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Time to get Fit thread

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I think I am loosing fitness. Had hard time doing 90% of ftp 4x16min intervals. Still managed 1600+ calories in 2h. So wasn't exactly easy session on a trainer.
Work out Today

4 Rounds
4x 4-Way Deadbug
4x HandStand Hold with Leg drop
8x Bird Dogs

6 Rounds
5x Deadlifts with :05 negative - 55lbs for 1 round, 2-4 85lbs, 5 and 6 135lbs
3x Broad Jumps
Hip Flexor Stretch

Every 4:00 x 3 Rounds

50x Double Unders - I did 100 single unders instead.
50x Squat Jumps or DB Thrusters - I did a combo jump squat/air squat
Well, my goal got fucking cancelled by the Covid. Been working for Denali since September, and now they've revoked all permits and closed the park.

I took the week off, still eating conscientiously, and gonna go for a run in the morning.

*Sigh* :(
Hiking Mt Diablo is so relaxing and a nice workout. My 2 fav trails were one from Alamo/Diablo gate and the other from Clayton. I think Mitchell Canyon is the name for that one.

Gonna go try them tomorrow...with (sigh) Miller. Somehow, he's gonna tell a wheelworks or COD story. Got any other good trails?


The military are just normal people down here. So we don’t notice when they do stuff.

Thanks Robert. Stay healthy brah. You've gotta beat me if we go back racing this year :(

Well, my goal got fucking cancelled by the Covid. Been working for Denali since September, and now they've revoked all permits and closed the park.

I took the week off, still eating conscientiously, and gonna go for a run in the morning.

*Sigh* :(

Dude, I saw an old pic on IG of you (or maybe it was FB...I can't remember) a few days ago. Nick, you've lost a SHIT ton of weight. You look way more towards your healthy weight. Super impressive...
Gonna go try them tomorrow...with (sigh) Miller. Somehow, he's gonna tell a wheelworks or COD story. Got any other good trails?

Where I used to live in Alhambra Valley. There's a lot of really nice trails that can take you out Bear Creek area. You might even find some of my old crashed R1's still out there.

Alhambra Creek Staging Area < look that up. It's a lot less populated than Mt Diablo so helps with the social distancing.

Yeah I'm miss Dave's stories about how he yelled at some 8yr old kids and "pwned" them after. Christ....
Going to start rationing food so will lose weight during this thing. Weight I don't want to lose. Could go for that ripped skinny as a rail emo look :(
Well, my goal got fucking cancelled by the Covid. Been working for Denali since September, and now they've revoked all permits and closed the park.

I took the week off, still eating conscientiously, and gonna go for a run in the morning.

*Sigh* :(

So weak. Sorry man.
So i have been seeing a ton of memes posted elsewhere of people saying how fat they are going to get during this lockdown. Don't let this get in the way of your fitness goals. It should be quite the opposite. Without a commute, you have more time to exercise and prepare healthy meals. If you get bored, get out and exercise. Minimally walk around the hood, do calisthenics, something.
Im a home exerciser anyways, so its easy for me to say, but i am definately looking at improving my diet and adding some extra cardio with the added time.
Alright guys. WTF. I was killing it on pullups now I cant even get one. Today is the second day.

I had that day were I had 1 in the morning then 3 at night with breaks. Now when I try every morning and throughout the day I got nothing :cry well not nothing Im back at square one only making it half way up.
Getting enough sleep Kim? That's a big one for me...
No, but thats not unusual. I have a 4yr old that crawls into my bed every night between 2-4am. Cal king bed and im reduced to just enough room to fit my body.
Alright guys. WTF. I was killing it on pullups now I cant even get one. Today is the second day.

I had that day were I had 1 in the morning then 3 at night with breaks. Now when I try every morning and throughout the day I got nothing :cry well not nothing Im back at square one only making it half way up.
This is common. Great initial strength day, then your tissues are recovering from the load you put on them without build-up.

Your tissues take 24hrs to recover from a 100% load, when they're in shape.

Remember that flexibility improves daily, strength improves weekly and speed improves monthly (Track knowledge).
^ that.

it takes me about a week to recover from a 1st workout. 1st leg day in a while, 1st 10K in a while, 1st ab workout in a while, etc etc. I can usually recover from the 2nd workout in 3-4 days and the 3rd in 1-2 days.
Ugh, sinus infection time. Been feeling light-headed and like warmed over shit for about a week. Thought it was allergies but it hasn't been affected by pills or Flonase. I went to the urgent care and man what a ride masks for everyone. Got some pills hopefully it will calm down in a few days and I can get back on the wagon.
Got a good run in yesterday. Oregon is now under mandatory shelter in place as well, so I'm working from home. :)

Also, with the gym closed, and Denali canceled, I'm adjusting to a longer term goal. Continue gradually building strength and try to get weight down to 180-190. I haven't been focused strictly on weight loss, since I needed to head to Alaska with some extra pounds anyway (climbers on expedition typically lose about 1# per day, so starting super lean is not recommended) but obviously that's no longer relevant.


260 a year ago. 217 this morning. Back to intermittent fasting. It's shred time.


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Still here. Pushing 212lbs and 12% BF right now, I feel like a log, granted, a pretty thick log, but a log none the less. Stoked I have home-gym though, can't imagine what it would be like not being able to rack up some weights and go to work.

What's killing me is "bored eating." I catch myself standing in the pantry halfway through a bag of cheese puffs wondering why I can't stop....
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Still here. Pushing 212lbs and 12% BF right now, I feel like a log, granted, a pretty thick log, but a log none the less. Stoked I have home-gym though, can't imagine what it would be like not being able to rack up some weights and go to work.

What's killing me is "bored eating." I catch myself standing in the pantry halfway through a bag of cheese puffs wondering why I can't stop....

I am doing the same thing...bored eating. Trying to keep good things close at hand instead of chips or other garbage.
Not going to give up my progress from the last month or so for some bullshit like candy or chips.
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