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Time to get Fit thread

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275W sounds more impressive than 0.37HP :D


I started calculating my climbs in ft-lb of energy exerted a couple months ago.

Average trip up Mt Hood: 210 pound climber with 35lbs of gear and clothing, ascending 5,200 vertical feet = 1.274 Million ft-lb of work. :cool
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or 1.73MJ (megajoules). time to :nerd

thats prob a huge underestimate for how much work expended to get to the top. you do work for all your horizontal motion too. its just way harder to calculate. 1.73MJ is only 416 Cal (kcal) which sounds way off.

for that cycling climb I mentioned, 275W for 7:30 is 124kJ. the climb is only 415ft vertically and total mass is ~160lbs (137+18+clothes). 72.5kg*9.81*126.5m = 90kJ. my vertical work calculation is low by almost 40% and rolling is way more efficient than walking.
Oh, for sure. And that doesn't take into account that every step you're either sinking into the snow or kicking steps in ice. My Garmin reported about 5,000 calories for that climb, based on body weight, elevation gain, HR, etc.


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How many grams of protein are you guys consuming? I'm averaging about .8 grams / lbs of body weight. For reference, I'm about 5'8" and currently weigh 153 lbs. Should I be consuming that amount even on my off days?
Isn't that supposed to be 0.8 grams/ kg of body weight?

You're probably calculating 2.2 times too high.
How many grams of protein are you guys consuming? I'm averaging about .8 grams / lbs of body weight. For reference, I'm about 5'8" and currently weigh 153 lbs. Should I be consuming that amount even on my off days?

I think the broscience figure is a gram to two per pound of body weight. I think a gram is plenty for the heavy lifter trying to add muscle. If you are on gear, that would probably need to be more.

I think a well balanced diet with a strong bias on good sources of clean protein is probably sufficient for average types. Personally, I supplement my protein intake on days when I do not feel like I have eaten enough or skipped a meal.

I did a calculation today and based on that I need 2600 calories per day to maintain my body weight. If I eat clean, I doubt I get that much. I have been working on leaning out, so that's a good thing for a little while longer. Once I start to lose my ability to maintain/increase my strength, I will have to bump up intake.
How many grams of protein are you guys consuming? I'm averaging about .8 grams / lbs of body weight. For reference, I'm about 5'8" and currently weigh 153 lbs. Should I be consuming that amount even on my off days?

I’m 5’6, 150. My target is 2000 cal, 150 pro, 75-150 carb (challenging) and 75 fat (easy). I supplement with protein shakes.
I’m 5’6, 150. My target is 2000 cal, 150 pro, 75-150 carb (challenging) and 75 fat (easy). I supplement with protein shakes.

I wonder what my carb intake is. I avoid complex sugars but eat tons of fruit. Generally, limiting bread and high starches seems to work ok for me. Not to mention, i dont think they are very good in my system as a whole. Overall i feel better when i reduce complex carbs, but i have particular health circumstances.
I tore up the back of my knuckles hitting the heavy bag with my 4 ounce gloves, but it's been years but the technique and reflexes are still there.

My alignment of bones on impact is still there, which is gratifying to see.
Did my five mile loop yesterday, alternating fast/slow miles. 1, 3 and 5 were 7:45/mi, 2 and 4 were 9-10 minutes/mi. Overall average was 8:30. My goal is the whole loop under 40 minutes.

Near freezing and windy, it's as close as I can get to the mountains right now.



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I've built a portable ghetto boxing/martial arts training bag.

I downloaded a boxing timer on my phone

5 X 2 minute rounds of jump rope
3 X 2 minute rounds of shadow boxing
100 body squats
3 X 1 minute wall sits with 30 second breaks
100 push ups
80 reverse dips
5 rounds slip-rope/head movement drills
3 rounds slip-bag/head movement drills

Resistance bands for "weightlifting" - although bodybuilding workouts and "looking good" in terms of athletics/fitness isn't my goal.

And... if I have the energy, practice my karate katas :)

I have battle ropes I need to pull out of storage and gonna get some kettlebells.
Received some fucked up news on Monday. My heart has not been in anything.

Trying to get back into that head space. I did todays work out which was a 45lbs 50min ruck. Also going to try and combine it with yesterdays work out.
Received some fucked up news on Monday. My heart has not been in anything.

Trying to get back into that head space. I did todays work out which was a 45lbs 50min ruck. Also going to try and combine it with yesterdays work out.
Sorry to hear that Kim.

I've found, over the years, that things that hit us hard emotionally can also hit our health and exercise is a really good counter to those impacts.

At this time, you need to stay healthy, exercise as much as you can to help your body deal with the toxins of emotional stress.
Home is not a great place to exercise. Tried doing squats this morning and down 50 pounds from what I'd do in the gym for the same number of reps. Better than nothing but there's some psychological effect allowing us to be more lazy at home.
Cleared some space around the rack yesterday and got going on doing some lifts with the boys.

Simple stuff, 3x5 - Barbell Row, Bench, Deadlifts.
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