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Time to get Fit thread

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Major suckage this week. I only got in 2 gym days and last night was wasted I got to the gym and got a work call because I am after-hours support this week. Not going tonight because got a text there is a leak at my house so going to have to fix that tonight and gym closes early so no making it up. Hopefully, next week goes better I am off after hours so that should be a plus.
Major suckage this week. I only got in 2 gym days and last night was wasted I got to the gym and got a work call because I am after-hours support this week. Not going tonight because got a text there is a leak at my house so going to have to fix that tonight and gym closes early so no making it up. Hopefully, next week goes better I am off after hours so that should be a plus.

That's why I never plan days off or rest days. Seems like life happens and forces rest days in one way or the other.

Hang in there. Use the extra rest to recuperate and come back to your workout with additional vigor and intensity.
I forgot to post yesterday but it was run, row, and surf followed by my usual diet and too many peanut butter pretzels.

Soundtrack: Blade Runner 2049 (not great power music).
20 minute row
Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 13 sets at 195lbs
I'll hike or run later, if not then more rowing, and I'll do almost anything not to have to row more.

20oz protein shake
5oz spinach
1 banana
2tbsp almond butter
1 teaspoon peanut butter
10oz fresh turkey breast
1 head broccoli
1 cup sesame noodles
6oz ahi steak
1/2 cup brown rice
1 big fucking handful of peanut butter pretzels
That's why I never plan days off or rest days. Seems like life happens and forces rest days in one way or the other.

Hang in there. Use the extra rest to recuperate and come back to your workout with additional vigor and intensity.

Going to try and get work to send me a laptop so that I can troubleshoot using hotspot or gym WiFi so I won't be stuck at home or have to come back home to work.
That's why I never plan days off or rest days. Seems like life happens and forces rest days in one way or the other.

Hang in there. Use the extra rest to recuperate and come back to your workout with additional vigor and intensity.

Going home to fix leaks and what not, isn’t a rest day. It’s a potentially larger stressor, than actually going to the gym
Realized that I'm getting a cool cabling effect (what's the term for that?) across my whole chest and shoulders whenever I move my arms out and stop them, and not even with a fast movement.

Nice feedback that I'm getting high muscle density across my upper body.
Going home to fix leaks and what not, isn’t a rest day. It’s a potentially larger stressor, than actually going to the gym

I get it Kev, and Alan Thrall has a nice video on stress, capacity etc.

My point was a lifestyle management one. Stress management is different for everyone.
Thanks Kevin. Interesting the Woop strap. I use the Bose heart rate headphones, but they kinda suck. I like the idea of the Woop...
Rested yesterday and will probably rest today - lots of aches and tightness, need to stretch.

But still eating clean. Will probably gorge on fiber and roughage this weekend to purge.

Happy Saturday!
Soundtrack: Viva Voce, Fauxliage

20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8-10 to failure 15 sets at 225lbs
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
1 banana
2tbsp almond butter
10oz fresh turkey
1/2 bag jalapeno chips (ass burners)
2 cups spinach salad with chicken and beets
2 SLODOCO French curler donuts because Dan took the day off

I'll be on LA tomorrow so lotsa sushi and Redbull and no working out, which isn't to say I wont get some exercise...
Soundtrack: Viva Voce, Fauxliage

20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8-10 to failure 15 sets at 225lbs
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
1 banana
2tbsp almond butter
10oz fresh turkey
1/2 bag jalapeno chips (ass burners)
2 cups spinach salad with chicken and beets
2 SLODOCO French curler donuts because Dan took the day off

I'll be on LA tomorrow so lotsa sushi and Redbull and no working out, which isn't to say I wont get some exercise...

Hitting it hard as usual :thumbup
Rested yesterday and will probably rest today - lots of aches and tightness, need to stretch.

But still eating clean. Will probably gorge on fiber and roughage this weekend to purge.

Happy Saturday!

Well since Beau showed up, I showed up. Light workout, endorphins felt good.

Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020

..♪ -
◎▽◎ 20 Min - Elliptical Trainer

~~~~ 10 Min - Swim in Gym Pool (slowly figuring out this breathing thing; long way to go)


• 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Ezekial
• Small serving of Potato Salad
• Orange
• Pack of M&M’s :twofinger
• 1/2 Serving Fried Rice and Two Skewered Chicken Wings
• Post Workout and 10 Gummy Bears
• more to come


Too lazy.
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Sat night
11 sets deadlift. I got interrupted right before my working sets so had to warm up twice.
Officially two weeks since I jacked up my shoulder. It's feeling better, but took the last two weeks off of doing much of anything. This weekend started doing more (very light, mostly daily type) stuff, still a couple directions that are clearly worse than others but will be back to doing non-shoulder working workouts this week that'll keep the movement going but avoiding load bearing with that arm much.

Worked on the bike, went grocery shopping, that kind of stuff without much complication, so on to the next step (last week even jogging with the dog wasn't comfortable so was just doing PT stuff with that arm).

ROM is still good though, just adding even the lightest loads definitely makes a noticeable difference. So trying to be careful to find that balance between keeping it going and not overdoing it.
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