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Time to get Fit thread

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I posted about Ross Enamait before, but he’s been a huge inspiration to my training and the need for little to no equipment and DIY equipment. Been following the guy for about 10 years. He’s boxing oriented and specific to combat athletes, but I think anyone can benefit from his expertise in this area. Totally changed the way I look at gym equipment. IMO, no real need to go about and buy dumbbells.

I went to go site to get some ideas and found he’s offering his book “Never Gymless” for $1! He’s doing it to help during COVID-19. I guess if you can get even a small piece for useful info for your own fitness regiment, it was worth the buck. :thumbup


Thanks! Just bought a copy!

EDIT: I just power-read most of the book. Holy fuck. He is an animal. Again, thanks for sharing, Dion.

See top pic below. Yes, that’s him clapping his hands :wow

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Thanks! Just bought a copy!

EDIT: I just power-read most of the book. Holy fuck. He is an animal. Again, thanks for sharing, Dion.

See top pic below. Yes, that’s him clapping his hands :wow

Yeah, he’s a beast!

The gym I train at (Kaijin MMA) here in Santa Cruz just reached out and asked me to submit some drills and training videos for members to download.

I made a sharp shooter double end ball for boxing yesterday which I’m pretty proud of.

I’ll share some drills with my portable/home boxing by gym if anybody is interested.


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I included some of Ross’ exercises into my routine tonight.


4x20 - Push Up
5x20 - Bodyweight Squat
3x8 - Divebomber Squat per Ross (um, it was hard!)
5x30 - Jumping Jacks per Ross
3x15 - DB Curl
3x20 - Calf Raise
1x10 - Isometric Chest Press
3x15 - Dips on Dining Room Chair
3x15 - Crunch
3x15 - OH DB Tri Extension
3x10 - Bodyweight Superman per Ross
3x10 - Reverse Nordic (quads)


• Oatmeal Banana Honey Almond Milk Cinnamon
• Bagel with Butter
• Vietnamese Coffee w/condensed Milk
• Sumo Citrus
• 3 Hard Eggs
• 20 Prunes
• Curry Chicken, Rice & Mixed Vaggies
• more to come...


Lazy :twofinger
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After a quick jaunt around the block and back home for a leg workout day, I noticed my right knee felt kind of stiff afterwards. It feels tight when I stand upright and kind of 'off'. No pain, just tightness and slight swelling. Is this runners knee? Can I continue to run on it?
Yeah, he’s a beast!

The gym I train at (Kaijin MMA) here in Santa Cruz just reached out and asked me to submit some drills and training videos for members to download.

I made a sharp shooter double end ball for boxing yesterday which I’m pretty proud of.

I’ll share some drills with my portable/home boxing by gym if anybody is interested.


After a quick jaunt around the block and back home for a leg workout day, I noticed my right knee felt kind of stiff afterwards. It feels tight when I stand upright and kind of 'off'. No pain, just tightness and slight swelling. Is this runners knee? Can I continue to run on it?

For me, I would hold off on leg workouts and running until it gets back to feeling normal. I usually don't run on leg days I will do a walk or incline walk on the treadmill then do a leg workout. I run on days I don't do legs. I have torn-up knees so I am very careful with what I do to them.

Yesterday's workout was cutting up trees for bonfire fuel. Cleaning some brush piles up that we made removing trees. Finished mowing the yard before the rains came and dug up one more tree that was in the way. Pond looks fucking awesome once I get over my picture laziness I will post some up.

*All I have is one 25-LB Adjustable DB

This Program per Ross Enamait (thanks Dion!):
3x30 Seconds - Burpees
3x30 Seconds - Mountain Climbers (harder than expected!)
3x30 Seconds - Jumping Jacks
3x30 Seconds - Split Jumps
5x15 - Isometric Military Press Standing on Chair Under Doorway (see pic below)

Regular Program:
5x15 - DB Press
5x10-15 - DB Lateral Raise
5x15 - Standing DB One Arm X-Over (pecs & bis)


• 3 Scrambled Eggs, 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame Bread
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1TB Honey
• Pro Shake
• Bartlett Pear
• Sumo Citrus
• 3 Oz Turkey Breast, Hummus & 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Bread
• Turkish Coffee w/1TB Sugar
• Pro Shake
• 1 Slice Pizza & Mexican Coke :twofinger
• Chicken Curry, Rice & Mixed Vaggies
• 3-in-1 Malaysian Coffee
• Almond Jelly, Kiwi & Strawberries


Don’t ask. Don’t tell :twofinger


Ross doing isometric military press:

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My home "gym" equipment is pretty minimal, but there's so much we can do just bodyweight and the things around us, there's really not any excuses to not have something to do that is a solid workout. I'm taking the opportunity to really mix things up since my normal lifting routine I can't do at home, but now that I'm (mostly) unpacked and settled in, getting back into the "routine."
Just for fun I am going to try and do work up to a single handed chin up. Theres probably a technique to doing one. I can do plenty of standard chinup/pullups.
Got some resistance bands from Amazon. Now I just got to figure out how to set them up so I can do exercises at my desk during the day. thinking some hooks in the wall at varying heights so that I can hit different muscle groups. I kind of regret selling my home gym now.....
Just for fun I am going to try and do work up to a single handed chin up. Theres probably a technique to doing one. I can do plenty of standard chinup/pullups.
Start with reducing fingers on the other hand until you can do it with one finger.

Also, start at the top and resist going down.

Good luck! It's much harder than most people realize.

I do have a video of a rock climber doing a single finger (in a strap) pull up, but he's a mutant. :laughing
one of my friends has a permanently disfigured pinky finger from doing a one-finger pull-up on a strap. he was in the military at the time. everyone "dared" him to do it. he did... and fully ruptured a few tendons. the military didnt think it was essential to repair right away, so it healed poorly. the finger will not extend past a 90deg bend. he can still do one-finger pull-ups on it :laughing

a close friend climbed on my wall for his first time yesterday. he confirmed that our grading is way off. we've suspected that the lack of climbing elsewhere is ruining our ability to estimate difficulty. he says things I thought were V4 are actually V6. so im probably getting a bit stronger. its cool what 1-2hrs 2-3x a week will do.
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I'm making good progress with pullups but have a question. My friend who weighs about 50 lbs less than I do and is also wiry and a marathon runner can bang off like 24 wide grip pullups in a row....if I can obtain the same, is my workout "harder" because I weigh more?

How many sets of various pullup/chin up/etc should I aim for?
I'm making good progress with pullups but have a question. My friend who weighs about 50 lbs less than I do and is also wiry and a marathon runner can bang off like 24 wide grip pullups in a row....if I can obtain the same, is my workout "harder" because I weigh more?

How many sets of various pullup/chin up/etc should I aim for?
Power to weight ratio for various muscle groups.

It would just be one application, clearly as a marathon runner he would want to keep his weight down to put less of a load on his legs to run that distance, lower percent of max strength directly effects endurance.

That would only be one aspect of your workout, so to say that your workout is "harder" would only apply to that single aspect.
I'm making good progress with pullups but have a question. My friend who weighs about 50 lbs less than I do and is also wiry and a marathon runner can bang off like 24 wide grip pullups in a row....if I can obtain the same, is my workout "harder" because I weigh more?

How many sets of various pullup/chin up/etc should I aim for?

Certainly pulling 50+ pounds is just that, but that's not really the whole calculation. Dudes like me that don't weigh that much will generally have an advantage over a heavy person with similar muscle strength. Presumably a larger frame and bone structure permits larger muscle growth and generally that can also mean more strength. Things like power to weight ratio and endurance are more relevant. Assuming you are 200+ pounds getting 24+ pullups would be an achievement. If I add 50 pounds, my total number of pullups drops under 20. Unweighted I have gotten 35 pullups and 40 chin-ups.

The volume of reps depends more on you. For instance, if you can do 10 reps with some effort but not maxing out, I would do 3-5 sets of 10 a few times a week.
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IMO if two people do an exercise to failure, their workouts were equal. any benefits from exercise is very dependent on how difficult it was for them. exercising to failure suggests two people worked to their max difficulty and will gain the most possible benefit.
IMO if two people do an exercise to failure, their workouts were equal. any benefits from exercise is very dependent on how difficult it was for them. exercising to failure suggests two people worked to their max difficulty and will gain the most possible benefit.

Working out to failure isn't always the best thing to do. Often from a safety standpoint it is not worth the risk compared to the benefit. There are risks to overtraining etc. HOWEVER, I do think there is a place for training to failure.
Working out to failure isn't always the best thing to do. Often from a safety standpoint it is not worth the risk compared to the benefit. There are risks to overtraining etc. HOWEVER, I do think there is a place for training to failure.
Good point.

It really depends on the sport. Many injuries in Track and Field happen do to over training. The USA Track and Field association stresses that Less is Better when it comes to training.
that really wasn't the point of that post. "overtraining" is way off topic when talking about an example of doing one exercise to failure.
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