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Time to get Fit thread

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The place ice baths are being used in Track is recovery between events. They've been found to be very beneficial for cell recovery for the next race when it's an hour following the previous race, especially for middle distance.

As to this guys assertion, he is just another voice out there, icing and heating have been a discussion for decades, this guy is not a definitive voice, just another voice.
Just more info.
I aint doing it anyways.
Part 1 Tabata Style 8 rounds - 20 secs on 10 secs rest

Double Unders
Body Builders

Part 2 - Tabata Style - 8 rounds

Hollow Hold

Part 3 Every min on the min for 30 mins

10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps
8 Calorie assault bike
10 slam balls - 35lbs
10-30sec handstand hold (i used the wall)
45 sec farmers carry - 45lbs
20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 15 sets at 225lbs
20 minute row

20oz whey protein shake
6oz spinach
1 banana
1/2 cup tofu
1/2 cup chicken breast
1/2 bag Beanfield's bean chips
1.5 cups egg noodles
5 golf ball size Korean beef meatballs
10oz whey protein shake
1 sugar free think! protein bar
1/2 cup almond crackers
1/2 bag Bambas puffed peanuts

Same shit different day... which seems to work for me.
Part 1 Tabata Style 8 rounds - 20 secs on 10 secs rest

Double Unders
Body Builders

Part 2 - Tabata Style - 8 rounds

Hollow Hold

Part 3 Every min on the min for 30 mins

10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps
8 Calorie assault bike
10 slam balls - 35lbs
10-30sec handstand hold (i used the wall)
45 sec farmers carry - 45lbs

HF! :thumbup


Work night meeting adjourned at 9. Dilemma: go eat late night Chinese BBQ or hit the house of pain? Thirty minutes later park car at gym. Realized I forgot my shoes. So I channel Zola Bud.


Low weight, high reps and speed to build strength.

3x20 - DB Shoulder Press (bicep tendon feeling good!)
3x20 - DB Side Raise
3x20 - Face Pull
3x20 - Leg Press
3x20 - Leg Extension
3x20 - Calf Raise
3x20 - Crunches


• Jamba Juice Amazing Greens w Whey Pro
• Sumo Mandarin
• 3 oz Turkey Breast, 1 TB Hummus and 2 Slices Grain Bread
• 3 3-in-1 Malaysian White coffee (carby!)
• Sumo Mandarin
• Muscle Milk Smoothie
• 3 oz Turkey Breast, 1 TB Hummus and 1 Slice Grain Bread
:twofinger H⊙⊙TERS:twofingers Grilled Chicken Breast & Grilled (see pic below)

PS - H⊙⊙TERS is the only place open when I get out late from the gym. I figured out how to eat healthy there by ordering side of vaggies and a barebones chicken breast.


CAL: 2498
PRO: 131
CARB: 411 (you are FUCKIN’ kidding me!)
FAT: 37

EDIT: Majority of carbs were in the Jamba Juice (83g), the 3 slices of bread (114g) and the 3 coffees (81g). To get to 10% BF I need to be at 100g per day.

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I have some on FB. Barf still sucks for posting pics, and embedding from Google photos isn't straightforward, and I'm lazy.

Leaving around 1am for Mt Hood, called in sick for an epic midweek weather window.

+1 on BARF-suck-pic-posting. I use Imgur.
Soundtrack: Failure, Peeping Tom

20 minute row
50 minute cardio-intensive hike 1330ft elevation
Incline benchpress sets of 8 to failure 10 sets at 205-225lbs

20oz whey protein shake
5oz spinach
1 banana
1 tbsp almond butter
6oz oat milk
24oz 1% milk
1 turkey sandwich (double meat)
1 cup cabbage salad with crushed ramin, peas, and sunflower seeds
6 small Korean beef meatballs
1 cup egg noodles
1/2 tub lowfat cottage cheese
1/2 bag Beanfield's bean chips
1 think! whey protein bar
Part 1 - every 90 secs

Front squat 4 reps 5 sets - 85lbs

Part 2 - Bench - shoulder is still bugging me so modified slightly

Close handed grip, elbows in tight, 55lbs

Part 3 - 3 rounds

10 sec ring row hold at your chest
immediately into 20 ring rows (can be broken up)

Part 4 - 3 rounds of:

10 dumbbell presses - 25lbs
banded pull downs (they were doing some push up thing that i didnt do)
30 calorie row
Part 1 - every 90 secs

Front squat 4 reps 5 sets - 85lbs

Part 2 - Bench - shoulder is still bugging me so modified slightly

Close handed grip, elbows in tight, 55lbs

Part 3 - 3 rounds

10 sec ring row hold at your chest
immediately into 20 ring rows (can be broken up)

Part 4 - 3 rounds of:

10 dumbbell presses - 25lbs
banded pull downs (they were doing some push up thing that i didnt do)
30 calorie row

For bench, try some light weight reverse grip. You might want to have a spotter at first, but it can take some pressure off the shoulder abd provide you some good chest reps. This can also be achieved using dumbbells
went climbing 2 weeks ago and pushed a little too hard before being warm. I strained my shoulder in some way and theres been a nagging pain ever since. I also think I slept on it wrong a few times after that. it feels deep, maybe minor rotator cuff something. hopefully it goes away.

I finally risked some climbing last night and things were ok. the twinge was still there in my shoulder, but it doesnt feel any worse today. I did an up-pyramid from V3, ie 4 V3s, 3 V4s, 2 V5s, and 1 V6. thats the most V Points in one session in about 2 years which is cool. now my climbing friends are starting to give me shit for not trying harder climbs :laughing. I started working my way down the pyramid, but failed miserably at 2 more V5s :laughing.

