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Time to get Fit thread

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Pretty awesome accomplishments Berto!
Definately worth being proud of and posting to encourage the rest of us!
Got the flu, then work got crazy/ Hadnt been to the gym in almost 2 freaking weeks! Forced myself to go today. Nothing too crazy thankfully, because my lungs are still not in great shape

6 rounds:
5 power snatches
8 push-ups

As many rounds as possible
rope climb - I dont have this so i used the time to practice different holds
10 - v-ups
16 KB snatches

Glad to be back and back in it. Missed my gym friends.

edit: :wow Looking good Berto!!! :love
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Got a bike ride in after 5:30! Made it from mission to the tanks on campus and back. 4 miles 950 ft clime IIRC. I pushed it about as hard as I could. Definitely need more biking in the mix.
Not much on gym selfies but the wife snapped this while I was doing box steps with a 40# vest and 135# on the bar.

Still kinda chubby but the legs are getting solid.



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Not much on gym selfies but the wife snapped this while I was doing box steps with a 40# vest and 135# on the bar.

Still kinda chubby but the legs are getting solid.

Your legs don't look chubby. You're doing great! :thumbup
I have 8wks to finish my prep for a 140mi bicycle race. thats enough urgency to get me to train more than 1 a week. so here goes:

last Sun was windy AF so I pulled my turbo trainer out for some intervals. I had to find some new software due to my other one closing shop. this is GoldenCheetah. I did a ~25min warm-up, 4 intervals, and a ~10min warm-down all while watching WSBK. the intervals are 20sec at full gas & 10sec rest x8. spin for 10min then repeat. I havent done these in a while - and never on a trainer - so it felt like death. the middle graph is a calculation of "how much you have left". I agree with the numbers going negative during each interval :laughing. bottom graph is heart rate, which seems about right.


Tuesday I finally went back to the gym and did a cycling-specific leg-day. I havent lifted in forever, so I didn't push the weight. Plus my squat form def needs work. I felt good then & Wed. Today (Thurs) was a struggle to put pants and socks on. I may pull out the trainer today to get rid of this DOMS.

4x6 Squat @ 115lbs
4x6 Deadlight @ 145lbs
4x10 Lunges @ 50lbs
4x6 Straight-leg Deadlight @ 95lbs

I think im going to try to do weights Tues, trainer or intervals Thurs, and a long ride Sat until the bike race. That'll be the most structured training Ive done since College Swimming, ie 15yrs ago. Gotta stay motivated.

And today is climbing at my house after work with 4-5 friends. I bought more bolts, so there are now 2-3x as many holds on the wall.

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I have 8wks to finish my prep for a 140mi bicycle race. thats enough urgency to get me to train more than 1 a week. so here goes:

last Sun was windy AF so I pulled my turbo trainer out for some intervals. I had to find some new software due to my other one closing shop. this is GoldenCheetah. I did a ~25min warm-up, 4 intervals, and a ~10min warm-down all while watching WSBK. the intervals are 20sec at full gas & 10sec rest x8. spin for 10min then repeat. I havent done these in a while - and never on a trainer - so it felt like death. the middle graph is a calculation of "how much you have left". I agree with the numbers going negative during each interval :laughing. bottom graph is heart rate, which seems about right.


Tuesday I finally went back to the gym and did a cycling-specific leg-day. I havent lifted in forever, so I didn't push the weight. Plus my squat form def needs work. I felt good then & Wed. Today (Thurs) was a struggle to put pants and socks on. I may pull out the trainer today to get rid of this DOMS.

4x6 Squat @ 115lbs
4x6 Deadlight @ 145lbs
4x10 Lunges @ 50lbs
4x6 Straight-leg Deadlight @ 95lbs

I think im going to try to do weights Tues, trainer or intervals Thurs, and a long ride Sat until the bike race. That'll be the most structured training Ive done since College Swimming, ie 15yrs ago. Gotta stay motivated.

And today is climbing at my house after work with 4-5 friends. I bought more bolts, so there are now 2-3x as many holds on the wall.

That looks fun as hell.
I have 8wks to finish my prep for a 140mi bicycle race.

Wow. 140 miles. Props to you. The longest ride I ever rode was 75 miles. And thats when I was young and fit

Curious.. tell us about your nutrition up to the ride. And tell us about your bike!
Wow. 140 miles. Props to you. The longest ride I ever rode was 75 miles. And thats when I was young and fit

Curious.. tell us about your nutrition up to the ride. And tell us about your bike!

I have never done 140 but I have done a couple 100+ rides, its usually not so much what I eat the day before, or even in the morning, but more making sure that I have a constant stream of sugar water and electrolytes throughout the ride. I usually bring a bunch of those goo things and after about 2-3 hours im taking one ever 30 minutes to an hour, mostly its based on feel, I know when I am starting to get weak so ill take another one.

Some guys like solid food while they ride, Bananas, Cliff bars etc, its really all personal preference and you wont know what works for your body until you actually do it.

I also like to dilute my water with a sports drink 1/2 and 1/2 Gatorade and water or some other sports drink premix.
I went and checked out a private invite-only powerlifting gym here in the industrial part of town, no spandex and only a couple mirrors, the clang of iron in the air. It reeked of testosterone and pain, I loved it.

