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Time to get Fit thread

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3x8 - DB Incline Press
3x10 - DB Incline Flye
3x16 - Low Pulley Cable X Over
3x10 - High Pulley Cable X Over
8x10 - Push Up
8x10 - Jumping Jack
4x10 - BB Military
3x10 - BB Upright Row
3x10-15 - DB Side Raise
3x15 - Cable Rear Delt
2x10 - DB Tri Extension
3x10 - Cable Tri Extension
2x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
2x10 - Bar Dip


• Kippered Herring, 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Sprtouted
• 1 Mango
• 5 oz Blueberries
• Chocolate Croissant
• 3 Espressos and 9 tsp Sugar
• Post Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Chicken Tikka Masala (no gravy), Rice, Peas
• 1 Orange
• 1 Sumo Mandarin


P 51
C 243 (fucker)
F 50
CAL 1650
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Like for what purpose?
I take a protein supplement as a matter of convenience. IMO, pre and post workout "supplements" are complete snake oil. You want a pre-workout? Drink a strong cup of coffee. Post workout? If you have an adequate diet in the first place it is completely unnecessary. I don't buy that "you have to eat an hour after workout" broscience.

When I am trying to bulk up I usually drink a casein protein shake before I go to bed so that my body has adequate BCAAs to help repair the muscles I have abused at the gym. It is just anecdotal evidence but I seem to be less sore when I do that than working out without it.

So went to the gym last night did a 50 minute session with 20 minutes being a 5.6MPH pace. Felt good and will up it for my next run session.
Did 6 2-minute heavy bag sessions.
Must have done some good lost about a pound and have hit a new low on the scale.

3x8 - BB Squat
3x16 - DB Lunge
3x16 - One-Leg Press
3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - DB Snatch
3x10 - Calf Raise
3x15 - Cable Crunch
1x10 - Lat Pull
2x15 - Dead-hang Pull Up


• Peets Bran Muffin
• Mango
• Turkey avo sammie on Sourdough
• 2 Espressos w lots of Sugar
• 2 Hard Eggs
• Post Workout
• Chicken, Cauliflower and a Sweet Potato
• Pro Shake


P 98
C 168
F 44
CAL 1455
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all my excuses for not climbing/training are now gone. I have tons more holds already and friends bringing even more. I just need to buy a lot more bolts.

the wall is 12' wide and 12' to the lip. the angle is ~14.5' which allows for a good number of moves, esp for a home wall.


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all my excuses for not climbing/training are now gone. I have tons more holds already and friends bringing even more. I just need to buy a lot more bolts.

the wall is 12' wide and 12' to the lip. the angle is ~14.5' which allows for a good number of moves, esp for a home wall.
Wow! Very cool! :thumbup

I strongly considered doing something like that, years ago, not on the same scale, but never pulled the trigger.

Good for you! Now you just need to put a giant mesh bag filled with spongy material to catch you and others when you come off the wall.

One word of caution.....I know climbers.....don't allow anybody to set up a tent, you'll have a permanent tent city out there shortly after! :laughing
Really cool Rob! I'd need my holds wayyyyy closer together!

3x16 - Reverse Grip Lat Pull
3x10 - Lat Pull
3x20 - DB Snatch
3x20 - Step Up
3x8 - BB Behind Back Shrug
3x8 - BB Shrug
2x8 - DB Curl
2x8 - Curling Bar
2x10 - DB Incline Curl
2x10 - DB Alternate Curl
2x10 - BB Wrist Curl
2x10 - BB Reverse Wrist Curl
3x10 - Standing Lat Pull
3x16 - Straight Arm Pull Down


• Smoothie: spinach banana berries vegan pro almond milk
• 2 Hard Eggs
• Pro Shake
• Ham Cheese Egg Croissant
• Peanut Brittle :twofinger
• Post Workout
• Vegan Chick’n, Raw Spinach, Olives and Corn
• maybe more?


Too lazy to calc...
Holy shit that's an awesome wall.

This was my rest week, and an old friend was in from out of town. Did a five mile trail run Tuesday but nothing else. Heading up to Hood tomorrow for a crevasse rescue training, and then climbing in the evening to about 9500', camping overnight, and heading to the summit Sunday AM. Mostly a shakedown for some Denali stuff, so we're pulling sleds and going to bask in the -25° windchill.

Light workout...

1 Min - Elliptical Trainer
1x40 - Push Up
8x5-15 - Bench Press
2x10 - DB Flye
4x10 - DB Press
2x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
2x10 - OH Tri Extension
1x10 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/Plate


• Tangelo Minneola
• 3 Fried Eggs and 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Sprouted
• Cheeseburger, Fries and Coke (come at me, bitches!:twofinger)
• Pro Shake
• Chicken, Lamb and Shrimp Skewers, Steamed Rice, & HK Milk Tea
• more to come...


