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Time to get Fit thread

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I think I need to increase sets because the next day I don't feel sore or especially worked out unless I try and do more exercise where my reps plummet.

Basically I need to work out harder, but less, and give myself more rest days.
Personally, I think that this thread needs some additional eating information. Lizard and Beau are good about posting what they are eating (sorry if there are others too). My opinion, there is no single better thing to getting leaner than fixing the crap in your diet. Exercise won't fix your fat bottom alone and is probably 25% of it.

More food talk.

Fix your crappy food intake. I hate "diet" because generally the implication is that it is a temporary measure.

Diet is so underrated, as far as health effects first. I feel great since cleaning my diet up this last month. For body composition, lots of variables at play, macronutrient quantity, ratio and timing etc.

I’ve been making fresh fruit/veggie juice on a daily breakfast (carrot, chard, spinach, beet, celery, apple, grape, tumeric, ginger.) Combine it with about 75g of protein powder (whey and plant), maybe a little MCT oil. Amazing smooth clean energy for hours.

Another staple meal is simply meat and fruit/veggies. Maybe some sweet potato or rice.

The third staple meal is soup (fish, chicken and/or beef). Maybe a few noodles. Maybe some poached eggs. And maybe some spinach, onion and anything else tossed in.

Maybe a late night meal of fruits/veggies only.

I combine this with intermittent fasting (daily 18-6 and a 36-42 hour fast once a week).
I try to get at least 150g protein spread across 2-3 meals.
Be mindful of portion size.
IMO changing your nutrition is a lot like exercise - the more you are willing to suffer and the more self-control you have, the faster it works and the more effective it can be. want to lose some weight? suffer through feeling hungry a little longer and have the self-control to only eat half that plate. want to cut out X to fix Z? suffer through changing flavors and have the self-control to actually do it. want to keep eating out all the time? too bad, start making your meals. there are no tricks that'll accomplish everything. you didnt get out of shape or overweight because of 1 thing overnight, you cant fix it with 1 thing right now either.
I think I need to increase sets because the next day I don't feel sore or especially worked out unless I try and do more exercise where my reps plummet.

Basically I need to work out harder, but less, and give myself more rest days.

Reduce the time between sets. Increases intensity. Also, not being sore doesnt mean much. Once you get through the first few cycles, you probably wont get sore. If you feel your workout is stale, change rep range, exercise, rest time etc. I think time under tension it most important.
Reduce the time between sets. Increases intensity. Also, not being sore doesnt mean much. Once you get through the first few cycles, you probably wont get sore. If you feel your workout is stale, change rep range, exercise, rest time etc. I think time under tension it most important.


Intensity > Volume
I think I need to increase sets because the next day I don't feel sore or especially worked out unless I try and do more exercise where my reps plummet.

Basically I need to work out harder, but less, and give myself more rest days.
Your body is designed to become more efficient with repeat execution of the same physical tasks.

You have to do different exercises after a period of time if you want to keep getting benefit from your workout. You could keep doing the same thing, but you will plateau then start moving backwards.

You should change up your routine significantly after a couple months.
Your body is designed to become more efficient with repeat execution of the same physical tasks.

You have to do different exercises after a period of time if you want to keep getting benefit from your workout. You could keep doing the same thing, but you will plateau then start moving backwards.

You should change up your routine significantly after a couple months.

can you describe "significantly"?
yeah quit doing squats and deadlifts. your body gets used to it.
can you describe "significantly"?
If you're essentially doing the same exercises but in a different manner, you won't get the benefit of really throwing a bunch of new things at it.

Have you ever been in fantastic shape for one sport but went and did another sport and it kicked your but?

Over time, your body works out how to do everything you've been repeatedly doing more efficiently.

Change your whole routine for a couple weeks, then you can go back to your old one for awhile and get above your previous plateau.
hmm 12 years of barbell backsquatting, deadlifting and benchpressing kind of disagrees with your theory... most of us are just following the strongest lifters on the planet though and not as informed as you.
hmm 12 years of barbell backsquatting, deadlifting and benchpressing kind of disagrees with your theory... most of us are just following the strongest lifters on the planet though and not as informed as you.
You anecdotal claim doesn't really mean much.

I'm on solid ground and it isn't my theory, plenty of people with far more specific experience than me have formulated that knowledge. But don't stop that from holding your own opinion as fact.
Personally, I think that this thread needs some additional eating information. Lizard and Beau are good about posting what they are eating (sorry if there are others too). My opinion, there is no single better thing to getting leaner than fixing the crap in your diet. Exercise won't fix your fat bottom alone and is probably 25% of it.

More food talk.

Fix your crappy food intake. I hate "diet" because generally the implication is that it is a temporary measure.

