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Time to get Fit thread

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You know you got a good back workout in when you can't even manage half a pull-up at the end.

Kim, zomg I love the pup. Wish I could take him for a run on the beach in Santa Cruz for a cardio day workout.

Ill have to send a video somehow of what he does in the snow. Id imagine it would be the same for what he would do in the sand :laughing

apparently his first mom was an avid runner and took this guy on LOOOOOOOONG runs. Which is why hes so skinny. Hes about 75lbs he should be more like 85 and eventually around 100 or more.

Beautiful dogs, Kim!


Arrived at gym and forgot my shoes goddamnit. Going home to do housework. And tomorrow I have a night meeting so probably won’t work

Thanks! :love
Slacked a bit last week. Got a swim in last night and my shoulder is angry about it. 500 easy warm up, 10 x 100 on 2:00 and then 10 x 50 on 1:00 with hand paddles. I think its the hand paddles that do my shoulder in. I'm trying to up the intensity and do less total distance. I could probably drop the times a little. Honestly looking forward to getting out of the pool and back in the bay when day light lasts longer. I hate turns lol.

Nick, you are crushing it man.
Slacked a bit last week. Got a swim in last night and my shoulder is angry about it. 500 easy warm up, 10 x 100 on 2:00 and then 10 x 50 on 1:00 with hand paddles. I think its the hand paddles that do my shoulder in. I'm trying to up the intensity and do less total distance. I could probably drop the times a little. Honestly looking forward to getting out of the pool and back in the bay when day light lasts longer. I hate turns lol.

Nick, you are crushing it man.
Does it get worse over time? If it's an inflammation issue, then an aspirin (or ibuprofen) 15 minutes before you start should help out a lot.

When I run, my knee that's had 4 surgeries isn't happy unless I take an aspirin first, then it's fine.
Didnt have a car today but didnt want to miss the gym. So rode my motorcycle in 34 degree weather with no sun and it was windy. BRRRRR

Part 1

every 90 secs Front squat 5 sets 4 reps = 105lbs

Part 2

Every 2 mins 5 sets 4 reps, 5th set is plus set

1-4 = 4 reps
5 = 17 reps

Part 3
3 rounds of

Ring Rows max rep
KB Bulgarian Split Squat x10

Part 4 - as many rounds as you can do - I did 3 going into 4
Sandbag (hug) squat
10 banded pull downs

my quads are done
Does it get worse over time? If it's an inflammation issue, then an aspirin (or ibuprofen) 15 minutes before you start should help out a lot.

When I run, my knee that's had 4 surgeries isn't happy unless I take an aspirin first, then it's fine.

It flares up and then settles down but never seems to completely heal. I didn't feel it last night during the swim. I felt it this morning. I don't take anything but I'm sure some Advil would help a bit. Part of the reason I am doing more cardio and less weights is because I don't want to aggravate my shoulder. If it were 100% I would be stoked to add some heavier lifting to my work outs.
Soundtrack: Black Light Burns, Vast, Fear Factory

20 minute row
35 minute run 210ft elevation with 9 minute miles
Close grip lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 15 sets at 225lbs

20oz whey protein shake
2 bananas
2tbsp almond butter
7oz spinach
10oz whey protein shake
2 TJ's frozen chicken burritos
3oz Swiss cheese
5 golf ball size Korean beef meatballs
1.5 cups egg noodles
1/2 bag TJ's Bambas puffed peanuts
1/2 bag Beanfield's bean chips
It flares up and then settles down but never seems to completely heal. I didn't feel it last night during the swim. I felt it this morning. I don't take anything but I'm sure some Advil would help a bit. Part of the reason I am doing more cardio and less weights is because I don't want to aggravate my shoulder. If it were 100% I would be stoked to add some heavier lifting to my work outs.
Icing for 15 minutes within 30 minutes after your swim would probably help avoid the pain in the morning.

Icing is effective for recovery, as well, they have made a lot of advancements in understanding the benefits over the last 5 years in track.

Kim, for the type of workout that you do, a 10-15 minute ice bath would do wonders.....
man that sounds even more unpleasant given the ride there and back. I dont think I could do an ice bath :laughing
man that sounds even more unpleasant given the ride there and back. I dont think I could do an ice bath :laughing
I can't say they're pleasant, even if they are effective.

My son came home shivering last Friday, they had done an ice bath after his practice, not only does he have extremely low fat level but he also has extensive veins so he gets cold much quicker than the other kids, then he rode his bike home instead of taking a hot shower first.
Icing for 15 minutes within 30 minutes after your swim would probably help avoid the pain in the morning.

