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Time to get Fit thread

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I've changed my schedule to get up and work out at 6am in the mornings.


Averaging 18 miles of rowing/week and looking to add in some weights soon.

Down to 207 lbs. Not going to see much difference until I change my diet. That said, I've stopped drinking, and am feeling much better for it.
Was sick as shit last week so gym was out.

This week is a fresh start. Going back on meal modification plan and shooting for 1700 calories a day. Changing up the gym routine to treadmill for 45 minutes and then various multi-body part workouts. Going to hit the heavy bag, battle ropes, box jumps, deadlifts and anything else that piques my interest.

My short term goal is to lose weight and then when I am happy with the weight loss I will switch back to muscle-building mode and eat a metric shit ton of protein to pack on the pounds again.
Was sick as shit last week so gym was out.

This week is a fresh start. Going back on meal modification plan and shooting for 1700 calories a day. Changing up the gym routine to treadmill for 45 minutes and then various multi-body part workouts. Going to hit the heavy bag, battle ropes, box jumps, deadlifts and anything else that piques my interest.

My short term goal is to lose weight and then when I am happy with the weight loss I will switch back to muscle-building mode and eat a metric shit ton of protein to pack on the pounds again.
Me too. Sucked. Felt like I was coughing out the lining of my throat and lungs Tuesday night. Had come back to SSF for an awards banquet and must have shook the wrong hand before the meal. From now on, just bumping fists at these things. I did go to the gym but to do 30 minutes in the steam room each day.

Not 100% yet, but getting back in the gym today.
Hey Beau, how many meals do you eat?

What are some of your diet fundamental principles?

No or very little processed sugar, fruit is okay, sweeten things with raisins or dates. I will only eat grains if they are whole- if it doesn't say "whole wheat" or "whole grain" or "whole" before whatever it is it's not getting eaten by me. Lots of low fat protein- like 200 grams a day. Complete proteins, which means beans & rice, not just beans (read up on amino acids and what constitutes a whole protein). Organic. I eat almost exclusively organic.

I probably have 5-6 "meals" a day. No set regimen. For me over-thinking diet takes the do-ability out of it; I try to keep it simple. Also I don't count calories, I estimate. I also don't drink alcohol, like any, ever, which is easy for me because I'm sober 20+ years.

Soundtrack: UNKLE, DeadStar Assembly

20 minute row
30 minute hike 400ft elevation
Incline benchpress sets of 8 to failure 15 sets at 205lbs.

20oz whey protein shake
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup oats
1 banana
1 apple
2 cups Barbara's oat squares
10oz whey protein shake
1 cup egg noodles
4 large Korean beef meatballs
1/2 a chicken
1 cup spinach
1 handfull peanut butter pretzels
1/2 bag Beanfield's bean chips
1/2 cup guacamole
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Part 1 -
Every min on the minute for 8 mins
Clean pull followed by 2 power cleans - Doable weight not too crazy - 75lbs

Part 2 -
Every 2 mins - Squat - 70% of you 5 rep max
5 sets 4 rounds
5th round as many as you can do leaving 2 in the tank

sets 1- 4 = 95lbs
round 5 = 18 reps

result - increasing my max rep by 10lbs

Part 3 -
Strict press - 70% of your 5 rep max
5 sets 4 rounds
5th set as many as you can do leaving 2 in the tank

since my shoulder was bugging me and i didnt have a 5 rep max i went fairly light

rounds 1-4 = 45lbs
round 5 = 15 reps
result - increase my total max rep by 10lbs

Part 4 -
6-10 strict pull-ups (i did modified 6 reps)
12 barbell RDLs
20 weighted walking lunges
45 sec weighted plank
repeat x3
Part 1 -
Every min on the minute for 8 mins
Clean pull followed by 2 power cleans - Doable weight not too crazy - 75lbs

Part 2 -
Every 2 mins - Squat - 70% of you 5 rep max
5 sets 4 rounds
5th round as many as you can do leaving 2 in the tank

sets 1- 4 = 95lbs
round 5 = 18 reps

result - increasing my max rep by 10lbs

Part 3 -
Strict press - 70% of your 5 rep max
5 sets 4 rounds
5th set as many as you can do leaving 2 in the tank

since my shoulder was bugging me and i didnt have a 5 rep max i went fairly light

rounds 1-4 = 45lbs
round 5 = 15 reps
result - increase my total max rep by 10lbs

Part 4 -
6-10 strict pull-ups (i did modified 6 reps)
12 barbell RDLs
20 weighted walking lunges
45 sec weighted plank
repeat x3

HF!!! :thumbup

Back from 3-day getaway and facing reality: work, gym, and diet :(

Bicep tendon feels good after some rest so I hit it light tonight:


10 Min Row at 22 S/Min and 600 Cal/hour
15 Min Elliptical Trainer
3x25 - Push Up
3x10 - DB Side Raise
3x10 - DB Shrug
3x10 - DB Curl
3x15 - Calf Raise
3x15 - Leg Press
3x15 - Leg Extension
1x10 - Hanging Leg Raise


• Jamba Juice Greens n Ginger:
.....Lemonade, Peaches, Kale, Mangos, Ginger
.....290 Cal, Pro 4, Carb 70, Fat 1 (forgot to ask for protein)
• 4 Hard Eggs
• 2 Oranges
• 2 3-in-1 Malaysian White Coffee (75 Carbs per serving!)
• Handful of Chocolate Raisins
• 2 Chicken Thighs, 1/2 Cup Rice, 2 Cups Grilled Vaggies
• 2 Oranges


Look how suckass are my macros when I don’t follow the program. Carbs are twice what they should be and protein is not going to build shit. Back to the diet tomorrow.

