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Time to get Fit thread

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Todays work out was 5 rounds for time of

Deadlifts x12
Hang power cleans x9
Push press x6

I did 85lbs for the deadlift and 65lbs for the the other 2. Did it in 11:52

90-Min Walk
3x10 - Pull Ups at Neighborhood Park (they were not easy!)
3 Hours - Cut Down and Off-Haul Tree with Hand Saw (gotta count for something)


• Pro Shake
• 3 Eggs and 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Sprouted Bread
• 2 Sumo Citrus
• 5 Espressos with Sugar
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Chicken, Rice and Mixed Vaggies
• Zinc & Airborne (so I don’t catch Covid-19)
• more to come...


Have no fucking clue :twofinger
My workout have been harder than normal, but I'm learning a whole new workout(s) using freeweights, fitness tree, bands and bench only. It's kinda a neat challenge.
Today it was tearing 20 years of vines out of the ground along with the usual saturday yardwork. Those vines are tough and gave me a good workout. Tomorrow it's 30 minutes on the heavy bag for cardio along with core workout, pull-ups, dips and push-ups.
Increase of volume and better diet stuff doing its thing. Continuing ab workouts have left my stomach in a near perpetual state of soreness. Lol
Up to 7 shoulder width palms forward pull ups (up from 4 when I started 2 weeks ago). Can do 10 palms back close together ones.

Doing about 100 pushups a day in sets of 3-4 need to start pushing it.
Up to 7 shoulder width palms forward pull ups (up from 4 when I started 2 weeks ago). Can do 10 palms back close together ones.

Doing about 100 pushups a day in sets of 3-4 need to start pushing it.


I’ve had good results changing up the push-up routine by doing sloooow 5 count down 5 count up pushups and varying the width to recruit tri’s, pecs, etc

10 minutes of stretching (Still doing the sequence from Judo classes and football camps as a kid, Judo Push ups, Toe Touches, Core Twists, Quad Stretches)

Warm up 15-20 minutes of Jump rope

Been trying a compound movement trial this week not isolating specific muscle groups trying to keep the whole body active. I'm moving in circuits from one set to the next with maybe 2 minutes inbetween

Dumbells (25lbs) Off the ground Squat to full overhead Press 5 sets of 15 reps

20yard Lunges with Dumbbells 5 sets (roughly about 20 steps)

Incline Bench Press (125lbs- I increase the weight daily by 10 lbs and lower my reps depending on how I feel) 5 sets of 10

Deadlifts of 205lbs 5 sets of 8 reps

Close it out with gasser sprints across my Parking Lot (roughly about 40 yards), I'm getting a good chuckle watching my older neighbors next door stare at me like a maniac

Diet...thats a work in progress.
Realized the limitations of kettlebells. Great for push exercises, not so much for pull so I went ahead and ordered some resistance bands off Amazon.
I placed an order for Olympic Rings.

Also realized I was doing chin ups in my successful pull up post. Tried doing pull ups all week and failing. Fucking frustrating.
Realized the limitations of kettlebells. Great for push exercises, not so much for pull so I went ahead and ordered some resistance bands off Amazon.

True on the bells. Have you tried presses and squats while holding the bell upside down (weight on top, i.e., "bottom up")? Holding the bell like that is a great forearm and wrist exercise, and especially good for moto and mountain bike grip - really helps fight "arm pump".

Personally been doing lots of core work and body weight stuff.

Kitchen counter dips are a real thing too - as long as you have a corner you've got a great tricep workout.
Like a goblet squat? Yah I've been doing those as well double bell squats and lunges. Also doing swings, deadlifts, turkish get ups, presses, snatch and presses, halos.

With the bands I can add leg raises, curls, tripcep pull downs, flys and face pulls. I think that should be sufficient for me now. Funny thing Im actually losing weight more now than I was going to the gym 5 days a week.
Increase of volume and better diet stuff doing its thing. Continuing ab workouts have left my stomach in a near perpetual state of soreness. Lol

Working to get beau lean!


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Like a goblet squat?

No, not if you mean holding the bell with both hands.

I'm talking about holding the bell upside down with one hand while doing squats and shoulder presses, alternating between left and right. ("Bottom up", get it?) The effort to keep the bell upright really works the wrist and forearm, and you still get the other benefits of those movements.

Sounds like you've got a good program going regardless. :thumbup
So the wife and kids saw a huge snake swimming in the pond last week and it swam over to a spot that was overgrown so couldn't find it to get rid of it. So this weekend was clean the pond weekend. Cleared about 500ft of overgrown weeds and scrub trees and then had to drag all of the tree limbs to the burn pile. It was fairly nice for a swampistan spring about 80 degrees with cloud cover and low humidity. Also found the snake and dispatched it.

Staying flat on the weight loss right now but am just happy to not be going up again. Need to get some resistance bands and start using the dumbbells I have somewhere. I am sharing my would-be workout space with someone so hard to fit in exercise time when they need peace and quiet.

Damn all these pics are making me want to work harder.
finally got back on the bike yesterday. ive had a minor sinus infection for 2 wks now and its been irritating my throat and causing a slight cough. given that I got pneumonia last March from pushing too hard while having a sinus infection, ive been taking it ez. but sometimes u just gotta leave the house to exercise.

ride was 38mi in 2:40hr, 2400ft. mostly a chill ride but we did push the wattage for a few sections. the local 'everyone has done this climb' is 1.4mi @ 6% taking about 10min for the avg cyclist. I held ~275W with an avg heart rate of 180bpm and felt great at the top, taking 7:36min. its not my PR, but def the easiest ive pushed for a good time (for me). 2wks of "recovery" will do that, :laughing
finally got back on the bike yesterday. ive had a minor sinus infection for 2 wks now and its been irritating my throat and causing a slight cough. given that I got pneumonia last March from pushing too hard while having a sinus infection, ive been taking it ez. but sometimes u just gotta leave the house to exercise.

ride was 38mi in 2:40hr, 2400ft. mostly a chill ride but we did push the wattage for a few sections. the local 'everyone has done this climb' is 1.4mi @ 6% taking about 10min for the avg cyclist. I held ~275W with an avg heart rate of 180bpm and felt great at the top, taking 7:36min. its not my PR, but def the easiest ive pushed for a good time (for me). 2wks of "recovery" will do that, :laughing

I like how bicycle guys measure output in terms of wattage.
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