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Time to get Fit thread

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Home work out today

Part 1 - Moderate pace 40mins
80 step ups on a chair
20 Burpees - these hurt my shoulder I did body builders
10 slam balls - i only have a 12-lber felt really light
4 on each side 5lbs windmills
8 on each side 5lb slashers. From hip to shoulder
20 bicycle sits up

I did this 4 times through

Part 2 - 4 rounds

x10 curls - 20lbs
x20 triceps extensions
Hey Lizard!

I did a pull up this morning. Decided to try it after I woke up. So I’m in my jammies haha but I did it. :banana only on day 3 of practice. Maybe in 30 days I’ll be able to like 5 unbroken

Well to be clear I wasn’t dead hanging. I was just standing and pulled myself up.

Fuck yeah, Bro!

Hey all you German Shepherds out there... come at me, bitches!! :twofinger
Under promise over deliver. :p

Actually I want to be able to do a dead hang pull up first. My arms were almost fully extended but not all the way.

Don’t fully extend. I’m not a doctor/kinesiologist/etc. but I think you could injure your shoulders(?). Someone with more knowledge can chime in. When I do pull ups I go down maybe 95% of the way.
You have a beautiful dog!

Since my gym is closed, I went to Big 5 searching for dumbbells. The first store in Pacheco only had 2 to 5 lb dumbbells. Raced over to the one in San Ramon and found one dumbbell worth buying - adjustable 25 pounds for $86!!

You are close to me, get your ass tested clean and you can workout at my place!
Don’t fully extend. I’m not a doctor/kinesiologist/etc. but I think you could injure your shoulders(?). Someone with more knowledge can chime in. When I do pull ups I go down maybe 95% of the way.

You dont completely relax your shoulders at the bottom. Maintain tension to stabilize the shoulder joint. An athlene x tip i have implemented recently is squeezing in with you arms-hands to recruit the chest more.
As a result of my new leaner self, i have added abs exercises since my deload workouts are shorter. Going to be ridiculously ripped by the end of this ordeal.

For the record, i have never amd still do not think ab exercises are vital to a good looking mid section. Diet is 100x more important for guys in my age range amd core strength is better developed by things like deadlift and squat.
theres nothing wrong with fully extension while hanging from your hands. id be shocked if anyone's shoulders couldn't take that static load. climbers do it all the time and use that time to "rest". learning how to rest in that position is a cool skill to have, albeit somewhat useless outside of specific sports. if you are just trying to get strong, its prob unnecessary.

what's wrong is dropping all your weight on that full extension, like it you go to 100% extension after a kip. a dynamic load is significantly more force and is an invitation for injury. if you cant control lowering slowly, let go of the bar.
id do an ab workout and a mild hangboard workout. climbings indoor 11s can be accomplished with mostly skill & technique - strength isnt that important. I doubt ull lose too much if unable to go to the gym for 2-3 months. your first 1-3 sessions back will feel like garbage, but itll all come back really fast. just don't let this new sedentary lifestyle cause weight gain.

I think its more likely that u are eating smaller portions because of less hunger from reduced exercise. I dont think muscle atrophy can happen that fast or that soon, especially if you arent starving yourself.

You won't lose a ton unless you're off more than 3 months. I used to actually be stronger after a couple weeks back following a 6 week recovery from pulley injuries.

Be very careful about over-training on the hanging board, you can easily injure yourself if you push it too hard. Do most work on the larger/deeper features on it, spend less than 5% of the time on the smallest features.

Pull-up bars are really good for a bunch of muscle groups. Adding dips (if you have them, you can do them in a chair with arm rests) and push-ups will hit most of your upper body muscles, though not to the degree of gym machines.

When I was in my 20's and 30's, I used to do a press handstand from a sitting position on a chair with arm rests while traveling for work to stay in shape. I'm too old/heavy for that now, but it was a lot of fun, especially doing it at happy hour and seeing the reaction. :laughing

Thanks. :thumbup
Here is the set of core exercises that I had my track teams do every practice, I started them at 10 of each (10 seconds count for plank) then moved to 20. They could get them all done in 10 minutes, going from one to the next with no break. I got them originally from a core strength coach (that was his specialty) and re-ordered them for the team.
Core Exercises

1. Basic - wait on butt, arms out to side, move bent legs from close to body to hip and knees at 90 degrees.
2. Monkey - Same as Basic, but hands come in front of legs
3. Bicycle - Same Position as Basic
4. Reverse bicycle - Same Position as Basic
5. Straight leg Lift - Straight Legs
6. Hip raisers - Straight leg Lift to hips off ground
7. Touch cross - Elbow to opposite knee
8. Leg cross - Sit-up with legs wide, hand to opposite toe
9. Blique - On Side, lift knees and shoulders off ground
10. Reach to toes - Legs straight up, touch toes.
11. Plank - Feet curled, Right Leg UP, Left Leg Up
12. Stretch Abs - Straight up, look over R then L shoulder.
13. Back Exercise - Hands behind head, lift chest and thighs.
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As a result of my new leaner self, i have added abs exercises since my deload workouts are shorter. Going to be ridiculously ripped by the end of this ordeal.