Cal - 1790
Pro - 67
Carb - 269
Fat - 49
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Soundtrack: Andy Moor, The Thrillseakers

20 minute row
30 minute weighted run 25lbs and 420ft elevation
12 minute row

12" whole grain pancake
7 egg whites
1 banana
1 tbsp almond butter
3 bowls of Anderson's split pea soup because when in Buellton....
8oz sliced ham
1/2 bag Beanfield's bean chips
1/2 bag Bambas peanut puffs from TJ's

More to come, I'll edit as I go. Got a big bay business wise so that might be it on the cardio unless I get lucky tonight.
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So here is what happened yesterday.

Hit the gym last night and did about 50 minutes on the treadmill.

Hit the abs for a bit to try and get that six-pack for when the insulation is all gone.

Just want to put out there how awesome my wife is, I work from home and she will cook my chicken breasts and veggies for me so I can afford to eat something every 2 hoursish which helps immensely.

Oatmeal and Protein shake for breakfast
half a chicken breast and about a 1/4 cup homemade unsalted nut mix - mid morning snack.
half a chicken breast and 1 cup of various veggies for lunch.
half a chicken breast and about a 1/4 cup homemade unsalted nut mix - mid afternoon snack.
Full chicken breast and 1 cup of veggies for dinner.
Lots and lots of water all day.

Woke up this morning and when I went to get changed I stepped wrong or something and had pain shooting up from my ankle through the knee. It hurt like a mother F'er. Kept going and now it seems to have gone away hope it doesn't flare up again when I hit the treadmill tonight.

Tonight will be ~50 minutes on the treadmill and then I will be trying out my new 16oz Venum boxing gloves for however long I can keep hitting the heavy bag.
Sick, didn't eat much and tried working out anyways. After only clearing a few weak sauce sets of pullups I called it. There's always tomorrow.
No gym today, so instead took our newest puppy dog on an almost 3 mile walk. Meet Bruno the Cane Corso. Hes 10mos old we adopted him on Saturday. The older Cane Corso is Maddie we've had her for 6yrs.




No gym today, so instead took our newest puppy dog on an almost 3 mile walk. Meet Bruno the Cane Corso. Hes 10mos old we adopted him on Saturday. The older Cane Corso is Maddie we've had her for 6yrs.





I am in love with your dogs. I love that color but I don't think the wife will let me get another big dog after Chance (Black Lab/Newfoundland mix) passes away. Still trying to talk her into another Rotti.

I also want a Pitbull in that color it looks so good on them.
Took me a while but finally got my husband to break down :laughing

I adopted from a giant breed specific org. Tedious application process but worth it. Soon as I saw him I knew we had to have him. Maddie has been such a wonderful dog. We are in love with this stubborn breed :)
Took me a while but finally got my husband to break down :laughing

I adopted from a giant breed specific org. Tedious application process but worth it. Soon as I saw him I knew we had to have him. Maddie has been such a wonderful dog. We are in love with this stubborn breed :)

Beautiful dogs, Kim!


Arrived at gym and forgot my shoes goddamnit. Going home to do housework. And tomorrow I have a night meeting so probably won’t work
You know you got a good back workout in when you can't even manage half a pull-up at the end.

Kim, zomg I love the pup. Wish I could take him for a run on the beach in Santa Cruz for a cardio day workout.
90 minute climb tonight with my 25# pack and wearing heavy boots. Navigating off trail straight up hill in the dark, cranked out 2300' elevation.
I think all of the "out of gym" workouts are cool to read about.
I hit the gym last night.

Did about 54 minutes on the treadmill. Warmup and cool down was about 14 minutes and the rest was done at a 10% incline at a 3.3MPH pace.

After the treadmill, I decided to hit the heavy bag. Did light jabs as I moved around the bag making sure to hold my hands up guarding my face at all times. I would alternate light jabs with heavier jabs until I got out of breath. I would then take about a 30-second rest. Think this session lasted for about 15 minutes. I stopped when I started to feel it in my upper back/shoulders I didn't want to overdo my first heavy bag workout. It was crazy how out of wore out I would get only doing 1-minute bursts of the bag. Totally loving this addition to the routine.

Food for yesterday:
Oatmeal and protein shake
3 Chicken Breasts
handful of lightly salted nut mix (pistachios, cashews and dry roasted peanuts)
About 3 cups of veggies
1/4 cup of Jambalaya (wife made it for dinner and couldn't not have any sooo good)
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