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Time to get Fit thread

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Great comments Dion! It's funny to read cause we're on opposite tracks: I went back to dedicated, hard as can be workouts to give me what I was lacking in my racing; stamina and strength. It has had that effect, but more so, it's given me a confidence that my stamina will be with me on the last lap which is something I've never really experienced. I now know I can go out hard, run the middle of the race strong and finish with fast laps. Training for intensity and then strength/ fitness has been the big change...previously it was the reverse and for that beach bod shit.

Last season I had the best season ever...most wins, almost all run-away wins, most championships, lowest top 10 plate number, etc. Fastest laps ever. This season has seen even better and many personal best laps along with wins, etc. Fingers crossed it continues, but reading yours and others tribulations is motivating.

Speaking of PED's...in my early 20's I did a cycle of Deca and tried D-bol for 2 days until the headaches killed me. The Deca was amazing, but I vowed to never go back after the first cycle. When I came off, I lost tons of motivation, weights fell by about 30% or so, and overall it was a depressing time. When I went back to the gym (committed to a regular routine), I knew I was only going to do what I was capable of and what was real. The intensity and cardio if my weigh workout is the one thing I wish I knew a decade ago...it would have changed my racing trajectory to what it is now 10 years earlier. And while my competitors are trying to figure out what's change and they can see the outward results, they either don't have the dedication to do the same or they don't understand the advantages in doing so.

Word! Even though I'm not competing anymore, I still train as if - especially in Martial Arts and BMX. BMX has become about producing video content, and it's what's gotten me attention in the industry - so I guess it is competing in a way :party

Martial Arts, though - is a bugger. I train very hard, as if I was competing. I am testing this weekend for an international recognized black belt, so I have been working hard on that.

But all in all, the "fitness" thing helps sooooooo much in all. Especially weighing less, which makes a huge difference in motorcycle racing. But that translates to almost all sports except maybe powerlifting, pro wrestling, heavy weight fighters, and playing defense in football. I feel like every other sport has benefits in weighing less. If nothing else, just takes waaaaay less energy to move.

We're leaving for Bermuda in a week, so I also want to be able to walk around with my shirt off and not look like a slug.
Did my first ever dead lift today. Comfortably did 125 trainer said I probably could of done a bit but didn’t wanna push it just yet. One more training then I jump head first into the nutrition and group classes.
It's individual. I did a hydro fat test to determine my body composition. Then they (he) creates a meal plan catered me to and what will work best for my body. Not sure what it is yet its for 6 weeks. Im looking to drop 8-10% body fat by the end of the 6 weeks.
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PED's is a huge umbrella to make that wide of a statement about them. As far as junking your heart and liver.

I know PED is often synonymous with steroids but tons of things you can take are considered PEDs that aren't anabolics or other "get super ripped bro" drugs. Lot of the basics you can pick up from your local GNC are considered PEDs.

performance enhancing drugs

Ok fine. But is seems pretty widely accepted that when most folks talk PEDs they clearly mean things like HGH, various anabolics and stuff like insulin. I mean, subsequent comments of most following mine clearly evidence that.

To your point, there are a bunch of “banned” substances that are readily available at the GNC. Not expert here, but the average Joe isn’t realising much, of any, benefit from these substances.
Me too!!!

Worked out this morning.
How do I know I'm getting fit? I just loaded 3 bikes into the back of my truck :banana

Now I'm going to go ride them.
Did my first ever dead lift today. Comfortably did 125 trainer said I probably could of done a bit but didn’t wanna push it just yet. One more training then I jump head first into the nutrition and group classes.

Oh fuck yes. That bar will own you if you let it, and it's so good for upping you metabolism.
Pool day. Suns out and I will have about 1.5 hrs there with the kiddos playing in the warm water pool while I swim laps. A 3000 yard day would be a milestone. It's what we did in High school practice. . . (Don't shame me real swimmers, I see what yall do in the lanes next door ya fuckin fucks!)
3 bikes in the back of your truck :wow
I don't know if you're getting fitter or richer :confused

2 of them are the Dramahas the other my Beta so not richer. For sure not richer-definitely fitter.
We're leaving for Bermuda in a week, so I also want to be able to walk around with my shirt off and not look like a slug.


On another note, does anyone have a recommendation for prepared healthy meals...I tried Freshly, but the ingredients and sodium sucked. FWIW, I'm not trying to lose fat...I burn calories as soon as they're on my tongue, it seems.
I liked Blue Apron, for the time I used them before I started doing my own prepping.

Can't really speak to the ingredients as far as sodium content. Never paid much attention to nutrition facts on the packages. Probably similar...

I imagine the meal services some of the athletes I follow on Instagram/twitter are probably much better in that regard but I can't think of the name of any of the companies off hand. Next time I see an advertisement, I'll remember this thread...
Thanks Kuro...I don't want to have to cook a bunch of shit up either. It's hard enough for me to eat, really...food isn't my thang really.
Back on the horse.

3x5 chinups
3x5 barbell OHP
3x5 back squats

FFS I'm fat and outta shape

1000 freestyle swim

500 pull with hand paddles

500 kick with flippers

10 x 50 freestyle sprints as hard as could on the "as soon as you almost have your breath"

Not quite 3000 in an hour an a half but not bad for a guy who swims once a week.
I track it with a phone app that also records weights and reps etc.

I need a little bit more stuff to organize my setup though. It does the job for now.

Eating better is a big one I need to work on as well.


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