I do think I need to do something else to strengthen my shoulders and likely my triceps. im eyeing a weight set and bench on Amazon but havent pulled the trigger. maybe ill be motivated to just do that at the climbing gym.
Wow, everyone hitting it HARD! :thumbup


High reps, low weight & speed for strength-building.

10 Min - Elliptical Trainer
3x250 Feet - Farmer’s Carry
3x15 - Bridges
3x15 - Cable Kick Out (glute)
3x15 - Cable Kick Out to the Side (glute)
3x20 - DB Curl
3x20 - BB Military Press (bicep tendon feels good thnx to rest & lacrosse-ball massage)
3x10 - BB Upright Row
3x10 - OH Shldr Rotation w/45


• Smoothie: Spinach Strawberries Almond Milk Banana Vegan Pro
• Sumo Mandarin
• 2 Oranges
• Muscle Milk Smoothie
• Turkey Sammie in Sourdough
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Black Beans, 1 oz Carnitas*, Broccoli, & 1/3 Cup Brown Rice
• possibly more to come...

*Sometimes to satiate a craving I will have a very small portion of something and save it for my last bite of the meal and take my time chewing and savoring the taste. Its a way to trick myself into thinking I had a cheat meal. It works for me.


CAL: 1648
PRO: 100
FAT: 30
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25 minute row

then I tried to do this...


30 minute sauna.
went climbing 2 weeks ago and pushed a little too hard before being warm. I strained my shoulder in some way and theres been a nagging pain ever since. I also think I slept on it wrong a few times after that. it feels deep, maybe minor rotator cuff something. hopefully it goes away.

I finally risked some climbing last night and things were ok. the twinge was still there in my shoulder, but it doesnt feel any worse today. I did an up-pyramid from V3, ie 4 V3s, 3 V4s, 2 V5s, and 1 V6. thats the most V Points in one session in about 2 years which is cool. now my climbing friends are starting to give me shit for not trying harder climbs :laughing. I started working my way down the pyramid, but failed miserably at 2 more V5s :laughing.

I do think I need to do something else to strengthen my shoulders and likely my triceps. im eyeing a weight set and bench on Amazon but havent pulled the trigger. maybe ill be motivated to just do that at the climbing gym.
You're doing great! :thumbup

Have you thought about getting a hang board for your home? You can work on your finger strength while also working on your pull up strength. Yeah, it won't strengthen your triceps but it's great for most of the muscles you'd use in climbing. I've got to find a place to hang mine back up in our new house, don't know if I'll get back into climbing again, I don't know how my arthritic shoulder would handle it, whether it would help or hurt.
You're doing great! :thumbup

Have you thought about getting a hang board for your home? You can work on your finger strength while also working on your pull up strength. Yeah, it won't strengthen your triceps but it's great for most of the muscles you'd use in climbing. I've got to find a place to hang mine back up in our new house, don't know if I'll get back into climbing again, I don't know how my arthritic shoulder would handle it, whether it would help or hurt.

a 12' tall, 12' wide, 40deg home-wall is going up in my backyard right now :D

hangboards are one of the most risky training tools in climbing, while providing little benefit to so many climbers. I know u have lots of experience. but damn, be careful if u do hang yours back up.
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Light day today, 20 minute row and a 50 minute cardio-intensive hike with lots of uphill. Ate clean today, 4k calories. Monday I'm going to begin cutting down on calories and putting in more cardio in preparation for an April surf trip.
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Climbed Mt Hood yesterday to the 8200' level, my partner got sick (two trips in a row :rant) and got home about noon. Decided I needed more, so drove out to Bachelor and skinned up to mid-mountain for a couple laps. Total climbing yesterday was well over 4000 feet and I'm not a bit sore. Tonight is gym, tomorrow is an easy 45 minute run, and then two more significant climbs this weekend, over 5000 feet each.

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a 12' tall, 12' wide, 40deg home-wall is going up in my backyard right now :D

hangboards are one of the most risky training tools in climbing, while providing little benefit to so many climbers. I know u have lots of experience. but damn, be careful if u do hang yours back up.
I know what you're saying, fingers get injured most often at two times, when over-strained without proper warm-up and when strained for too long and putting a heavy load after a lot of strain. I've experienced both.

I do my pull-downs in the gym with the bar in the middle of my second joint, so I'm maintaining pretty good finger strength (for a non-climber). People in the gym do a double-take when they realize how casually I'm gripping the bar and how much weight I'm pulling down. :laughing
Really why?

why are hangboards risky?

in the simplest terms, they make it really ez to cause repetitive stress injuries in finger tendons. actual climbing doesnt commonly load the hand in the exact same way over and over, and for longer durations. a hangboard can and often does. that, plus improper use and all the stuff Climber said is a recipe for a finger injury.

why are hangboards often not beneficial?

most climbers ive known - myself included - are limited in their climbing by power, technique, or conditioning. most are in no way limited by their crimp or edge strength. I think thats partly because edge strength comes naturally just by climbing, so theres less need to focus on it. sure, if you hit a wall around V8 or 5.13a, a hangboard workout will probably be beneficial. but thats not most climbers. by the time you are thinking of climbing that hard or want to project something with tiny edges, you probably have the skill, strength, and knowledge to hangboard safely. but for your average V3 climber, nah work on footwork.

why am I building a home wall? cuz the SO wants one :laughing
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