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Time to get Fit thread

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Yesterday was a “mellow day” push ups. Cleans. Wall balls. Chin ups (modified mine)

Didn’t go to the gym but did shovel snow for 45mins in 18 degree weather. That counts for something right? :p
Yesterday was a “mellow day” push ups. Cleans. Wall balls. Chin ups (modified mine)

Didn’t go to the gym but did shovel snow for 45mins in 18 degree weather. That counts for something right? :p

Definitely counts!

Well I arrived at my gym and discovered I forgot my shoes. Luckily I had my swim gear so...


15-Min Swim (using Mark Spitz splayed-finger bent at wrist that made a big difference but I.. Still. Suck. Ass.)


Eating light the last couple of days:

• Egg, cheese and 2 Slices Whole Wheat
• Red Banana from Ecuador (love!)
• 3 Sees’ Candies
• 2 Oranges
• Starbucks Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon Sammie
• 2 Oranges
• Burger Patty, Brown Rice, Carrots and Corn
• 1/2 Pack M&M’s


Too lazy....
I swam in High school a bit so that helps.I am jelly. It was an air gasping work out to to 10 100's on 2:00. That Spits video was amazing. Watching his "catch" was really helpful. The catch is when his arms enter the water. From what I have read you are trying to use your entire arm to scoop and move water. as a matter of fact, I believe Summer Sanders talked about this in a youtube vid. She talked about how your hands, forearms and upper arms move water. Think of planting your arm in wet cement and then moving your body to it. Coincidentally, tonight I focused on that and understood how Mark “pulled” himself forward. You notice how there are no bubbles behind his hands and arms?I didn’t notice that. Thnx for pointing that out. No cavitation. He is HAULING ass with each digging stroke. Same wet cement Idea in paddling an outrigger canoe. Bury the blade and move the boat to it.

My biggest swim limitation is my kick.I watched the vid again and noticed he doesn’t kick furiously. My major limitation is my breathing. The other night it “clicked” but tonight bad habits returned. Its non existent. I can't point my toes much and have tiny calves. I can get a kick board and kick furiously and almost nothing happens. I love putting fins on and flying tho. Even that is weird because of the limited rang of motion in my ankles. The kick limit makes me focus extra hard on having a good pull. I would say my pull is decent but light years away from world class. At my best I might be able to be top 10 in an age group race, maybe. Top 10 is a major accomplishment.

Swimming and fitness in general is a me vs me thing so its never really bothered me to see the real swimmers crush it in the pool. I admire the fuck out of them. Me too. Like a golf swing, you can tell right away if a swimmer is good. I’ve said this before, swimming has to be one of the most difficult sports to excel at. Anyone can shoot hoops or kick a soccer ball or throw on a mitt and play baseball but swimming, at least for me, is difficult to learn.

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My shoulder impingement is getting better with physical therapy. Sure glad that my muscles are responding well to ultrasound and electrical impulse therapy. I might be healed by the end of this month -- just in time to play softball.
I'm coming down with something so a light day of hiking and a little rowing with lots of meat protein and veggies. Hoping tomorrow brings better health.
Be careful, I got a really nasty virus from somebody I shook hands with at an awards banquet this past weekend in the Bay Area.

I've never had such an aggressive virus, it went right into my throat and two nights ago I felt like I was ripping the lining out of my throat and lungs every time I coughed.

I did 30 minutes in the steam room with heavy steam last night, drank ginger tea (Salabat) and ate candied ginger all day followed by sleeping under a down comforter (I usually only have flannel sheets over me) and am better today. The previous night my lungs were weazing and popping and I was soaking wet.
Yeah I'm sick today, nasty little cold with nasal congestion and some body ache. I'm going to take it easy and eat right. 20 minute row this morning, might row again later after a morning nap.

Ginger candy sounds amazing.
Trader Joes (at least down here) have both their ginger snaps and candied ginger which is really potent.

Was also drinking Salabat, ginger tea (dried ginger, sugar cane and cayenne pepper) from the asian stores.
Yeah I'm sick today, nasty little cold with nasal congestion and some body ache. I'm going to take it easy and eat right. 20 minute row this morning, might row again later after a morning nap.

Ginger candy sounds amazing.

Or lay naked in a cold river. It worked for Flicka*

*”My Friend Flicka” - Horse gets sick. Kid finds horse missing. Kid is sad. Kid finds horse laying naked in cold river. Horse recovers and life is good!

Be careful, I got a really nasty virus from somebody I shook hands with at an awards banquet this past weekend in the Bay Area.


Damn! Sorry to hear that. I try my best to avoid touching my mouth, nose eyes after shaking hands and immediately wash my hands.
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Yesterday was a “mellow day” push ups. Cleans. Wall balls. Chin ups (modified mine)

Didn’t go to the gym but did shovel snow for 45mins in 18 degree weather. That counts for something right? :p

People drop dead doing that stuff all the time, means its healthy!
People drop dead doing that stuff all the time, means its healthy!

:laughing Shit's no joke! Hell of a back and arms work out!


Toes to wall or in my case toes to wall, since Im avoiding any hanging
15-30 handstand wall hold

30 Calorie row
20 air squats
8/8 Single arm Russian kettle bell swing - 26lbs
10 up and over 22in box

I made it 3 full rounds and was starting my 4th.
the BIL is trying to talk me into a half ironman in Dec. that leaves plenty of time to get in shape for my May race, get out of shape in summer, and get back into shape in Fall :laughing. I probably would have already done one if running wasn't painfully boring. hmm.
the BIL is trying to talk me into a half ironman in Dec. that leaves plenty of time to get in shape for my May race, get out of shape in summer, and get back into shape in Fall :laughing. I probably would have already done one if running wasn't painfully boring. hmm.
I used to listen to audio books while running on the treadmill, it alleviated the boredom, though the longest I could get myself to do was 40 minutes.
oh man, I fall asleep just thinking about the boredom of a treadmill.

races are generally a lot more fun than training, esp training alone. maybe the excitement of all that would get me through the event. but its gonna be hard to find the motivation to train.

for me, least exciting to most exciting:
treadmill < running alone < running a race < cycling alone < cycling a race < trackdays < motorcycle race
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I've been doing 20 pushup sets trying for 60-100 per day

It's been awesome

I have a variation that will more than likely get you better results. Over the course of the day do ten sets of pushups to failure. No set number of pushups, just do them until you can's do anymore. Do this ten times in a day, six days a week, and I guarantee you will see muscle development within ninety days.

This is precisely how I got started five years ago.

Kid finds horse laying naked in cold river.
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Working out light to give bicep tendon some time off while keeping the momentum moving forward.


10 Min - Elliptical Trainer
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Bar Dip
3x20 - Bodyweight Squats
3x15 - DB Press
3x10 - DB Side Raise
3x15 - DB Curl


• Smoothie - Spinach strawberries banana almond milk vegan protein
• 4 Hard Eggs
• 4 Oranges
• Bagel w 1TB Butter
• Muscle Milk Blueberry Yogurt
• Beef Stew, small serving of Rice, Carrots
• more protein to come...


Cal - 2054
Pro - 110
Carb - 250
Fat - 69
In our gym, we have a set of electronic resistance machines. You can increase or decrease the resistance by pushing a button on the left or right hand of the grip. I use the back press machine, set it to 135 (Not sure if lbs), put a knee on the bench, my palms on the top and do full presses to failure which is usually around 40. My arms are burning by the end, I do this as my final set of the day.

One key to endurance is to increase your strength, the rate of lactic acid build up is related to the percentage of your maximum strength you use.
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