Back at home pushing weights today, benching 300lbs of colorful bumper plates just isn't the same as pushing real black iron.
I went and checked out a private invite-only powerlifting gym here in the industrial part of town, no spandex and only a couple mirrors, the clang of iron in the air. It reeked of testosterone and pain, I loved it.

Back at home pushing weights today, benching 300lbs of colorful bumper plates just isn't the same as pushing real black iron.

Careful, Remember your a surfer first right?
Wow. 140 miles. Props to you. The longest ride I ever rode was 75 miles. And thats when I was young and fit

Curious.. tell us about your nutrition up to the ride. And tell us about your bike!

ill prob carbo load for 1-2 days prior to the race - pasta, rice, etc. the morning of the race, ill have 2 eggs and a slice of toast. then during the race ill be eating ProBar Meal bars, drinking GQ-6 Hydration, and supplementing with GU gels. ill also grab some pickles, bananas, and mini sodas during the race at feed stops. the goal is to consume 200-250Cal per hour during the race and drink 12-16oz per hour. with 100Cal in each bottle from the drink mix, ill have to eat the other 100-150Cal per hour. the race will take me ~9hrs. so ill try to eat >2000Cal and might expend 3x that amount. oh, and ill prob bring a few packets of mustard.


I find the PRO meal bars are easier to eat than others like ClifBars. they seem to chew/swallow easier and not dry my mouth out. I just switched to GQ6 from GU Roctane mix and am looking forward to the increased electrolytes (550mg vs 320mg sodium for ex). I mostly use gels for caffeine and an extra boost right before a hard section.

Heres my bike. It took me years to convince myself that I cycled enough to "deserve" a nice bike. Ive had it for almost 1.5yrs. I just got the wheels 2 months ago. Ive got a longer stem going on today or tmrw and will finally be cutting my steerer to the correct length.

2018 Parlee Chebacco in Enzo Red, Ultegra Di2 R8070, FSA Carbon Bars, ENVE 3.4AR wheels, ENVE Seatpost, Specialized PowerPro Saddle, Panaracer Gravelking 32C Slicks

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I have never done 140 but I have done a couple 100+ rides, its usually not so much what I eat the day before, or even in the morning, but more making sure that I have a constant stream of sugar water and electrolytes throughout the ride. I usually bring a bunch of those goo things and after about 2-3 hours im taking one ever 30 minutes to an hour, mostly its based on feel, I know when I am starting to get weak so ill take another one.

Some guys like solid food while they ride, Bananas, Cliff bars etc, its really all personal preference and you wont know what works for your body until you actually do it.

I also like to dilute my water with a sports drink 1/2 and 1/2 Gatorade and water or some other sports drink premix.

if u feel weak and its solved by eating, u were likely already behind with your calorie intake. its impossible to consume calories as fast as you expend them. they just won't metabolize fast enough. so its important to eat constantly since theres no way to catch back up. I count my breakfast as the calories for the first hour (assuming I start riding right then). then I get on my eating schedule for the 2nd hour.

its also really hard to over-eat. you cant do it calorie-wise, you can only make yourself feel like crap. ill get an upset stomach if I only consume gels, blocks, and drink mix. switching some of that out for just 1 bar fixes it for me, especially when we are talking 5+hrs on the bike.

pros do 300+ Cal/hr. un-trained people probably dont have the stomach to eat that much while exercising. its taken me about 2yrs to get from 150 to 250Cal/hr comfortably. im a small guy so im fine with not making it to 300Cal yet. but if I get stronger, ill prob need to try more calories.
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I'm shopping now for a new to me bike. Thinking about a Santa Cruz Stigmata. Something all around-ish that I can do a tri on and still take down a fire road. I don't think I'm going to do enough triathlons to justify a triathlon specific bike. Thoughts?
Rob (DrSuade) makes it a point to remind me the same thing. And for the record, I've surfed twice this week...

but lifted four.

I have surfed twice.......

since the beginning of the year. :cry

I am still paddling outrigger though. Keeps me a little salty.
I'm shopping now for a new to me bike. Thinking about a Santa Cruz Stigmata. Something all around-ish that I can do a tri on and still take down a fire road. I don't think I'm going to do enough triathlons to justify a triathlon specific bike. Thoughts?

any endurance road bike will do a fire road and quite a few fit up to 32C slicks these days. my first year of gravel was on a shitty AL frame with 25C slicks (tubeless). u really dont need a "gravel" bike to venture off road. endurance models might be your best bet esp if you are going to do tris. Roubaix, Emonda, Defy, C5, etc. most of the guys that win gravel races arent even on these, instead using the faster stiffer models and running 28C.

for gnarlier gravel and room for larger tires, the options seem to be Giant Revolt, Canyon Grail, SantaCruz Stigmata, Parlee Chebacco, and Open UP. id get the Revolt over the Stigmata cuz your $$ goes further. I wouldn't buy the Grail. if u want to spend more, both the Parlee and Open are amazing. my riding partner has the Open UPPER. double check the crank choice though. sub-compact gearing might suck for tris.
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