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Time to get Fit thread

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I don’t hear much supplement talk going. Anyone take any good supplements?

I’ve tried quite a few supplements and I think that they do work, but as I’ve gotten a littler older I don’t think that the health consequences are worth it. Plus they start costing lots of money and are psychologically addicting.

I use creatine, whey protein, and casein protein.

I take a GNC multi-vitamin, omega 3-6-9 pill, COQ10.

I really cut down on supplements and am sticking with basics.

Had BBQ burgers in a lettuce wrap this weekend it was so good.

It's Monday so back to the grind. Going to watch the granddaughter play basketball tonight their school may the state playoffs and then hit the gym for some treadmill and heavy bag afterward. I have to pay for the upcoming year at the gym also tonight.
I only take whey protein for building materials and recovery.
I add ground flax seeds to blender drinks for omega-3.
Also take multi-vitamins but no additional, no benefit to stacking up vitamin pills besides profit margins for the many companies that try to get you to take a stack of them.
I take a Glucosamine, MSM, and Hyaluronic Acid supplement for a chronic injury to my left ACL. And a normal multivitamin.

Also, from Saturday morning on Mt Hood. About ten degrees and very windy, but beautiful clear weather. Puffy jacket making me look like Michelin Man :laughing

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I fuel during rides with GU Roctane. standard electrolytes, plenty of sugars, and 2g of BCAAs per serving - all for 250Cal per bottle. the BCAAs def help my recovery during and post ride as I noticed a big difference when first trying them. however, I think the proportions or amounts of electrolytes are off for me. I occasionally bring salt pills on rides and there seems to be a large benefit, mostly with more endurance.

post ride, I usually have 200Cal of whatever protein shake the SO bought. right now its some vegan one that actually mixes well. chug that, soak in a cold bath, then eat lunch.

I rode yesterday and destroyed my legs. theres a little mountain a few miles from my house with 5 major ways up it. of course theres now a Strava segment for doing all 5 back-to-back. the first route is the steepest with 17% sections, then 3 with 10-14% sections, then the easiest route last with only 8% sections. I tried too hard on the first 3 with near PR times and practically bonked for the last. I snagged some electrolytes from a friend after the last and instantly felt better, which is y I think my mix is deficient. And because I live in San Diego, its impossible to get home without more short hills. all in all, it was a great ride.

heres the elevation profile

and the view from the top
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I just dumped a rack of weights, missed the hook on my last incline bench rep... man that was exciting, 225lbs of weight crashing down left then right. Motherfuckin deadly teeter-totter.

Soundtrack: Hum

20 minute row
50 minute cardio intensive hike 1350ft. elevation
Incline bench press sets of 8-10 to failure (seven sets in at 225lbs).

20oz whey protein shake
5oz spinach
1 banana
1tbsp almond butter
1/2 cup peeled almonds
1/2 gallon 1% milk
4 egg whites and 1 whole egg
6oz turkey
1/4 cup shredded cheese
20oz whey protein shake
1 cup oats
1/4 cup raisins
1 think! whey protein bar
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What health risks concern you? Stones? Renal risks?

Everything. Mostly liver, kidney. But the entire body is precious. Whey protein, creatine, fish oil and vitamins are fine IMO.

There are other supplements that really do work but I fear there could be side effects that aren’t known yet. Look up:

Evomuse DCP - A non stimulant fat burner.
Evomuse Hypernova - Topical fat burner.
Test boosters - yes they do work to raise free-testosterone at least.

I would mention way more supplements but fortunately they aren’t worth it for me to recall. At my peak I was taking 75+ pills a day. Now I only take a multi-vitamin. How liberating!
I just dumped a rack of weights, missed the hook on my last incline bench rep... man that was exciting, 225lbs of weight crashing down left then right. Motherfuckin deadly teeter-totter.


I’ve almost been there. And its usually when I’m lazy and don’t stick to my routine. Glad you’re not hurt.



3x15 - Front Squat
6x15 - Squat
3x5 - Jump Squat
3x15 - Leg Press
3x15 - Leg Extension
3x10 - Leg Curl
3x10 - DB Romanian Deadlift
2x10 - DB One Arm Snatch (love saying that word)
3x10 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/Plate
2x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x15 - Cable Crunch
3x15 - Crunch
1x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
3x15 - Cable Face Pull


• Peets Banana Blueberry Bran Muffin
• 3 Hard Eggs
• 1 Orange
• 1 Cherimoya
• Turkey, Cheese and Egg Croissant
• Post Workout
• 9 Gummy Bears
• Hamburger Patty, Sweet Potato, Raw Carrot, Peas and Corn

More to come...


P - 87
C - 214
F - 64
CAL - 1783


6 Cups (48 oz) more to come
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Back at the gym last night after watching my granddaughter's team whoop-ass in their first playoff game of the season. the score was 90-32 for a small school they tear it up.

Treadmill 30 minutes ~270 calories burned 5.6MPH pace for 15 minutes.
Heavy bag for 2minute sets 5 times.

Biggest feat re-upped my membership for another year.

Going to try and hit the gym at least 5 times a week and will try to make the weekends for an early morning wake up.

I really need to stop reading the HappyHighwayman thread AKA Non-BBQ food porn thread. I now have pizza steel and peel being delivered so I can make some homemade pies........... Not helping my diet at all. Still at 8 lbs lost so far but should lose about another 2 or 3 this week if I am careful.
I don’t hear much supplement talk going. Anyone take any good supplements?

I’ve tried quite a few supplements and I think that they do work, but as I’ve gotten a littler older I don’t think that the health consequences are worth it. Plus they start costing lots of money and are psychologically addicting.

I use minimal supplements, and from a company who I trust and have since aligned with after using their products for several years.

