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Time to get Fit thread

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Had the worst swim of the last 6 months today. I may have done 1500 yards. Couldn’t warm up. Couldn’t catch my breath. Never felt right. :/ I’m trying to console myself that it was better than nothing. I had a really good barn run on Friday so I’m not sure what went wrong today. I even used my asthma inhaler and couldn’t feel right. Bahhh.
Sunday, February 2, 2020

I watched the game at my gym. I did a quick workout just before kick-off:

3x15 - Incline Crunch
3x25 - BB Military Press
3x10 - BB Squat
3x20 - DB Military Press

10-Min Swim - Since I heard halftime was going to be 29 minutes, I swam in the gym pool during half time. Showered and shaved my head before kick-off :)

I was curious about Mark Spitz’s hands during FS. I youtubed and discovered he splayed his fingers along with bending his wrists. Screenshots ofr your viewing pleasure:




• 3 eggs, 2 Slices Ezekial
• Muscle Milk Banana Cream
• 2 oz Pulled Pork, 1/4 Cup Rice, Grilled Vaggies
• Orange
• Post Workout & 10 Gummy Bears
• Turkey & Cheese sammie, Doritos and a Coke :twofinger
• Handful of Chocolate Raisins
• may be more to come but probably not...


I really don’t want to know the truth. Probably carby :rolleyes
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I've been getting calf cramps lately while working out. Last week's was maybe the 5th in the last several months, though it had been a while since the previous one.

They've occurred on both sides. I think gastroc, as well as soleus.

For the last one the soleus locked as I was lowering into a front lever on the rings. So I wasn't directly using the calf.

I knew trouble was coming when stretching earlier, as my foot threatened to cramp a couple of times, but didn't lock up.

I have some ways of dealing with it, but if you've solved an issue like this, I'm curious how.
Possibly potassium deficiency. Try Beat juice or Coconut water, IME.

I don't cramp much, but I do have issues with muscle spasms from time to time. Arm pump went away with stretching and upping potassium. So maybe...
What’s wrong with your shoulder? :(

Dorked it (likely separated, but not bad enough to pay several thousand bucks just to have it looked at)....it's definitely improving, but will need another week or two I think to really be sort back to normal-ish.
Possibly potassium deficiency. Try Beat juice or Coconut water, IME.

I don't cramp much, but I do have issues with muscle spasms from time to time. Arm pump went away with stretching and upping potassium. So maybe...
+1 on Potassium. Dried banana chips are a good source.

Also, Amazon has an assortment of electrolyte powders where you're not getting sugar with it, like you do with sports drinks.
Sleep deprived and exhausted from a roadtrip and thirty hours of work this weekend, I'm taking tonight off.
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Woke up. Felt like shit (probably the Doritos and coke from yesterday). Sat in front of ‘puter at work. Showed up anyway.


25 Min - Elliptical Trainer
5x15 - Bridges (I DON’T WANT OLE GEEZER ASS!)
5x20 - Bodyweight Squats
5x20 - DB Wrist Curls
3x10 - The forearm thingie per Dubbington


• Banana
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt, 1 TB Honey & 10 Prunes
• 3 oz Turkey Breast, Hummus & 1 Slice Ezekial
• 2 Oranges
• Pro Shake
• Post Workout
• Skittles
• Wholefoods Burger Patty, Mashed Potatos, Peas and Corn
• 2 Oranges


Cal - 1770
Pro - 119
Carb - 263
Fat - 27
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Listened to the new T-Swift album. 1:05 of non stop weights, HR; 90-160 constant flux. Mean mugged some dipshit who kept slapping the weights. Lost a small amount of water weight, gained a lb of muscle. Up to 171/2. Fuck...don’t want more size...more cut, but want to cut muscle to get under 170. Think it’s coming from leg training...
Listened to the new T-Swift album. 1:05 of non stop weights, HR; 90-160 constant flux. Mean mugged some dipshit who kept slapping the weights. Lost a small amount of water weight, gained a lb of muscle. Up to 171/2. Fuck...don’t want more size...more cut, but want to cut muscle to get under 170. Think it’s coming from leg training...
If you want upper body cut, use a hand crank machine for 40 second burns where the resistance and intensity result in significant lactic acid build-up, then give yourself about 80 seconds of recovery and do it again for 10 sets. I guarantee that you'll get the cut you're after in your shoulders, chest and back.
So very this. If I want to gain muscle fast I start deadlifting and doing squats on the regular. I can put on five pounds of ass in no time.

