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Time to get Fit thread

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Anyone using creatinine? Are you getting any benefit from it?

I take the minimum dose and it seems to help. I really only take creatine and protein powders when I am working out. They are the most studied supplements with real benefits that are proven by clinical studies.

I know that Holeshot has stated some reasons why he doesn't use creatine so maybe he will chime in also.
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I just incline benched two plates for eight reps. Fuckin-a.

Soundtrack: Clan of Xymox, Front Line Assembly

20 minute row
Incline bench sets of 8-10 to failure 15 sets at 205-225lbs
20 minute row

7 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1 Dave's Killer whole wheat English muffin
5 golf ball size Korean beef meatballs
1.5 cups egg noodles
6oz ahi tuna steak
20oz whey protein shake
6oz spinach
1 cup oats
1 head broccoli
^ At my strongest I never put up more than 195 Incline. And that was close to 20 years ago lol. 2 plates incline is strong as fuck.

I got my hill run in yesterday. Shoulder feels ok. It core yoga and weight room tonight. If I get there earlier enough I will row first.
ice baths have dramatically reduced my recovery time for cycling. even just a 5lbs bag of ice in the tub is good enough to reduce my recovery from 2-3 days down to 1 day. plus I usually feel more energized that whole day and sleep better that night cuz I dont feel freakishly hot in bed.
I tried to get my son to use our pool (currently 46 degrees) for an ice bath last night. He came home from his first day of really jumping with High Jump practice (5'9", felt like he could have jumped higher, but shut down by jump coach, too early to really stress the legs) and he felt sore all over.

He wasn't having it, he said he has a team ice bath (primarily for the elite sprinters on the team) tomorrow (today) and didn't want to go through it twice in two days. :laughing
You all are such an inspiration! I can't even run across the street without sounding like Darth Vadar :laughing

I am working on my energy levels, I am so freaking tired and not sleeping well. What time do you think is the best time to wear you out so I can sleep good? :laughing
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You all are such an inspiration! I can't even run across the street without sounding like Darth Vadar :laughing

I am working on my energy levels, I am so freaking tired and not sleeping well. What time do you think is the best time to wear you out so I can sleep good? :laughing
Studies show that working out (completion) about 2 hours before going to bed is optimal for a good sleep for many people, for others there is more optimal times, but exercise has been found to aid in better sleep for almost everybody.

John Hopkins Medicine: Exercising for Better Sleep
Pushrod: 44 here. You're a savage, brah.

I know that Holeshot has stated some reasons why he doesn't use creatine so maybe he will chime in also.

Thanks...yeah, screw Creatine! Arm pump...massive arm pump, so no good for riding. Frankly, it's no good for any endurance sports/ stamina IMO. Water retention ain't something I'm looking for. Last time I took Creatine and meant to was in my 20's. It was in a preworkout I was drinking early last race season and I when I figured that out, I dumped it and cured my arm pump (that I don't normally have) right quick.

If you're gonna do Creatine, just do HGH, test, or Deca. I'll stick to none of them.


6x10 - Bench Press (no arched back nor bouncing off sternum!)
5x15 - Hanging Leg Raise (no swinging!)
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat with a plate
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x15 - Cable Decline X Over
3x10 - Ab Rollout
2x10 - OH Tri Extension with a plate
6x10 - Alternate DB & Curling Bar Curl
3x10 - DB Wrist Curl
3x10 - DB Reverse Wrist Curl


• Smoothie: Spinach, Banana, Strawberries, Almond Milk, Vegan Pro
• 3 Hard Eggs
• Scone :twofinger
• 3 Oranges
• 2 Chicken Thighs, 1/4 Cup Rice, 2 Cups Collard Greens
• more to come...


Cal: 1750
Pro: 95
Carb: 197
Fat: 66
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Pushrod: 44 here. You're a savage, brah.

Thanks...yeah, screw Creatine! Arm pump...massive arm pump, so no good for riding. Frankly, it's no good for any endurance sports/ stamina IMO. Water retention ain't something I'm looking for. Last time I took Creatine and meant to was in my 20's. It was in a preworkout I was drinking early last race season and I when I figured that out, I dumped it and cured my arm pump (that I don't normally have) right quick.

If you're gonna do Creatine, just do HGH, test, or Deca. I'll stick to none of them.

Thats a pretty extreme position. Creatine is nothing like HGH or steriods.

I think the big issuebwith creatine, is people get dehydrated while taking it and that has its own negative side effects.
I just incline benched two plates for eight reps. Fuckin-a.

Soundtrack: Clan of Xymox, Front Line Assembly

20 minute row
Incline bench sets of 8-10 to failure 15 sets at 205-225lbs
20 minute row

7 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1 Dave's Killer whole wheat English muffin
5 golf ball size Korean beef meatballs
1.5 cups egg noodles
6oz ahi tuna steak
20oz whey protein shake
6oz spinach
1 cup oats
1 head broccoli

Nice Beau!
So here is yesterdays routine:
45 minutes on the treadmill, 10 warm-up/cooldown 35 at 3.3MPH at 10%incline
15 - 20 minutes heavy bag
5x10 box jumps unweighted

Oatmeal and protein shake
2 chicken breasts and cauliflower
small bowl of gumbo with 1 cup white rice (Cajuns can't pass up gumbo)
5 low sodium whole wheat Triscuits. (I was starving when I came home from the gym so I cheated a bit.)

I may just skip shoulder days and just do heavy bag workouts when I get back to lifting. I swear my upper back and shoulders have never felt more worn out that hitting the bag for a minute or two with your hands always up and in guard position when hitting.
My son is now down in Fresno running track, so he's going to need plenty of electrolytes but I didn't want him to get all of the sugar from sports drinks so I got him powdered electrolytes which have no sugar, all of the good stuff and none of the bad (sugar). I'll be using it too, sugar is not good for you.

My son is now down in Fresno running track, so he's going to need plenty of electrolytes but I didn't want him to get all of the sugar from sports drinks so I got him powdered electrolytes which have no sugar, all of the good stuff and none of the bad (sugar). I'll be using it too, sugar is not good for you.


Depends on when and on how much exercise and what type.
Recovery day yesterday, so we went skiing at the local resort for a couple hours after work. Icy and stormy and I'm now comfortable charging down the black diamond runs instead of tiptoeing like I was two months ago. Knee feeling good, legs are getting the endurance and fast-twitch strength for jump turns and we did sixteen runs without a break.

Nothing today except hopefully a bit of bedroom yoga. :sex
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I occasionally need to supplement extra electrolytes during a bike ride. Salt Stick pills work for me. Ive been tempted to add more salts to my drink mix or even buy supplies in bulk and make my own mix. But theres no way id ever avoid sugar while doing any exercise longer than 60min. Even when I eat breakfast right before a ride (eggs & toast), I still start eating after 60min. My performance suffers otherwise.

I think this is due to the fact that I can burn more calories than I can consume. Pros consume up to 300Cal/hr, which is significantly less than their output. Not-pros likely cant consume or burn as much. I still try to eat at least 200Cal/hr. Most cyclists must be calorie deficient during cycling. Eating during the whole ride, independent of my other meals, reduces this calorie deficiency as much as possible.
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