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Time to get Fit thread

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Part 1

3 Rounds
8x Lunges
5x Hand Release Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

Part 2
In 7:00mins - Building

1 "Bear Complex" which is:

1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press (from the back)

I did - 45, 65, and 85lbs (x3)

Prt 3
20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)
20x Step Ups - holding 20lb weight
60 Second Jump Rope
Just as long as it's not food they're throwing! :laughing


I'm down to justifying what I'm eating. "Hey, Coronavirus elf brought you fruit loops. Yessss, you can eat them A-L-L D-A-Y"...

I'm down to justifying what I'm eating. "Hey, Coronavirus elf brought you fruit loops. Yessss, you can eat them A-L-L D-A-Y"...

Alright keep it moving son, those fruit loops make more than your stomach soft.
My first workout in a week since my gym closed. As you know, I picked up one 25-lb adjustable DB so tonight...


Bob Seger, Aerosmith, Skynyrd, Marshall Tucker, Stones, CCR (Hey Tonight*)

*Love that tune


5x20 - Push Up (first set was an SOB! Lol)
5x10 - Bodyweight & DB Squat
5x10 - Crunch
5x10 - DB Standing X-Over (upper pec)
4x10 - DB Lateral
4x10 - Burpees
5x10 - DB Standing Press
5x10 - DB Bent Over Raise
5x12 - DB Concentrated Curl
3x20 - DB Calf Raise
5x15 - DB Standing Tri Extension


Bwahahah-McDonald’sahahaha! :twofinger


Rilly? :twofinger
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So haven't been working out but my meal modification plan is still in effect so I am still hovering about 2 lbs from my lowest weight. Once the sinuses clear up and I can breathe again it is back on with some home workouts.

Glad to see everyone is still able to get to it with all of this crap going on...
today was suppose to be a 45min ruck run. instead we bought our 4 yr old a trampoline. Spent 2 hrs putting together than have been jumping on it for a few hours spread out through the day.

i had a spectacular failed front flip. landed square on my face. :laughing

getting old sucks.
today was suppose to be a 45min ruck run. instead we bought our 4 yr old a trampoline. Spent 2 hrs putting together than have been jumping on it for a few hours spread out through the day.

i had a spectacular failed front flip. landed square on my face. :laughing

getting old sucks.

Reminds me of a story of a 40 something dad in a kids bounce house. Jumping like normal, BAM, dual quad tendor ruptures!!


Worked on stretching and ulnar nerve.

1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 1
1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 2
1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 3
1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 4
1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 5
1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 6
1x10 - Thoracic Stretch No. 7
3x10 - Ulnar Floss
3x12 - Bicep Tendon Curl Thing
3x12 - DB Forearm No. 1
3x12 - DB Forearm No. 2
3x12 - DB Forearm No. 3
3x12 - DB Forearm No. 4
Plank and alternating leg and arm extension
3x10 - Facedown Shoulder Rotation Thing
3x12 - DB Hammer Curl


• Kashi Cereal and Almond Milk
• 2 Sumo Citrus
• Torta de Carnitas and Mexican Coke
• Smoothie - 2 Bananas, Almond Milk and Vegan Protein
• Raw Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes
• Mung Bean Pasta and Meatless Meatballs
• 10 Gummy Bears


Too lazy to calculate.
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Steak salad with some tri-tip we smoked a few days ago.

Lots of coffee.

Handful of almonds.

Ran my usual five mile loop. 9:00/mi is becoming an easy jog pace.
Kim, run a HR monitor when on the Tramp. The spikes are amazing on those things.

Did my 2nd workout in my scaled down home gym. Weird, but got into it pretty quickly. It's weird how good of a workout I got given how much things changed (all the exercises). Further proof I've gotten too efficient at my previous workout...
Oh I don’t even need an HR monitor to know that it’s quite the workout to jump on that thing :laughing though would be interesting to see.

3 Rounds
8x Lunges
5x Hand Release Push Ups
1x Pull Up
Instep Stretch
Lat + Pec Stretch

Part 1
4 Rounds
12x Romanian Deadlift @ 3 second negative
6/6x Dead Bugs

Part 2
25:00 Grind
5x "Sandbag" Squat Clean @ 45# Backpack
3x Push Ups
10x Horizontal Row
3x Bench Dips
4x Squat Jumps
2x Jumping Lunges
2x Burpee

Part 3
4 Rounds of
20x Sit Ups
10x Good Morning
20x Russian Twist
45 Minute Grind
40x Step Ups - unloaded
10x get ups. Rock backwards on your back, kick your feet straight up, stand back up without using your hands
5x Burpees

9 rounds + 50 reps
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Our Fl. gov. exempted bicycling from today's required SIP. Woo Hoo !

Twenty two miles before 6 A.M.

Here too, but I still moved all the training indoors. Don't want to risk crashing and ending up in a hospital with all this shit going on.
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

4x12 - DB Arnold Press alternate w/Regular Press
2x12 - DB Lateral Raise
3x12 - DB Upright Row

Then did this:



• Kashi Cereal and Almond Milk
• Sumo Citrus
• Tangelo Minneola
• Bagel and Butter
• Thai Coffee
• Hershey Bar :twofinger
• Chicken Curry, Rice and Vegetables
• may have pro shake later


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Oh neat! Not Altamonte too well, but I lived in the Davenport area for a year, then moved near Bay Hill on Lake Down. Still have the place, but don't make it back too often lately. FL is excellent in the winter.
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