Yah, I need to build more endurance in thighs, but don't want the mass. I'm like you; my legs grow fast, but that's not ideal for what I need...so high rep stuff and lower weight has been my routine. When I get the burn part, I need to up the pace for another 1.5 minutes. Not there yet...

If you want upper body cut, use a hand crank machine for 40 second burns where the resistance and intensity result in significant lactic acid build-up, then give yourself about 80 seconds of recovery and do it again for 10 sets. I guarantee that you'll get the cut you're after in your shoulders, chest and back.

Gonna try that, thanks Brett. We've got a nice hand bike at my gym. What I really need is to make sure I've got quick recovery and endurance...and with the goal for 2020 to win a Roadrace and Standup (Jetski) championship each, I need to work out a bit different for each. They're close, but some decent differences in muscles worn out/ used.
Yah, I need to build more endurance in thighs, but don't want the mass. I'm like you; my legs grow fast, but that's not ideal for what I need...so high rep stuff and lower weight has been my routine. When I get the burn part, I need to up the pace for another 1.5 minutes. Not there yet...

I would suggest weighted running, I've had a lot of success with it. The weight vest provides a tougher workout, strength and endurance building, without putting all the miles on the knees. Wearing 25 pounds I'm pretty sure I get ten miles worth of running in five miles of hills. In truth I don't pay any attention to how far I run, I just run hard for 30 or 40 minutes and call it a day. Doing this four or five times a week has served me well.

Soundtrack: Puscifer, L7

Incline bench sets of 8 to failure 15 sets at 205lbs
25 minute weighted run 25lbs and 240ft elevation
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1/2 cup oats
1 banana
8oz fresh turkey
1 head broccoli
1 cup sesame noodles
5 golf ball size Korean beef meatballs
1 cup tomato egg noodles
1 cup Barbara's oat squares
1/2 gallon 1% milk
1 handful peanut butter pretzels
Gonna try that, thanks Brett. We've got a nice hand bike at my gym. What I really need is to make sure I've got quick recovery and endurance...and with the goal for 2020 to win a Roadrace and Standup (Jetski) championship each, I need to work out a bit different for each. They're close, but some decent differences in muscles worn out/ used.
That kind of workout, with the 40 second bursts and short recovery times, should really improve your recovery time in your arms and shoulders, it's building your glucose recovery longer bursts of higher function with shorter rests and Lactate Tolerance so that you can function better with lactic acid build-up. Both of which would be valuable with either forms of racing.

You're getting older, so you're going to have to have something over the youngsters. :afm199
I don't hate getting older yet...but I know I will. Will check back on results with you guys.

Beau, I absolutely HATE running for cardio/ exercise. Must be my short donkey legs...
Got a much better swim in last night. Less distance and more intensity. 10 x 100 meters on 2:00. I could do the 100 in about 1:30 and then had 30 seconds to rest. I defiantly felt it. I then did and easier 5 x 200 meters. Trying the entire time to focus on my stroke and breath and worry less about total distance swam.

I found this article helpful. It talks about triathlon training mistakes but the advise probably applies to everyone.

Got a much better swim in last night. Less distance and more intensity. 10 x 100 meters on 2:00. I could do the 100 in about 1:30 and then had 30 seconds to rest.


Omg. I think I swim 100m in 3:00. I suck. But thanks for the on-going inspiration.
Omg. I think I swim 100m in 3:00. I suck. But thanks for the on-going inspiration.

I swam in High school a bit so that helps. It was an air gasping work out to to 10 100's on 2:00. That Spits video was amazing. Watching his "catch" was really helpful. The catch is when his arms enter the water. From what I have read you are trying to use your entire arm to scoop and move water. Think of planting your arm in wet cement and then moving your body to it. You notice how there are no bubbles behind his hands and arms? No cavitation. He is HAULING ass with each digging stroke. Same wet cement Idea in paddling an outrigger canoe. Bury the blade and move the boat to it.

My biggest swim limitation is my kick. Its non existent. I can't point my toes much and have tiny calves. I can get a kick board and kick furiously and almost nothing happens. I love putting fins on and flying tho. Even that is weird because of the limited rang of motion in my ankles. The kick limit makes me focus extra hard on having a good pull. I would say my pull is decent but light years away from world class. At my best I might be able to be top 10 in an age group race, maybe.

Swimming and fitness in general is a me vs me thing so its never really bothered me to see the real swimmers crush it in the pool. I admire the fuck out of them.
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