They have a variety of supplements, so to someone just stumbling across it without someone to guide them, I could see them getting stuff they don't need, that won't help them, and would be dumping their money down the drain.

That said, specific items for specific reasons can help one achieve their goals. I keep my list simple - a vitamin/fish oil/antioxidant pack; a greens-mix; and post-workout protein shake.

I have a few other things on hand like some of their protein bars for those days I just need something quick and smallish and it's that or fast food. I also keep BCAA on hand since most of my workouts are first thing in the morning "fasting" workouts as I can't eat then workout :green

It's a topic I'm happy to discuss, but reality is that beyond some very basics, what you need/should think about getting should be very individualized....what one person likes/uses/benefits from may be a waste of money for someone else and vice versa.


Keeping going with my WOD/HIIT type workouts - mixing it up day to day, depending on on the ankle is feeling that day or how long I have or what I did the day before. Hoping after the move I'll be able to get back to a gym more often, but right now with the townhome (no yard) and my dog having some separation anxiety, I don't want to leave her cooped up that much.
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Anyone have experience with a mace ball for training?
Nope. Don't hit yourself with it. :twofinger :laughing

Had some Iranian friends who made a lifting implement from Iran by taking 2 foot poles and adding a cement block to the end. One was a 7th degree black belt who had taught karate for 37 years, this method developed massive wrist strength.
I fuel during rides with GU Roctane. standard electrolytes, plenty of sugars, and 2g of BCAAs per serving - all for 250Cal per bottle. the BCAAs def help my recovery during and post ride as I noticed a big difference when first trying them. however, I think the proportions or amounts of electrolytes are off for me. I occasionally bring salt pills on rides and there seems to be a large benefit, mostly with more endurance.

post ride, I usually have 200Cal of whatever protein shake the SO bought. right now its some vegan one that actually mixes well. chug that, soak in a cold bath, then eat lunch.

I rode yesterday and destroyed my legs. theres a little mountain a few miles from my house with 5 major ways up it. of course theres now a Strava segment for doing all 5 back-to-back. the first route is the steepest with 17% sections, then 3 with 10-14% sections, then the easiest route last with only 8% sections. I tried too hard on the first 3 with near PR times and practically bonked for the last. I snagged some electrolytes from a friend after the last and instantly felt better, which is y I think my mix is deficient. And because I live in San Diego, its impossible to get home without more short hills. all in all, it was a great ride.

heres the elevation profile

and the view from the top

Nice ride.
haha. GCN jersey. That show expanded quite a bit in recent years.
I’ve almost been there. And its usually when I’m lazy and don’t stick to my routine. Glad you’re not hurt.

Thanks man, but sadly I did manage to strain my right tricep, which means deadlifts and running until it's better. Oooh, lucky me! And it's already 79° here on the central coast! SO MUCH LOVE!

Soundtrack: Orbital, Puscifer

40 minute run 420ft elevation
Deadlifts sets of 8 until I puke. I'll get back to you on that.
50 minute beach run 1/2 packed sand & 1/2 soft (up the beach, down the beach).

Ezekiel English muffin with cheese and ham (fucking worst bread ever, feeding the rest to birds).
20oz whey protein shake
1 banana
1 can tuna
5oz spinach
1 head broccoli
3 egg whites 1 whole egg
6oz processed turkey
10oz whey protein shake
1 think! bar
1 bag TJ's Bambas puffed peanuts (fucking so excellent)
1 cup egg noodles
1/2 cup peas
1 cup oats
1/4 cup raisins
Nope. Don't hit yourself with it. :twofinger :laughing

Had some Iranian friends who made a lifting implement from Iran by taking 2 foot poles and adding a cement block to the end. One was a 7th degree black belt who had taught karate for 37 years, this method developed massive wrist strength.

this is exactly what im talking about. literally its an iranian/indian/pakistani thing

Total Workout Time = 45 Min

3x7 - BB Row
3x16 - BB Reverse Grip Row
3x20 - Straight Arm Pull Down
3x8 - Lat Pull
3x10 - DB Snatch
3x20 - Step Up
3x7 - BB Shrug
3x16 - BB Behind the Back Shrug
3x10 - DB Clean
3x10 - Burpees
3x10 - DB Seated Curl
3x10 - BB Curl
8x20 - Jumping Jacks (channeling Jack LaLanne)


• Kippered Herring* & 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Sprouted
* P16 C0 F11
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt & 1 TB Honey
• Pro Shake
• Taco de Carnitas, very small srvg Black Beans, Rice & Horchata
• 5 Espressos & 10 tsp Sugar
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 9 Gummy Bears
• Blueberries
• Vegan Chick’n, 1/2 Hamburger Patty, Peas & Grilled Vaggies


P - 145
C - 208 (fucking sugar & Horchata)
F - 44
CAL - 1748
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Today was interval sprint training - needed to do something with the dog, so that was today's particular torture LOL.

"Sprint" (as best I can with my crankle) down a street/row in our complex, at the end 25-50 reps of whichever exercise I was on, then sprint to the next one, do the next exercise - 10 exercises total.

Was dragging the dog by the end LOL, she dropped anchor with about 4 sets left LOL.
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I don’t hear much supplement talk going. Anyone take any good supplements?

I’ve tried quite a few supplements and I think that they do work, but as I’ve gotten a littler older I don’t think that the health consequences are worth it. Plus they start costing lots of money and are psychologically addicting.

Like for what purpose?
I take a protein supplement as a matter of convenience. IMO, pre and post workout "supplements" are complete snake oil. You want a pre-workout? Drink a strong cup of coffee. Post workout? If you have an adequate diet in the first place it is completely unnecessary. I don't buy that "you have to eat an hour after workout" broscience.
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