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I didn't post these when we took them months ago because, well...racers are kinda insecure. Who knows when your next win comes after the last one? I always felt talking about accomplishment would be bad karma towards accomplishments in the future so, I didn't post much on what takes a large part of my time and the reason I work out in method and intensity. The results have been earth shattering, once I figured it out.

In the last two seasons alone I've amassed 41 wins, over 60 podiums, 6 championships, three championship runners ups, two top 10 plates, and an overall #1 club points champion in 2019 (#6 plate). I put in my best lap times ever, getting near 49's at Thill, had no endurance issues whatsoever, and was able to race MY races the way I wanted to and pass for the wins when needed at will. Unreal...simply put. Two things got me here: my training regiment (which is custom for what I feel club racers need) and help from an excellent riding coach/ friend...which was only needed for a few small things. Winning AFM championships all in 600/ 750 classes makes me feel I'm the rider I've been wanting to prove out, it simply took a committed workout approach to make it reality. My last two laps I put the hurt on the guys I race with (most of the time).

Previous to these last two seasons where my approach was a bit different, I've amassed well over 100 podiums (to date), but only two championships (F1 both times) and two top 10 plates (#9 and #9). I had just under 10 wins previously...and this was all over the course of 10 years of racing. Change is good and change made me almost unstoppable in 2019. My workouts are just over one hour of non stop weight movement and heart rate (120 or so to 165 or so). Non-stop. It's hell and it's made me so much stronger willed and intense on track. For sure, the difference in my success from something I stumbled across by showing up late for the gym before closing time and having to hurry through a workout and still work hard. I love it and yet...I hate the gym. I workout like I need to ride even to the point where I'm holding water in my mouth for 15 minutes of my workouts, roughly...similar to my riding (go ahead and make fun of it...like a racing camel).

Photos attached, although I'm a bit sheepish to put them out. Of all my trophies, the red head and the Blonde are the ones I cherish the most. I still have absolutely no clue how I won the blonde trophy...to this day. The red one was about $58 on fees and is the best used dog in my inventory!

My big dilemma now is what I do next? Do I race in 2020? I'm still in good shape, if not better shape than last season. I haven't made the decision. I am going to race standup jet skis for sure this season, but that's all in the mix...gotta decide on BW for AFM...

Thanks all for your inspiration and workout discussions. One of the best threads on BARF for me. Excuse me for the pics, but I get excited writing about this stuff...and this is the first BARF picture of my GF of 12 years, ever...nervous on that part.


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a few more (sorry...). The pic of the front tire is what my friends made fun of me all year: 3 races on a front tire and STILL the tire sticker is there. Ugh...

One thing I forgot to mention: a good coach does wonders. While doing so cause he's just a great friend, Jake Zemke's help is over the top....a great boost of confidence.


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Berto, you're looking in great shape!

Better than you've been in a decade, glad it's all translating into wins!

You're doing what I've done for years, keeping active in the gym with no down time, I get in 36 sets (18 for all except back and abs where I do 30) in under 30 minutes by hitting other muscle groups while the one I just worked is recovering.
Berto. You are utterly amazing! Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration!

3x5 - Jump Squat
3x16- Leg Extension
3x10 - Front Squat
3x10 - Squat
3x10 - Leg Curl
3x10 - Romanian DL
3x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
6x10 - Squat
6x20 - DB Snatch
3x10 - Calf Raise
3x20 - One-Leg Calf Raise
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Face Pull
3x10 - BB Military


• Peets Bran Muffin
• 3 Espressos with Sugar
• Turkey sammie
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Chicken Tikka Masala (no sauce), Brown Rice and Peas
• 1 Tangelo Minneola
• 1 Sumo Citrus
• more protein to come..


Have no idea. Prolly not good.
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Awesome pics Berto. You are in excellent shape as others have mentioned. Congrats on all the trophies I know that stuff takes hard work and dedication. Kep at man if you feel good then the rest will follow.

Man really have to step up my game so I can post some pics that are not totally embarrassing.

Hit the gym last night and did the following:
45 minutes on the treadmill upped my speed to 5.7MPH only got 12 minutes in at that speed but had to rearrange my workout routine as some youngsters were on the treadmills when I got there so had to do heavy bag first.

6 2-minute heavy bag drills. Forearms are feeling it today and shoulders keep getting that burn.

Stuck at 10lbs on the weight loss front. hit a new low last week and am struggling to break through it. keeping the weight off feels good I am yo-yoing about 2-4 lbs but am staying lower than normal. Just got to stay focused and keep on the diet and gym.
Man really have to step up my game so I can post some pics that are not totally embarrassing.

Just don't quit. Change will come.

Berto, :thumbup nice work man. Keep us posted on the stand up and for the love of Pete don't invade a lineup with that thing. :twofinger
Own it Berto! I fucking love seeing that. Seriously. You had so much indirect influence over me and my short but loved racing career and your posts inspired me to not only want more but to embrace the feeling.

I also think you should be the next Bond.
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