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Time to get Fit thread

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I know what you're saying, fingers get injured most often at two times, when over-strained without proper warm-up and when strained for too long and putting a heavy load after a lot of strain. I've experienced both.

I do my pull-downs in the gym with the bar in the middle of my second joint, so I'm maintaining pretty good finger strength (for a non-climber). People in the gym do a double-take when they realize how casually I'm gripping the bar and how much weight I'm pulling down. :laughing

I figured ud have a handle on it :thumbup

I think theres skill involved in holding onto something with minimal effort. perhaps it just how to hold on with your skeleton and not your muscles. its def something learned by climbing and is hard to forget. even after all that time off from climbing, I still dont get arm pump on the moto.
Climbed Mt Hood yesterday to the 8200' level, my partner got sick (two trips in a row :rant) and got home about noon. Decided I needed more, so drove out to Bachelor and skinned up to mid-mountain for a couple laps. Total climbing yesterday was well over 4000 feet and I'm not a bit sore. Tonight is gym, tomorrow is an easy 45 minute run, and then two more significant climbs this weekend, over 5000 feet each.

what made u turn around? is it unsafe to go higher solo on Hood? or was it just a time thing?
Climbed Mt Hood yesterday to the 8200' level, my partner got sick (two trips in a row :rant) and got home about noon. Decided I needed more, so drove out to Bachelor and skinned up to mid-mountain for a couple laps. Total climbing yesterday was well over 4000 feet and I'm not a bit sore. Tonight is gym, tomorrow is an easy 45 minute run, and then two more significant climbs this weekend, over 5000 feet each.


I’ll be Goddamned! :thumbup

10-Min Row 700 cal/hr 22s/min
3x20 - Cable Crunch
3x20 - Straight Arm Pull Down
3x20 - Lat Pull
3x20 - Step Up on Stool Thingie
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise (no swinging!)
3x10 - OH DB Tri Extension
1x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Curling Bar
3x10 - Cable Tri Extension
1x10 - BB Military
3x10 - Rotator Cuff No. 1
3x10 - Rotator Cuff No. 2
3x10 - Cybex Abdominals
2x10 - Cybex Row
3x10 - Cable Row
3x10 - Calf Raise


• Smoothie: spinach banana strawberries almond milk vegan pro
• 5 oz Blueberries
• Orange
• D’Anjou Pear (tasted like candy)
• 2 Hard Eggs
• 3 oz Turkey, Hummus, 1 Slice Ezekiel
• Another 3 oz Turkey, Hummus, 1 Slice Ezekiel*
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 9 Gummy Bears
• Chicken Breast, Celery, Beets, Brussel Sprouts
• maybe pro shake later?


P 125
C 234
F 31
Cal 1731


Check out the macros:
P 4
C 14 (low!)
F 0.5
CAL 80

Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 80mg
Fiber 3g
Sugars 0g
Added Sugars 0g
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Nick you’re a fucking beast!!! I hobble around for at least a day after my laps over my local anthill. :laughing
Since we’re talking hiking and mountains and climbing... In 2017 I hiked Mt. Fuji, aka Fuji-san.

My SO at the time wanted to do it so we scheduled it for July along with her friends. I was in decent hiking shape at the time but in May I had hernia no. 2 surgery. After 1 month of rest my doctor cleared me. That left two weeks to go before the hike to get back into shape.

Fuji-san’s summit is 12,388 feet. Mt. Diablo’s is 3,848. Not even close but every little bit helps. Every night after work I either ran laps at the summit of Mt. Diablo or rode hills on my MTB. Every night for two weeks.

On to Japan...

We stayed one night in Tokyo then took a bus to Fuji-san the next day. Our group included the SO and her friends: 1 guy and 3 girls. They were all fit and much younger than me.

We arrived at Fuji-san around 2 pmish. The plan was to hike at night so we could summit before dawn to catch sunrise. Suddenly at 3 group leader said let’s go. I was a little caught off guard as I thought we were going to start later. We hired a guide as did many other groups.

Fuji-san is a volcano with barren slopes. We had headlamps, water and carbs. It was uphill the whole way. Every two hours we would take a break. Sometimes the ground was soft lava rock: one step forward and slide two steps backwards. One two-hour section was climbing steps onto rocks & boulders. Along the way there were small stores where you could buy drinks, food and even oxygen. I thought about oxygen but decided I didn’t feel any altitude sickness so i passed.

As the sun went down, the stars appeared. We were lucky to have been greeted by a clear and cool sky. As the sky got dark you could look up or down Fuji-san and see many many other hiking groups. Their headlamps glowing in the dark. Moving slowly like caterpillars. It was very peaceful

Sometime around 10 pm we stopped at a lodge. We were fed beef curry and rice then took a two-hour nap then back to hiking. More uphill. Legs burning. The moon appeared. This edited pic looks like sunrise but its actually the moon:


More uphill hiking. It was tough especially since I wasn’t in the same shape as our group members.

We summited around 5 am. It was still dark. Quite a few cafés on the summit. We grabbed a bite and waited for sunrise.

And then the sun appeared:


It was quite magical because it was so quiet. If you’ve been to Japan before you’ll know that the Japanese are not only polite but quiet except when slurping ramen lol

It was peaceful and beautiful. The sky was so clear! We hung around for a couple of hours then made our way back down.

I thought going down would be easier. Um, wrong. My legs felt like the bones were surgically removed. I had to stop every so often because I bonked. The SO styaed with me while the others cruised down to base (fucking 30-somethings!).

