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Time to get Fit thread

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3x5 today

Bent over barbell row
Flat bench
Ok guys lets not turn this into Bodybuilding.Com misc forums. Lets just log our workout and ask what we all had for lunch... :laughing
There's nothing wrong with giving suggestions to people.

It's when somebody comes along and shits on your suggestion that this thread becomes something it wasn't.

I've seen many good suggestions and feedback in this thread. It wasn't until just recently that it took a left turn in the wrong direction.
Ok guys lets not turn this into Bodybuilding.Com misc forums. Lets just log our workout and ask what we all had for lunch... :laughing

I ate like shit! 5 garlic rolls, a bunch of Cheez-it's, and tonight, pizza for dinner.

But you know what's gonna fix all that? Bro? Bro... negative reps bro.

I actually did eat like that today, tho.
45x Thrusters
40x Horizontal Rows
40x Bent Over Rows

-Then in the time remaining-
20x Lunges
10x Jumping Lunges
10x Good Mornings

I did part 2 for 5 rounds. We also had a warm up and had 10mins of working on inversions and L-sits.
Courtesy reminder of this thread’s intent. Thumperx’s initial post, page 1:

“Hey barfers and barrettes! It's that time of year again.

Who's doing what?
What are your goals?
What is your strategy?
What is your biggest challenge?”

There's nothing wrong with giving suggestions to people.

It's when somebody comes along and shits on your suggestion that this thread becomes something it wasn't.

I've seen many good suggestions and feedback in this thread. It wasn't until just recently that it took a left turn in the wrong direction.


Ok guys lets not turn this into Bodybuilding.Com misc forums. Lets just log our workout and ask what we all had for lunch... :laughing

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After a 1-week layoff and non-stop cheeseburger fixation...


Best of Creedence Clearwater Revival


Based tonight’s workout on 2 IG accounts and Ross’ $1 book.

1x40 - Push Up
3x14 - Raised Mountain Climber
3x14 - Side Plank Crunch
3x20 - Bicycle Crunch
3x10 - Burpee
3x14 - Elbow to Knee Crunch
3x14 - Alternating Leg Raise
10x30 Seconds - Jumping Jacks
3x8 - Submarine Push Ups (not easy!)
4x10 - Tri Dips on Dining Room Chair
3x14 - Downward Dog Toe Taps
3x20 - Quadruped Hip Circles
3x12 - DB Seated 1-Arm Shoulder Press
3x15 - Bodyweight Squat
3x30 Seconds - Stand Under Doorway Isometric Lat. Raise
3x12 - DB Lateral Raise
3x12 - DB Bent Over Face Pull

IG links if interested:



• Sumo Citrus
• Bagel with Butter
• Viet Coffee
• Malaysian 3-in-1 Coffee
• 2 Tangelo Minneolas
• Ham and Cheese Croissant & Mexican Coke
• Handful of Cashews
• Edamame Fettucini, 1/2 C Pasta Sauce & Steamed Vaggies
• Pro Shake

*My diet has turned to shit. Thanks, Wuhan bat-eater :flame


Cal - 2455
Pro - 112
Carb - 254 :shame
Fat - 110
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Cedar plank salmon and long grain rice medly.

way too many carbs -- limiting carbs and going harder on protein and good fats has always been better for me to drop lbs.
4th day on the bike. Knocked my time down from 48 minutes to 40:40 on my loop. Butt is still sore, haven't been able to find any of my padded bike shorts.

How long does it take to get past lactic acid buildup when going up relatively minor hills?
4th day on the bike. Knocked my time down from 48 minutes to 40:40 on my loop. Butt is still sore, haven't been able to find any of my padded bike shorts.

How long does it take to get past lactic acid buildup when going up relatively minor hills?

Nice. :thumbup
I am tired of push ups and squats.

Go to the restroom. Push ups

Get water. Squats.

All day long.
Who's doing what?
A lighter-weight, martial-arts, conditioning style work out, based on time, not so much reps, although I still do some reps.

