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Time to get Fit thread

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if u feel weak and its solved by eating, u were likely already behind with your calorie intake. its impossible to consume calories as fast as you expend them. they just won't metabolize fast enough. so its important to eat constantly since theres no way to catch back up. I count my breakfast as the calories for the first hour (assuming I start riding right then). then I get on my eating schedule for the 2nd hour.

its also really hard to over-eat. you cant do it calorie-wise, you can only make yourself feel like crap. ill get an upset stomach if I only consume gels, blocks, and drink mix. switching some of that out for just 1 bar fixes it for me, especially when we are talking 5+hrs on the bike.

pros do 300+ Cal/hr. un-trained people probably dont have the stomach to eat that much while exercising. its taken me about 2yrs to get from 150 to 250Cal/hr comfortably. im a small guy so im fine with not making it to 300Cal yet. but if I get stronger, ill prob need to try more calories.

I seem to be much more in the amateur category than you do :laughing

I just do what feels good to me, trying to force food down usually ends poorly. In fact, most sub 3 hour rides I usually dont eat at all, most of the time its only an issue after 80+ miles when I start bonking really bad.

Luckily as im usually doing that with friends we will just stop and get food somewhere. I can imagine that you would have to be much more regimented were you doing it at a race pace.
Rob, pretty pumped for you doing that race. I'll be following your progress..you should be able to do pretty well...and your wall, that's sick as can be! hoping I'll see ya in a few weeks at BW. You in? I have no idea if I'm racing...STILL...

Thanks everyone for the accolades and not grilling me out. This thread is a great place to build bonds with other BARFers...like BARF back in the day. Brett, Dan, Sharky, Absolut, Mike, Kim, SharX...you guys are great inspiration, especially you Beau. You da mang.

Nick, your calves are gangster! Jesus brah...excellent stuff.

Everyone; new year, new goals/ stories. Let's keep this up. Best thread on BARF!
Rob, pretty pumped for you doing that race. I'll be following your progress..you should be able to do pretty well...and your wall, that's sick as can be! hoping I'll see ya in a few weeks at BW. You in? I have no idea if I'm racing...STILL...

unfortunately I won't be there. my day job is behind on pay. thats the risk I take with working for start-ups. even with sponsor $$, I dont have the funds to race. I think the earliest ill be racing is May.

I may just fix and sell my R6. then ill start building a new one once I get my finances in order. this is the last year for the last gen in MA anyways.

until then... climbing, fishing, and cycling are FAR cheaper than racing :laughing
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Work out today

35:00 Grind:
400m Run
80x Step Ups
500m Row

I made it through almost 4 rounds. I didn’t get to do the row in the 4th round. I also did the first run and then opted for 2min air bike instead. I fucking hate running :laughing

2 Rounds:
10/10x Kneeling Slasher to Halo (KB Start at one hip go up across your body, behind your head and back down across your body to the other hip.)
10x Kneeling DB Curl To Press
20/20/20 Plank - 20 sec hold in each position.

Nick those calves! :wow :leghump
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ill prob carbo load for 1-2 days prior to the race - pasta, rice, etc. the morning of the race, ill have 2 eggs and a slice of toast. then during the race ill be eating ProBar Meal bars, drinking GQ-6 Hydration, and supplementing with GU gels. ill also grab some pickles, bananas, and mini sodas during the race at feed stops. the goal is to consume 200-250Cal per hour during the race and drink 12-16oz per hour. with 100Cal in each bottle from the drink mix, ill have to eat the other 100-150Cal per hour. the race will take me ~9hrs. so ill try to eat >2000Cal and might expend 3x that amount. oh, and ill prob bring a few packets of mustard.

Thanks for the reply! Beautiful bike!

Thanks everyone for the accolades and not grilling me out. This thread is a great place to build bonds with other BARFers...like BARF back in the day. Brett, Dan, Sharky, Absolut, Mike, Kim, SharX...you guys are great inspiration, especially you Beau. You da mang.
Everyone; new year, new goals/ stories. Let's keep this up. Best thread on BARF!

Berto... “like BARF back in the day...” :thumbup

I can’t agree more! This thread is full of WIN.

Tueday: night meeting at work till 11:30; no gym.
Wednesday: got home late; no gym.



3x10-15 - Dead Hang Pull Up
5x20 - Military Press
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Tri Extension w/Plate
3x20 - DB Tri Extension
5x250 Feet - Farmer’s Carry w/Plates
3x10 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/Plate
3x20 - Bodyweight Lunge
6x10 - DB Standing/Seated/Concentration Curl
2x20 - Leg Ext
2x20 - Calf Raise
2x20 - Leg Press


• Peet’s Banana Nut Bread
• Toast with Cashew Butter and Honey
• 3 Espressos with Sugar (need to stop)
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Chicken Breast, 1/4 Cup Brown Rice & Grilled Zucchini
• Pro Shake


Can’t be good.. Don’t wanna know...
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Work out today

35:00 Grind:
400m Run
80x Step Ups
500m Row

I made it through almost 4 rounds. I didn’t get to do the row in the 4th round. I also did the first run and then opted for 2min air bike instead. I fucking hate running :laughing

2 Rounds:
10/10x Kneeling Slasher to Halo (KB Start at one hip go up across your body, behind your head and back down across your body to the other hip.)
10x Kneeling DB Curl To Press
20/20/20 Plank - 20 sec hold in each position.