For the record, i have never amd still do not think ab exercises are vital to a good looking mid section. Diet is 100x more important for guys in my age range amd core strength is better developed by things like deadlift and squat.

Anecdotal, and not like I'm a particularly strong guy, but direct ab work (boat sit-ups) actually helped my squat and deadlift - it turns out that was the weak point. Abdominals got a little bit of a workout from the core lifts but not enough.
Anecdotal, and not like I'm a particularly strong guy, but direct ab work (boat sit-ups) actually helped my squat and deadlift - it turns out that was the weak point. Abdominals got a little bit of a workout from the core lifts but not enough.
We know, in the track world, that a strong core positively impacts results in every single event.

In some events, like hurdles, a strong core can smooth out a bit of bad form over the hurdle, it's not a cure-all but it will allow you to get away with some things that a person with a weaker core won't be able to.
Anecdotal, and not like I'm a particularly strong guy, but direct ab work (boat sit-ups) actually helped my squat and deadlift - it turns out that was the weak point. Abdominals got a little bit of a workout from the core lifts but not enough.

Cetainly seems plausible. Certainly cant hurt!
You have a beautiful dog!

Since my gym is closed, I went to Big 5 searching for dumbbells. The first store in Pacheco only had 2 to 5 lb dumbbells. Raced over to the one in San Ramon and found one dumbbell worth buying - adjustable 25 pounds for $86!!

I have a set of those and they're nice but light. There's no exercises I do with 25 pound dumbbells.
The 55's are more practical but get bulky.
1 pull up this morning. 3 tonight. Not unbroken. Took a breather in between. But progress! :banana
Ugh. I'm gonna end up spending some $$$ on equipment (well, already have) for my house here that I'll move to the family summer place when things go back to normal, but wasn't wanting to do this. Unfortunately, my neurosis isn't a fable. I just realized that...So, Dip tree, free weight stack, adjustable bench. That should get me through what I need...and a mountain bike for outdoor cardio. Well see how that works...and washing cars, outside project n shit.

Wonder who's gonna give me shit for hiking...I'm right next to Mt. Diablo.

On another note, Robert, how's life down in SD for you? Saw some posts about military units organizing down there and heading this direction.
Wonder who's gonna give me shit for hiking...I'm right next to Mt. Diablo.

Hiking Mt Diablo is so relaxing and a nice workout. My 2 fav trails were one from Alamo/Diablo gate and the other from Clayton. I think Mitchell Canyon is the name for that one.
After fifty years of fitness avoidance I had a choice, pills or exercise. The pills made me feel ill. So, last August I bought a new Cannondale Adventure and set myself a goal: Ride it at least a little EVERY DAY.

Every day turned into an average of twenty miles daily. Finally jumped on a scale last week. Weight is 15% gone. Wife is pissed off at me.

And I have a new excuse to hang in the garage and putz around. (Bicycles have more farkle offerings than motorcycles do. Who knew?)

Not much has changed in San Diego. Night life is dead and there’s less traffic. Ranch99 didn’t have tofu or rice. That’s mostly it. People are still walking around Mission Bay. Farmers markets are still open - though now u can’t touch the produce yourself. For better or worse, no one seems to care that much yet.

The military are just normal people down here. So we don’t notice when they do stuff.
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As a result of my new leaner self, i have added abs exercises since my deload workouts are shorter. Going to be ridiculously ripped by the end of this ordeal.

For the record, i have never amd still do not think ab exercises are vital to a good looking mid section. Diet is 100x more important for guys in my age range amd core strength is better developed by things like deadlift and squat.

I agree that ab exercises aren’t needed for a flat stomach/6-8 pack but they will help the muscles pop. I never did ab exercises in the past and got shredded abs sometimes.

I disagree that compound movements build significant strength in the abs. Isolation movements are a good idea IMO. I started working my abs recently, so far I do hanging leg raises, ab wheel and weighted crunches. I have to be real careful because of a hernia, after the last time I did leg raises (went too hard), I went to go change my shoes and as I bent over, my hernia thingy popped out for a few minutes. :wow
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