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Time to get Fit thread

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I find it helps to keep a record of each day's workout on a blank calendar and a big red X if nothing happens on a day.

I compulsively track my exercises, sets, reps, rest time between and weight used. Give me a record so I can see if I am stalking out and need to change it up. I have a tendency to fall into ruts since I do all of my workouts at home
I’ve been using 1stPhorms app as well as 24 fitness.
On another note, does anyone have a recommendation for prepared healthy meals...I tried Freshly, but the ingredients and sodium sucked. FWIW, I'm not trying to lose fat...I burn calories as soon as they're on my tongue, it seems.

This works for me.

My daily routine:

1) Leave work.
2) Arrive Wholefoods in San Ramon 10 minutes later and pack up something from the hot bar. I get some protein (healthy meat or tofu or beans) with quinoa and/or brown rice and a vegetable. Costs me about 6-8 bucks. Small portions that give me about 30 gr protein, low fat and carbs.
3) Drive 1/2 mile to gym and work out.
4) Lounge in gym cafe and drink post-workout then eat dinner anout 30 min later. I don’t even care if its cold.
5) Go home and pass out.

It’s kind of gross handling the same serving utensils that are handled by hundreds of other people but I’ve been doing it for years and have not yet gotten sick. (Probably just jinxed myself)
For Berto.... yeah its a blurry pool locker room flip phone photo, judge away!!


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:wow :wow :wow

I’m only slightly judging you on using a clam shell camera :laughing

Man this thread is motivational :love
Last night I had steak with extra roast potatoes, corn, asparagus, shrimp, and a cheeseburger with onion rings. All this talk of exercise has worked up an appetite.
Back on the horse.

3x5 chinups
3x5 barbell OHP
3x5 back squats

FFS I'm fat and outta shape

One step at a time homie.

Amen. Just make it a thing you do...when your body adjusts (finally), it's gonna be epic. ProTip: read a few KSP threads THEN workout...lots of energy then!

I find it helps to keep a record of each day's workout on a blank calendar and a big red X if nothing happens on a day.

I so wish I was that organized...

For Berto.... yeah its a blurry pool locker room flip phone photo, judge away!!

Fuck yeah Mike! Second boner of the thread for me! That flip phone is suspect of a 1999 picture! (kidding). Dude, you're fit.
Friend I havent seen in a long time says "so what have you been doing to lose weight, you look great!"

:love FUCK YES.
I compulsively track my exercises, sets, reps, rest time between and weight used. Give me a record so I can see if I am stalking out and need to change it up. I have a tendency to fall into ruts since I do all of my workouts at home

Exactly. When I see a couple red X's in a week I get motivated.

For Berto.... yeah its a blurry pool locker room flip phone photo, judge away!!

Mike you handsome motherfucker.
Late to the thread, but jumping in. I was getting pretty darn good about upping my overall activity, then doing pretty well on getting some strength training in, but now I'm all owies again, so off for a couple/few weeks again.

Once I'm moved it'll be easier to get my "normal" workout in as there is a decent little gym at work there AND one in my complex where I'll be living, and there will actually be a place to park if I come home later in the evening (where I live now the parking is so horrible I've become a hermit for any evening activities as there have been times when I couldn't find parking for my truck within a half mile of my house).
No. :( But ooooh! I’ve got a garmin if anyone has one of those!
For Berto.... yeah its a blurry pool locker room flip phone photo, judge away!!

If this is men doing shameless selfies, I’m jumping in :laughing

195, 34” waist and about 10lbs left to go to where I feel is a good point. For me, quads and butt is more important than upper body because it’s where one can generate the most power; I’ve also found there’s diminishing returns for me once I do weight training with legs and butt, so it’s all body weight exercises and general martial arts training. Also, I’ve become a walking billboard for Venum Fight gear. :p

For the past 4-5 months I’ve been training my neck to build it thicker and stronger. We were applying chokes on each other the last few classes, and not really sure if it helped for that :laughing

Also, judge away!


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Just catching up... mike have you considered holding a baby cat or baby dog when you take a pic like that.

I just did 50 mountain climbers after looking at that picture.
I made it to the gym again tonight. Didn't do anything impressive when I got there but I did go :party
Kinda on a roll.
Just catching up... mike have you considered holding a baby cat or baby dog when you take a pic like that.

I just did 50 mountain climbers after looking at that picture.

I just hold possums. ;)
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