Nick those calves! :wow :leghump

Kim! :thumbup

(i need to google some of your exercises)
I try my best explain them :laughing. Not sure if they are gym specific names or common names. Some I don’t know either. I asked to be reminded what the slasher one was. :p
I try my best explain them :laughing. Not sure if they are gym specific names or common names. Some I don’t know either. I asked to be reminded what the slasher one was. :p

I youtubed slasher :)
Kim :rawr

Went and ran a half marathon after work today to see if I could. Bonked a bit at ten miles and dropped my pace, but got it finished at an 11:09 average.

Also, I'm 96+ hours fasted. Haven't eaten since Sunday dinner. Tomorrow morning I get calories again. The human body is a truly amazing machine.

What's the 140 mile bike race? I did the Death Ride way back in the day, 130 miles and 15k of climbing. That was bonkers.
That race looks fun!

I've been practicing intermittent fasting since last summer, typically eat one meal a day and once a month or so I do an extended fast of four to ten days. That and a keto-ish diet, along with nearly eliminating processed foods, has taken me from 260 to 209 (this morning).
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That race looks fun!

I've been practicing intermittent fasting since last summer, typically eat one meal a day and once a month or so I do an extended fast of four to ten days. That and a keto-ish diet, along with nearly eliminating processed foods, has taken me from 260 to 209 (this morning).

You've got me thinking of trying a longer fast. Due to not caring much about food, I inadvertently "fast" several times a week...but I'm also not interested in losing weight. More about killing off old cells/ etc...if that's correct in how it all works.
Thanks everyone for the accolades and not grilling me out. This thread is a great place to build bonds with other BARFers...like BARF back in the day. Brett, Dan, Sharky, Absolut, Mike, Kim, SharX...you guys are great inspiration, especially you Beau. You da mang.

Nick, your calves are gangster! Jesus brah...excellent stuff.

I hate to break it to ya Holeshot but after seeing your pics you're pretty inspirational.

Hit the gym again last night after slacking on Wednesday.
Did normal treadmill upped the pace got to 5.7MPH for 20 minutes and normal warm up/cooldown.
Did some bicep curls and tricep pushdowns because want to keep some mass for after weight loss.
5 2-minute heavy bag sessions. By the middle of the fourth and fifth session, I was having trouble keeping my arms up and going.

Hit the scale this morning and am at a new low. Going to try and go to the gym tonight but one of the girl child units it trying to talk the mom unit into getting a black lab/blue heeler mix puppy so if she manages to do it may go looking at puppies tonight.

Planning on going Saturday and Sunday but depends on the honey-do list workload.
You've got me thinking of trying a longer fast. Due to not caring much about food, I inadvertently "fast" several times a week...but I'm also not interested in losing weight. More about killing off old cells/ etc...if that's correct in how it all works.

There are supposedly a ton of long term benefits beyond just weight loss. The science on it is still kind of early stage, but I'm fairly convinced.
I did my favorite SD gravel route again today. I started the day still sore from Tuesday's weight lifting, but it all still went great. total was 55mi with 4500ft in about 4:30hrs. PR'd on the first major climb of the day coming in at 32min - 5.2mi - 1280ft. Then i held top 3 times for the rest of the day, suggesting that my updated nutrition is working well. I ate about 1300Cal during the ride. The final climb of the day had a few sections of 12-17% on decomposed granite :D

Heres a good reason why I venture off-road so much. Check the views.


We ended up riding a small section with a rider on an Africa Twin. There were a few gates we held open for him. Thats the first time ive seen a moto back there and thought it was cool.
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Two-ish weeks into a cut phase. Seemed like a good time after hitting some PRs and tweaking my back.
Dropped about 9 pounds and probably need to loose about 5 more to get to where i figure i want to be. I cant really hang long below the 10% bf range and still make progress, so i am looking for the best compromise.
So update for last week. Friday I hit the gym and did the following light workout.

Treadmill 50 minutes 20 warmup/cooldown 30 minutes at 10% incline at 3.0MPH pace.
Farmers walk with a 35lb plate. Not sure on distance walked think maybe around 278ft per rep. I did 10 rounds.

I think I have the hang of how the scale is working during the week. I seem to be high at the start of the week and kind of oscillate during the week. Usually a little heavier at the start of the week due to slacking on gym and eating habits. But for the last two weeks I am starting out the week lower than the week before so I am heading in the right direction. Got on the scale today and was 2 pounds lower than last week Monday so hopefully, I will break my PR on weight this week.

Keep up the inspiration guys when I am feeling like slacking I read this thread and it makes me want to go to the gym and not be a wuss.
You guys are kicking ass. i'm settled into my weekly routine of free weights/bench/preacher curls/leg lifts and floor one day, minimum of one hour bicycle on small rollers ( if you have never tried small rollers, you should) the next day, day off, then repeat with no day off but machine weights only on the third day. It's a maintenance regime and it works pretty well for a superannuated guy like me.

Robert, you're kicking ass on the bicycle, great stuff.
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