step-ups, planks, banded stretches ect. Tomorrow is bench day and Im really fucking bummed I cant do it. Its become a favorite of mine. Shoulder is still achey, gonna see in the next week or so what the dealio is and if its worth seeing something.

Sitting at a computer desk doesnt help, or lifting heavy babies all morning.
Kim, with all due respect to your Coach, they aren't a medical professional.

While your coach may have seen a lot of things over the years, I don't think they would have the training to be qualified to do more than telling how you should treat the symptoms of what you're experiencing in a general sense. I'd recommend that you see a medical professional who has the tools and training to get to the root of what your problem is so chat your coach or a physical therapist (which now requires a masters education) who could help you recover from this issue.

As a track coach, I could understand the likely cause of many ailments and try to see if it got better in a couple days, but once it got beyond that I recommended that they see a professional.

There were some known issues, like growing pains that followed very similar patterns, I knew how to deal with that. But there were other issues that I've seen in the track world that were harder to diagnose and fix including fractures of small bones in the feet.

Good luck with your issue, I hope it's something you can get beyond quickly.
Considering all they have told me is to not strain it anymore (modifying the daily workouts to exclude things that seem to aggravate it) and if it doesnt resolve in a week to see a professional seems to be solid advice.

Ive only just brought it up to them on Friday and I didnt work out on the weekend or Monday. So technically its only been 3 days (workouts) Im not one to run to the Dr after a few days of mild discomfort.

But as mentioned if it doesnt seem to be getting better even with removing certain movements. Ill see about getting it looked at in the next week or so.
Considering all they have told me is to not strain it anymore (modifying the daily workouts to exclude things that seem to aggravate it) and if it doesnt resolve in a week to see a professional seems to be solid advice.

Ive only just brought it up to them on Friday and I didnt work out on the weekend or Monday. So technically its only been 3 days (workouts) Im not one to run to the Dr after a few days of mild discomfort.

But as mentioned if it doesnt seem to be getting better even with removing certain movements. Ill see about getting it looked at in the next week or so.

I jimxed myself and strained my shoulder benching last night.
Talk of injuries highlights that rest recovery relaxation are INTEGRAL components to a fit athletic body, every bit as important are grind work and hustle, if not more so

Place as much emphasis on your recovery as you so your actions. Me personally? My recovery is more focused than my actions themselves

I budget 8-9 hours of sleep a night, no exceptions.
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Sat at evil ‘puter all day at work, which sucked the life out of me but I showed up even though all I wanted was a glass of whiskey and some cashews.

I hate you guys so much.

PAIN -▐ █ —— █▐-
Thursday, Jan 30, 2020

2x10 - Dead Hang Pull Ups
2x10 - Bar Dips
3x250 Feet Farmer’s Carry w/45s
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 1
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 2
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 3
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 4
3x10 - DB Upright Row
3x15 - Face Pull
3x20 - Leg Press
3x15 - Leg Extension
3x10 - DB Tri Extension
2x10 - Standing Tri Ext w/45
3x10 - OH Shldr Rotation w/45


• BK Sausage Egg Cheese Croi-vomit (FYI P18 C30 F30)
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt, 1 TB Honey, 10 Prunes
• Turkey & Avocado Sammie, Tortilla Chips & Coke
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout & 8 Gummy Bears
• 1 piece Chocolate
• Pro Shake


Cal - 2400
Pro - 142
Carb - 292 (holy fucking shit!)
Fat - 74
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Sat at evil ‘puter all day at work, which sucked the life out of me but I showed up even though all I wanted was a glass of whiskey and some cashews.

I hate you guys so much.

PAIN -▐ █ —— █▐-

2x10 - Dead Hang Pull Ups
2x10 - Bar Dips
3x250 Feet Farmer’s Carry w/45s
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 1
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 2
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 3
3x20 - Rotator Cuff No. 4
3x10 - DB Upright Row
3x15 - Face Pull
3x20 - Leg Press
3x15 - Leg Extension
3x10 - DB Tri Extension
2x10 - Standing Tri Ext w/45
3x10 - OH Shldr Rotation w/45


• BK Sausage Egg Cheese Croi-vomit (FYI P18 C30 F30)
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt, 1 TB Honey, 10 Prunes
• Turkey & Avocado Sammie, Tortilla Chips & Coke
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout & 8 Gummy Bears
• more to come...


Cal - 2240
Pro - 118
Carb - 282 (holy fucking shit!)
Fat - 72

Squats: 10 sets
Leg ext: 5 sets
Quad pump - priceless
Good post Kev.

One the things I’ve been looking into more and more are things that are “stressors” that contribute to fatigue you don’t think about. Even things like studying your hobbies or overtime at work, I’ve really enjoyed lookin into the science of it. It’s been eye opening, and applying a lot of what I’ve learned to myself has been paying massive dividends in my overall performances and day to day life
One the things I’ve been looking into more and more are things that are “stressors” that contribute to fatigue you don’t think about. Even things like studying your hobbies or overtime at work, I’ve really enjoyed lookin into the science of it. It’s been eye opening, and applying a lot of what I’ve learned to myself has been paying massive dividends in my overall performances and day to day life

Interesting. Any good resources to read up? That's something I'd be interested i reading on.
One the things I’ve been looking into more and more are things that are “stressors” that contribute to fatigue you don’t think about. Even things like studying your hobbies or overtime at work, I’ve really enjoyed lookin into the science of it. It’s been eye opening, and applying a lot of what I’ve learned to myself has been paying massive dividends in my overall performances and day to day life
Good stuff, Kevin! :thumbup

We want to be fit, but it's not just the gym and diet, it's the whole package that makes a difference.

As a coach, I was constantly trying to tell parents that their kids needed to eat right and get sufficient sleep if they were to perform at their best. Some didn't get this and were critical of their childs up and down performances.
20 Minute Row
1 hr Core Yoga
1/2 hr Free Weights.
15 minute shoot around

Way too little sleep. (5.5 hrs) I'm Jealous of Kev. Nice work arranging your life to get plenty of rest.
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