What are your goals?
Improve my reflex time, learn, review and internalize good technique. Learn more of the science of fighting. Translate some techniques to power. Improve time based endurance for short, powerful bursts, and to sustain repetitious rounds. Continue to teach martial arts. NOT GET INJURED.

What is your strategy?
Learn, learn, learn. Watch a lot of fight tape and good instructors: Karate by Jesse, Bas Rutten, Michael Jai White, Ross Enamait, Fight Tips, etc. Been watching Mike Tyson breakdown because he was small for a heavyweight and I'm roughly his size (5'9" 200-210). Learn their techniques, but most importantly, learn techniques that correspond to my body type.

What is your biggest challenge?
My age. I am aged out of fighting competitively. So I have to come to grips with that, which I am okay with. I have serious sports related injuries to include head trauma. There are a lot of movements that pain me for weeks/months, so I have to be really cautious and aware of what I can/can't do.

• • • I want to develop techniques to train young and upcoming fighters. I'd like to develop and help a competitor win. I've had a few parents ask if I could train their kids outside of the dojo, which I haven't done. I see a lot of young talent out there that could grow to become great. I can spot talent at a very young age, you can just see it. I've worked with kids under 10 who have very natural abilities. My step son is one of those when it comes to BJJ. I'd like to be part of that journey and be a coach. Great fighters always talk about good mentors and coaches they've had growing up - I'd like to be part of that league • • •
Do it, Dion!

As a track coach for 5 years with 6 results in the top 8 at Nationals, I find it's a ton of work but the rewards are there and you are changing the lives of a lot of kids. Not only are you giving them skills that can open doors, give them confidence and possibly get scholerships or maybe even into the Olympics/Pro career.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your athlete become a national champion!
After 4 weeks of no treadmill activity at all, I decided to go on a run with the kid units. They had to do a 1.5 mile trip. I could not do it the whole time running had to take a few rest walks and then continue on dammit. We wound up doing 1.8 miles in 20 minutes with my old ass causing the long time interval. I hurt in so many places today but committed to doing it more often with them while the weather is nice here.
After 4 weeks of no treadmill activity at all, I decided to go on a run with the kid units. They had to do a 1.5 mile trip. I could not do it the whole time running had to take a few rest walks and then continue on dammit. We wound up doing 1.8 miles in 20 minutes with my old ass causing the long time interval. I hurt in so many places today but committed to doing it more often with them while the weather is nice here.
Good job! :thumbup

Work up to running continuously!

If you keep at it, before long you will not only be running continuously but it will get easier. :ride
Do it, Dion!

I love teaching kids martial arts. It's so enriching to watch the light bulb pop up when they get it. I love empowering them, especially young girls, because I am hoping that they'll have the confidence to not ever let a men beat on them or abuse them. The young women I train with are strong and confident. For the boys, to empower them to grow to be good men, and not assholes or trolls or said abusers. The young men I train with are upstanding and humble and confident. I know I can only do so much, but I'd love to be that inspiration.

I know what martial arts did for me. My Dad being a 2nd degree black belt helped. But it taught me so much. I really hope to be that dude. I had some amazing instructors in the past, and I want to continue that legacy. Martial arts goes beyond just the physical or combat aspects.

The students call me "Mr. D" :)
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... Great fighters always talk about good mentors and coaches they've had growing up - I'd like to be part of that league • • •

Man, this is great stuff and it translates to other fields even the professional work environment. I don’t mean to hijack this thread but talking about and honoring your mentor(s) is great stuff. When I look at how I got to where I am now professionally, which is the epitome of my industry and career, I have openly given credit to my mentor, “AP.” He filled my “toolbox” with valuable tools that I continue to use today and pass off to my staff and peers.
For those of you who fast:

- How does this prevent your body from going into starvation mode and holding onto calories? (or is this a myth?)
- How do you concentrate when in fasting? I find my mind crumbles pretty quickly when I'm hungry
- Is it just for weight loss?
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