I talked about it a bit. I think it all depends on what you’re trying to do in terms of “fitness”. Seems most people on this thread are going for a “look”, which is why this thread seems very weightlifting/diet centric. It’s all good! I, however, am not going for a look, I’m into endurance so I can successfully beat people up, and therefore I don’t really yearn for 10% body fat. :teeth Also, nothing is worse than getting gassed out performing a bo staff karate kata at the Santa Cruz Japanese festival. :laughing

I’m done fighting competitively, so having the ability to keep up in tough sparring sessions with 19 year olds is success in my book. That all being said, I can’t be heavier than where I’m at now. I float between 200-210 with a bit of body fat that’s perfectly fine for a martial artist.

I thought about doing a Kyokushin tournament this year, but I had drama with some people in the organization and decided to leave Kyokushin.

I feel at 200, I’m a little weaker, and at 210, a little slower. So 205 carrying a little fat is okay for me. I’m middle aged and married and happy... no six pack abs here. But, I also can’t go crazy with food. There is a tipping point that I feel I lose out a bit in terms of my goals.
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hmm 12 years of barbell backsquatting, deadlifting and benchpressing kind of disagrees with your theory... most of us are just following the strongest lifters on the planet though and not as informed as you.

What are your stats?
You anecdotal claim doesn't really mean much.

I'm on solid ground and it isn't my theory, plenty of people with far more specific experience than me have formulated that knowledge. But don't stop that from holding your own opinion as fact.

It's not anecdote, you can see them as world record holders in their respective categories.

Julius Maddox on the bench press
Andrey Malanichev squat
Kirill Sarychev bench press (until julius beat him)
The entire chinese weightlifting team (liao hui, lu xiaojun, to name a few)
clarence kennedy (clarence0)
westside barbell guys/disciples (Louis Simmons, Mark Bell, Matt Wenning, Brandon Lilly, etc.)
Ed Coan
Dan Green (Boss Barbell)
The entire California Strength team (oly lifters based in the east bay)

The methodologies that I know of, designed by some of the mutants above are The Conjugate Method (westside barbell), Sheiko (by boris sheiko), Smolov, etc. For less elite, but effective principles you have Jim Wendler's 5/3/1, the 5x5 method, and other variants of similar principles. I mean I'm no expert, I'm just a meathead who's pretty much lifted every day out of the year (except for days where the gym closed) prior to this SIP order for the past 12 years.

What are your stats?

I had a car accident in 2016 that broke my L5 disc, but currently with a broken disc I still carry a 420+ raw wilks in a full power meet if I wanted to.
It's not anecdote, you can see them as world record holders in their respective categories.

Julius Maddox on the bench press
Andrey Malanichev squat
Kirill Sarychev bench press (until julius beat him)
The entire chinese weightlifting team (liao hui, lu xiaojun, to name a few)
clarence kennedy (clarence0)
westside barbell guys/disciples (Louis Simmons, Mark Bell, Matt Wenning, Brandon Lilly, etc.)
Ed Coan
Dan Green (Boss Barbell)
The entire California Strength team (oly lifters based in the east bay)

The methodologies that I know of, designed by some of the mutants above are The Conjugate Method (westside barbell), Sheiko (by boris sheiko), Smolov, etc. For less elite, but effective principles you have Jim Wendler's 5/3/1, the 5x5 method, and other variants of similar principles. I mean I'm no expert, I'm just a meathead who's pretty much lifted every day out of the year (except for days where the gym closed) prior to this SIP order for the past 12 years.
There must be a disconnect, because the 'The Conjugate Method' exactly describes rotating through different exercises.

That means you change up your routine. You don't do the same thing week in, weak out.

Not sure why you're attacking my suggestion since what you claim does what I suggested.
Your body is designed to become more efficient with repeat execution of the same physical tasks.

You have to do different exercises after a period of time if you want to keep getting benefit from your workout. You could keep doing the same thing, but you will plateau then start moving backwards.

You should change up your routine significantly after a couple months.

Are you suggesting that a bench press with band and chain is a different exercise than a bench press? Even then, there's people who get stronger on the same set of lifts week in and week out through the years. Clarence is a perfect example of that, he doesn't vary his lifts at all.
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Chinups (wow that sucked I'm fat)
Overhead Press
Back squat

Tequila lime chicken and brown rice for dinner. I think I have some frozen brussels sprouts too
I’m gonna nominate myself to be the only a-hole posting photos and videos of myself actually working out :laughing. I’m too fat to do a shirtless selfie.

When I was learning how to skip rope, I’d watch the boxing greats routines - especially Floyd Mayweather and Iron Mike (who is my favorite all time boxer). So... I’m gonna share my routine today. I cut the video because it’s just like 5 minutes of me jumping, so it’s edited to highlight some tricks and such.

Hope this inspired peeps. I sucked at jumping rope once and it took time to learn my rhythm and stamina for it. Jump light, small movements for rhythm, and have GOOD shoes.

Y’all should post pics and vids of your routines. Inspire others :)

I took a vid of myself doing squats.

1000000% percent not fucking posting that. :rofl
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