On the way down, you got a sense of the height of Fuji-san when you could see a blanket of clouds BELOW you:


When the SO and I made it to base I craved a COLD Coca~Fucking~Cola! And I found one. Undoubtedly the most delicious Coke I have ever drank. A melange of caramel goodness, lovely honey sugarness and bubbles that fibrillated my scrote.

Fuji-san was tough for me. It was 11 hours up and 5 hours down. Basically 16 hours on a Stairmaster. Would I recommend it? Hell yes! Just don’t hike with friends 20 years younger than you nor 6 weeks after surgery Lol

Say hello to Fuji-san (not my pic):

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man Cycle I envy you and your workouts.....Those pictures are amazing..... the only elevation we have here is a fire ant hill and trust me you don't want to be walking on those......

Lizard I also love the Thailand training pics.

So the low-calorie diet and modified training are working well. Even after going off the reservation and doing a cheat weekend I am still losing weight. Down about 8 lbs from starting weight at the beginning of last week. Did a 20 minutes session at 5.5MPH on the treadmill last night and did not get gassed at all so am stoked. Going to keep upping that speed until I get to 7MPH. Also, knees and feet were feeling it last night but woke up this morning and feel good so lots of progress on that front.

Did the heavy bag again last night so that was 3 nights in a row and yeah I could only do 3 two minute sessions before I just couldn't hold the arms up think I did too much too often so may go to every other day but damn I love hitting the bag.

Going to start doing some agility drills also to get my speed and lateral movement up because I stopped doing shooting comps after surgery and want to start again and getting my movement times down will help a lot. Anyone got any good ideas on which ones to do?

Keep the pics coming I don't update as often anymore but I do read the thread a lot.
Soundtrack: Murder City Devils

20 minute row
12 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8-10 to failure 15 sets at 225

15oz whey protein shake
1/4 cup blueberries
2 cups almond milk

No idea what else I'll consume today, I've got a son home sick from school so it might be pizza and donuts....m yeah not likely.
Soundtrack: Murder City Devils

20 minute row
12 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8-10 to failure 15 sets at 225

15oz whey protein shake
1/4 cup blueberries
2 cups almond milk

No idea what else I'll consume today, I've got a son home sick from school so it might be pizzaand donuts....m yeah not likely.

Do you work out in the morning? Always wondered about that since you post earlier in the day.

(Eating small slice for lunch :twofinger)

You live an amazing life.

I quit motorcycle racing, but still needed a hobby that was gonna try and kill me once in a while.

what made u turn around? is it unsafe to go higher solo on Hood? or was it just a time thing?

Climbing partner got the plague. :laughing

Really cool Nick...and Dan!


@Lizard, Fuji looks amazing and is absolutely on my list. I have a feeling once I get Denali, South America and some Himalayan peaks are going to be in my sights.
I don’t hear much supplement talk going. Anyone take any good supplements?

I’ve tried quite a few supplements and I think that they do work, but as I’ve gotten a littler older I don’t think that the health consequences are worth it. Plus they start costing lots of money and are psychologically addicting.
I don’t hear much supplement talk going. Anyone take any good supplements?

I’ve tried quite a few supplements and I think that they do work, but as I’ve gotten a littler older I don’t think that the health consequences are worth it. Plus they start costing lots of money and are psychologically addicting.

I take high Omega 3 fish oil, some calcium, saw palmetto to keep my plumbing going ( really works) Vit A and D in the winter, and COQ10.

Also Glucosamine
I don’t hear much supplement talk going. Anyone take any good supplements?

I’ve tried quite a few supplements and I think that they do work, but as I’ve gotten a littler older I don’t think that the health consequences are worth it. Plus they start costing lots of money and are psychologically addicting.

What health risks concern you? Stones? Renal risks?

I take Jim Stoppani’s supplements. Take the time to read his bio and articles on his supplements. Too lazy to link. Here’s what I take:

Pre workout
Post workout
Protein (read why you need casein AND whey)
Omega 3 (read why his are betterer)

As an older gent, I need the supplements for various reasons, mostly its tough to build & maintain muscle when you’re older. And the pre, w 300mg of caffeine, jacks me up after a long-ass day at work.

I also take Gummy Bears after each workout. Its for the dextrose. Too lazy to explain.


Light workout this am to get it over with early :twofinger

3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
1x20 - Push Up
4x10-15 - Bench Press
3x15 - Cable X Over
3x15 - Decline Cable X Over
3x15 - Incline Cable X Over
2x10 - DB Standing Incline X Over
2x20 - Calf Raise
2x20 - Leg Press
2x20 - Leg Ext


• Post Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• 3 Fried Eggs and 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Sprouted Bread (love!)
• Small serving of pasta, 1 Italian sausage, grilled vaggies.
• D’Anjou Pear
• Cheeseburger Fries & Coke :twofinger
• More to come..




• 6 Cups... more to come
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Do you work out in the morning? Always wondered about that since you post earlier in the day.

Mostly yes. I get up and row right away, then usually run then lift. I try to get it all done by noon-ish. Maybe I row once in the evening if I'm not happy with my day, that's a mental health row.

Today I had a row and a quick run, tomorrow starts six weeks of intense diet and cardio; so I ate a donut today.
Mostly yes. I get up and row right away, then usually run then lift. I try to get it all done by noon-ish. Maybe I row once in the evening if I'm not happy with my day, that's a mental health row.

Today I had a row and a quick run, tomorrow starts six weeks of intense diet and cardio; so I ate a donut today.

Thanks for the reply. I’m a work-out-after-work-guy.

I’m also going restart my routine. I’ve been 80% lately. Good luck with your 6-wk program!
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