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Time to get Fit thread

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Saturday dragged a 50# sled up a local trail, 5 miles and just under 1k vert.

Sunday went and summitted Mt Hood again.

Feeling really strong right now, have a few more hard days and then a recovery window. More confident that I'll be ready for Denali by June.


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Wtf? This thread is on the second page?! Work and my kid keep forcing me to skip some days. Went yesterday and today though.


Bench press

5 rounds/ 3 reps building on each set and on the 5th set for a max rep
Last set was 115. Couldn’t get the 3rd one up so went down to 95 and did 15 reps

Part 2
10x DB Floor Press
10x Bent over reverse Fly

Part 3
8 Rounds

3x Front Squats, Climbing
Dips 6-10x

My strength has gone downhill. I had done 135 before. This time only 105 and that felt heavy. Which was disappointing.
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Thursday - today
AMRAP for 30min
800m Run - I hate running so I did 1000m row instead
10x Cossack Squats
20x Hippity Hops - basically toe touch up and over on a bench
10x Elevator Plank - hands down to forearm up to hands again
10x V-Ups

Part 2
3 Rounds
10x TRX Leg Curl - this was fucking hard. Lay on the floor on your back, ass in the air, then bring your knees in.
10x Dead Bug
20x Shoulder Hand Job - :laughing on your side, elbow tucked in raising a light weight up and down rotating your shoulder.
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Kim hitting it hard! :thumbup

Busy with work and personal life. Back to the gym since last Friday, which helped my perpetually sore bicep tendon.


6x10-15 - Bench Press
5x20 - Bodyweight Squat
2x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Dead Hang Pull Up
3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Preacher Curl
4x10 - DB Press
4x10 - DB Lateral Raise


• Smoothie: spinach berries banana almond milk vegan pro
• 3 Hard Eggs
• Bagel with Butter
• Teriyaki Chicken, Bok Choy and Brown Rice
• more later


Most likely horrible...
Wrapped up my nine day hell week last night, dragging a 60# sled for an hour up a gravel road, 2.5 miles and just under 1000' of gain.

Time for a couple days off while visiting family back east.
Shoot been a busy week.

So went to the gym last night even though work tried their hardest to keep me working until late.

Treadmill - new PR at 5.8MPH for 20 minutes total time was 50 minutes.
Did Awhnuld presses for shoulders. Damn left bicep kept trying to cramp on me. So in order to show it who was boss, I did 6 sets of curls. Take that mother fucker. it did and then proceeded to tell me who was boss as it was sore as shit this morning.

Seem to be hitting a wall on weight loss can't seem to get above 9lbs lost. The good news is that my highest weight for the last couple of weeks is still lower than my lowest weight a few weeks ago. I am hovering but feel that once I break the 10lbs barrier it will come off easier again. It seems like I stall at 10lb intervals.

Hitting gym again tonight for incline treadmill workout and then heavy bag and battle ropes. going to throw in some back exercises as well. This weekend should be okay outdoors so have a weekend of yard work to prep for summertime duties.

I talk to my friend in Cali almost every night and I hear it has become a ghost town in SJ. Keep safe you guys and hopefully, this coronavirus shit blows over quickly and we find out it was overhyped.
Got an email today that I attended my 100th class. Doesn't seem like a lot.

Anyways today was:

Part 1: 6 rounds

4 box jumps. Trying to jump almost straight legged on top of the box. So a high jump
4 Mr Spectaculars, kettlebell clean, to overhead press, put the kettle bell down, walk your hands out, do a push up, walk your hands back in
and repeat

Part 2:

Dead lift. Find a heavy once you get your heavy for the last round drop by 20% and do max reps.

Highest was 175 i was thinking of adding another 20 and definitely could of muscled it, but didnt feel like going to crazy.

Dropped to 145 and did 15 reps on the last set.

Part 3 - 5 rounds

30 russian KB swings
15 walking single handed kettle bell lunges
Personal best. 2 laps. Still slow.


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mike, you Kim and Sharx are killing it! I'm pretty excited to see results in a few months.

Those who use a gym, don't forget to wash hands before you leave the gym. I've gone back to wearing full fingered gloves and washing hands/ showing before I go home. I also don't work out too early, but will still keep avoiding crowds a large part of my routine.
My BJJ gym closed, my climbing gym closed, and I'm certainly not stepping foot into my conventional gym. Ordered some kettlebells off amazon which I'll make due for now.
my gym is being super diligent about cleanliness. We are forced to wash hands before we get into the gym and before we leave. everything is wiped down before, during, and after workouts.

one thing he said he forgot was the chalk. so he made individual bags of cocaine i mean chalk for us to use.

i would not risk going to a franchised gym. This local gym ill continue to work out at. will be my only saving grace for the next 2 weeks with my kids school closing.
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SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2020

1x30 - Push Up
5x5-15 - Bench Press
3x10 - Squat with Plate
3x20 - DB Forearm No. 1 (too lazy to write actual exercise)
3x20 - DB Forearm No. 2
3x20 - DB Forearm No. 3
3x15 - DB Forearm No. 4
3x15 - DB Forearm No. 5
3x10 - DB Forearm No. 6


• 2 Fried Eggs, Sausage and forgotname of bread from Sprouts (P8 - C0 - F4)
• 1 Donut :twofinger
• Smoothie - spinach berries banana almond milk vegan pro
• 1 Sumo Citrus
• Twice Cooked Pork & Steamed Rice :twofinger


I have no idea :twofinger
Still going to hit my local gym this week. Going to be way diligent about washing my hands after getting on machines. May sneak in some Clorox wipes to use before I get on the machines.

So this weekend my routine was yard work. mowed the yard and did some spraying of weeds on Saturday.

Sunday was dig two gigantic holes to plant a new orange and lemon tree as we lost ours to unexpected frost this year.
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I spent the weekend tearing up 20 years of vines that the previous owners had along 40 feet of fence around out back yard. I filled up a huge garbage can with vines after ripping them from the ground and only got part way through it. My fingers were sore for the first time in years after a day of that. Then there was the 50# bags of stone to get from the store then carry out to the back yard. Got a good workout in!
Pics please Kim. :teeth

Had to end my Crunch membership...no way I'm heading back out to San Leandro just to hit the gym lol. We're planning on checking out a couple of local gyms this week, but I'm wondering if it's even worth it if there is a risk of them shutting down? :dunno
Pics please Kim. :teeth

Had to end my Crunch membership...no way I'm heading back out to San Leandro just to hit the gym lol. We're planning on checking out a couple of local gyms this week, but I'm wondering if it's even worth it if there is a risk of them shutting down? :dunno

At first read it as "church membership" and was very confused. Loo
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