Icing is effective for recovery, as well, they have made a lot of advancements in understanding the benefits over the last 5 years in track.

Kim, for the type of workout that you do, a 10-15 minute ice bath would do wonders.....

I can vouch for ice. I’ve used ice compress for treating lower back spasms and also for my shoulder that I tweaked when I didn’t adequately warm up during military press. Icing is always uncomfortable at first then becomes painful a few minutes later. But when the area becomes numb, its not a big deal. Ice does wonders, it really does.
Originally Posted by Climber View Post
Icing for 15 minutes within 30 minutes after your swim would probably help avoid the pain in the morning.

Icing is effective for recovery, as well, they have made a lot of advancements in understanding the benefits over the last 5 years in track.

Kim, for the type of workout that you do, a 10-15 minute ice bath would do wonders.....
Once Mike gets back into open water, he won't need an ice bath....chilly ocean temperature will help.

I don't post much, because my workout consists of swimming (3x/wk), running (2x/wk), and spin class (1x/wk). I don't have any special diet - eat pretty much what I want, but in moderation.

I am envious of all of you who have intense (to me) workouts and even stricter diets :hail

Well, tonight, I registered for the Honolulu Marathon, along with wife and daughter, and 5 friends, so we'll have some long training days to look forward to, and a week of R&R on the beaches after the race.

Wishing you all good health in 2020!!

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'K. . . I'm impressed with all the effort being made to respect the temples that are our bodies. But no one is posting the year or age of the original construction.

Really, how can I compare my physical status or effort from behind a shroud? At almost seventy what do weights, reps and numbers mean to me when a twenty-something is bragging without age context?

My doctor said, "time for pills or exercise". The pills made me feel like I had the flu so I bought a Cannondale MTB. Every day at 5:00 A.M. I go out and crank out twenty five miles. Every damn day. I've gone from 2:25 ET down to 1:45 ET on the same route. Dropped 8% of my body weight and three inches from my waist. No pills for me.

Anyone else in the same age bracket here? Need some comparisons for context.
Gym last night, using the 40# vest for my full routine now.

15 minutes warm up on treadmill

Two sets of ten-
Hanging leg raises
Kayaker/Russian twists
Plank w/leg extensions
Side plank/dumbbell raise (30#)

Four sets of 5-10 (push to failure)
Box steps w 135# barbell and vest
Pushups with vest
Box step-downs (my knee hates these, often modified to pistol squats)
Pull-up negatives. Still cant do an actual pull-up, but pretty sure I'm close.

@pushrod, I'm 40, and you're awesome. :thumbup
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'K. . . I'm impressed with all the effort being made to respect the temples that are our bodies. But no one is posting the year or age of the original construction.

Really, how can I compare my physical status or effort from behind a shroud? At almost seventy what do weights, reps and numbers mean to me when a twenty-something is bragging without age context?

My doctor said, "time for pills or exercise". The pills made me feel like I had the flu so I bought a Cannondale MTB. Every day at 5:00 A.M. I go out and crank out twenty five miles. Every damn day. I've gone from 2:25 ET down to 1:45 ET on the same route. Dropped 8% of my body weight and three inches from my waist. No pills for me.

Anyone else in the same age bracket here? Need some comparisons for context.

Dude you are killing it. I can only hope when I get to almost 70 that I am still able to do the exercise thing.

So the original date of construction on this second-hand unit was 47 years ago. It has had some partss replaced since then but it seems to function okay.

Yesterday was a rest day so no gym. Stuck to the meal plan so yesterday was a net zero.

Hitting it again tonight for more treadmill and battle ropes. Will probably do the heavy bag again as it was way too much fun.
@pushrod. 58 here, 4 knee surgeries in the right knee, 1 shoulder surgery in left showder about 26 years ago, now moderate arthritis in same shoulder.

I keep everything 18 reps or more to keep me out of trouble with my joints and ligaments. And listen to my body when it says 'enough'.
I only take protein powder, for recovery and materials.

Creatinine is popular but it also comes with risks. It can screw up your kidney if you take too much.
Anyone using creatinine? Are you getting any benefit from it?

Creatine. I cycle it every 3 months or so. Personally I don’t think it does a whole lot for me. A few pounds of water weight (which may be considered lean body mass) and a little extra strength/endurance. Maybe a 5% gain. Nothing extreme.
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