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Time to get Fit thread

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I've been eating like a savage. Pizza, upgraded ramen, had b-day cake yesterday and today, but KFC for dinner (b-day dinner). I kinda been eating whateve's.

2 Hours of Yard Work (Gots to Count for something)

5x20 - Push Ups
5x15 - DB Press
5x15 - DB Lateral Raise
5x15 - Bodyweight Squat
5x15 - Glute Kickback (Yes, what girls do :twofinger)

25-Min Powerwalk


• Kashi Cereal & Almond Milk
• Sumo Citrus
• Bagel & Butter
• 3 Hard Eggs
• Vietnamese Coffee
• 2 Each 3-in-1 Malaysian Coffee (167 cal each!)
• Hershey Bar :twofinger
• Chicken, Rice and Mixed Vaggies


Can’t be good :(
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Quick workout to move this thread back to page 1.


1x10 - Bodyweight Squat :twofinger:laughing


4 Hrs Cutting Down 2 Trees (gots to count for something)
30-Min Power Walk
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In lard-shredding mode. Did my first 36+ hour fast. Went okay and I was able to sleep okay. I’m gonna start doing it once a week in addition to daily 18-6 intermittent fasting.
In lard-shredding mode. Did my first 36+ hour fast. Went okay and I was able to sleep okay. I’m gonna start doing it once a week in addition to daily 18-6 intermittent fasting.

I do 16-8 daily with the occasional 24hr fast. Much easier to follow if I'm working or on the go weekends but harder to do during a SIP. Food becomes one of the highlights to look forward to.
Since my gym is closed..Built a bootleg gym in my garage. $35 for the step ladder bench from Home Depot. Light weights and a pull-up bar


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Lols..whatever it takes.


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I’ve been carrying my big ol’ battle rope to my workout area. It’s huge! But if I fold it, throw it over my shoulders and carry it to the park. I felt good today and drilled everything for 5, 2 minute rounds, except the battle rope stuff which was 3, 1 minute rounds.

BUT! Been missing punching mitts, bags (and other people), and realized if I hung the big old rope, I could actually use it to strike :). Realized in just three short weeks, I lost my distance judgement for striking, but once I got it back, hitting a thick hanging rope was really cool. Very narrow target, it swung just enough, and it worked.

During this time, I’ve really discovered how much training I can get done with DIY. I must’ve worked out today for 2 hours with one minute breaks, breaks to set up my drills, and felt awesome.

I’m super stoked because when I do get back to the gym, I wouldn’t have lost all my training.
Ordered a 66' Radar Vapor Pro Build for the summer slalom runs...weekend workouts are gonna rule!

Other than that, being stuck at a lake that won't let boats/ skis on it is full bullshittery!
Ordered a 66' Radar Vapor Pro Build for the summer slalom runs...weekend workouts are gonna rule!

Other than that, being stuck at a lake that won't let boats/ skis on it is full bullshittery!
Get a kayak, you can get some good workouts doing laps around the lake.
Get a kayak, you can get some good workouts doing laps around the lake.

I'd love to. I've got a one man shell, but even that they won't allow people out on. I might just take it and go when the rain's over though. Screw them...will update.
I'd love to. I've got a one man shell, but even that they won't allow people out on. I might just take it and go when the rain's over though. Screw them...will update.

You can't keep social distancing on a lake? WTF! :wtf

That's some pretty major stupidity. Sunlight was a factor in survivability in previous pandemics. People who got out, got sun, got vitamin D from the sun and UV rays killing viruses were more likely to survive.
Great point Brett. Lake County ain't known for it being on the periphery of advancement.
I posted about Ross Enamait before, but he’s been a huge inspiration to my training and the need for little to no equipment and DIY equipment. Been following the guy for about 10 years. He’s boxing oriented and specific to combat athletes, but I think anyone can benefit from his expertise in this area. Totally changed the way I look at gym equipment. IMO, no real need to go about and buy dumbbells.

I went to go site to get some ideas and found he’s offering his book “Never Gymless” for $1! He’s doing it to help during COVID-19. I guess if you can get even a small piece for useful info for your own fitness regiment, it was worth the buck. :thumbup



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My weight is the lowest its been in about three years as of this morning.

I'm glad yoga is easy to do in my house when it's rainy out but I definitely miss going to classes.
Did a workout in zwift in erg mode as part of team virtual group ride. Then jumped in to zwift race, all the pain of racing without any fun. Was a hard day. Around 2.2 calories burned in less than 3 hours. Felt like shit for next couple of hours.

Basically the same thing as Sunday, but feeling much better.

If the racing season actually resumes pretty sure I'll be in beast mode, or go insane if it doesn't. :dunno
At least I won a race this season before it all got shut down.
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my lungs are feeling great again. so I planned an amazing 60mi ride yesterday with my riding buddy before next week's rain showed up. unfortunately, things did not go as planned.


the derailleur hanger bent really bad from the highside. of course, in trying to bend it back, the metal cracked on that last little touch-up bend to make it really straight. and of course, it bent too far and completely failed when trying to bend it back the other way. I havent had to bail half-way through a ride in a long time - oh wells.

im no worse for wear - just missing some skin. its kinda funny though. I usually crash once in spring and once in the fall. im glad to get this one out of the way on a bicycle instead of a motorcycle :laughing
my lungs are feeling great again. so I planned an amazing 60mi ride yesterday with my riding buddy before next week's rain showed up. unfortunately, things did not go as planned.


the derailleur hanger bent really bad from the highside. of course, in trying to bend it back, the metal cracked on that last little touch-up bend to make it really straight. and of course, it bent too far and completely failed when trying to bend it back the other way. I havent had to bail half-way through a ride in a long time - oh wells.

im no worse for wear - just missing some skin. its kinda funny though. I usually crash once in spring and once in the fall. im glad to get this one out of the way on a bicycle instead of a motorcycle :laughing

Add a spare hanger to your toolkit. I always bring one for each of my bikes, it sucks to break it and have to hike out of wherever you are.
Haven't been gyming it of course but had a pleasant surprise this morning. got on the scale and have lost another 3 pounds. Been doing a lot of yard work and not as much eating as before so hoping it goes on like this for awhile.

Been doing some pushups and situps during the day to keep some tone and just bought some resistance bands so that I can do some exercises until this SIP is over. Should be able to get about 100lbs of resistance so will be going for high reps seeing as that is too little weight for some exercises.
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