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Time to get Fit thread

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If anyone is thinking of posting picks in their speedos just don't. Please

Do pics sans speedo need to linked with a NSFW warning? Was planning on doing a before, and after, photo, but I guess that I should retake the before shot without a speedo. Regardless, this Saturday is going to be day zero of a new fitness routine!
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Don't judge me


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Just finished my final and last "test". We re-test again in 3mos.

Wall balls (full squat, 14lbs ball throw) - 1min/max reps
Hang power clean - barbell 55lbs. (thighs to chest/shoulders) - 1min/max reps
20in box, step up's - 1min/max reps
Push Press - 55lbs (from shoulders to overhead) - 1min/max reps
Burpees - 1min/max reps
1 min rest

repeat x3

You can max out on the ones you are good at, and do less of the ones you are bad at. I couldnt tell you how many of each i did, all I know is I did 155 movements total.
Congrats Kim sounds like you are rocking it.

Reading all this has motivated me more so I ripped off some situps and leg lifts in the home office. Gonna hit the gym tonight for some extra burn trying to get 250 calories burned per session and upping it gradually, going by what the machine I am on tells me, I know it's not exact but hope it is in the ballpark.

Been doing my sort of diet plan for the last 5 days. 6 ozs of protein every 2 hours until dinner then I stop eating for the night. No sweets or soda. I go to bed with mild hunger then get up and do it again. This is always hard the first week or two then I get used to it and it becomes hard to eat every two hours but trying to keep the metabolism primed and always going. Forgot I am eating my veggies now also and some random unsalted cashews, almond, peanuts and walnuts to munch on when cravings get too bad. I want to lose 40 pounds by July and hopefully not die in the process.
Completed a 5 ish (i think) mile run this am at 6:30. Was my first real attempt at fasted cardio. I liked it. Had 24 oz of water when I woke, then did my run. Came home ate an omelet with 1 whole egg and one egg white, sautéed red pepper and onion with grated parmesan cheese and a cup of coffee. It feels pretty damn good.

Props to everyone leaning into this thread and really going for it. Keep at it. Its worth it.
Congrats Kim sounds like you are rocking it.

Reading all this has motivated me more so I ripped off some situps and leg lifts in the home office. Gonna hit the gym tonight for some extra burn trying to get 250 calories burned per session and upping it gradually, going by what the machine I am on tells me, I know it's not exact but hope it is in the ballpark.

Been doing my sort of diet plan for the last 5 days. 6 ozs of protein every 2 hours until dinner then I stop eating for the night. No sweets or soda. I go to bed with mild hunger then get up and do it again. This is always hard the first week or two then I get used to it and it becomes hard to eat every two hours but trying to keep the metabolism primed and always going. Forgot I am eating my veggies now also and some random unsalted cashews, almond, peanuts and walnuts to munch on when cravings get too bad. I want to lose 40 pounds by July and hopefully not die in the process.

Lightly salted dry roasted almonds from Trader Joes hit my salt cravings perfectly. They keep me from eating chips. A medium sized handful also seems to keep me from being hungry for at least an hour.
I drank 5 beers and watched 2 movies last night. Am I doing it right?

Probs gonna start walking with my wife when her knee is up to it.

I eat reasonably healthy though definitely too much. Weight has been staying at 185 since forever. If I do lose weight it'll be a side effect of trying to be just a little more fit. Not giving up beer though lol
I drank 5 beers and watched 2 movies last night. Am I doing it right?

Probs gonna start walking with my wife when her knee is up to it.

I eat reasonably healthy though definitely too much. Weight has been staying at 185 since forever. If I do lose weight it'll be a side effect of trying to be just a little more fit. Not giving up beer though lol

Honestly if you are happy with how you are then yeah, you are doing it right. At least in my book anyway. I was not happy with how I was. I bullshitted myself for years that I was ok with how I felt in my body but, it was just that. Bullshit. Since I actually DECIDED to be a different way, its been easy to find the motivation to exercise and change my diet. I still drink beer too, and usually tequila to go with it, just less often than I used to. I dont smoke nearly as much bud as I used to but I do on occasion still partake. All in all I don't feel deprived of anything and am generally happier with myself. Everyone is different but I think part of the fun is finding what works best for YOU.
Hit the gym last night got in a 250 calorie ride on the stationary bike.

Got up this morning and went outside to try and catch some baby ducks in our paddle boat. Got a little workout doing that and then had to try and get the pond aerator on shore to untangle the lines because when one mooring line snapped it twisted the electrical and the other mooring line together like pretzels. That was a good 5 hours project because the lines apparently got overgrown and tangled in some little trees so that meant uprooting like 5 trees in the water to get the lines out which also led to some weed whacking. So not sure how many calories I burned there but it was probably a lot, thank god it is still nice outside here in the swamplands. Physical therapist and ortho would shit if they could see what I am doing with my shoulder but can't afford to stay down and I know my body so I can feel when I am overdoing it.
Honestly if you are happy with how you are then yeah, you are doing it right. At least in my book anyway. I was not happy with how I was. I bullshitted myself for years that I was ok with how I felt in my body but, it was just that. Bullshit. Since I actually DECIDED to be a different way, its been easy to find the motivation to exercise and change my diet. I still drink beer too, and usually tequila to go with it, just less often than I used to. I dont smoke nearly as much bud as I used to but I do on occasion still partake. All in all I don't feel deprived of anything and am generally happier with myself. Everyone is different but I think part of the fun is finding what works best for YOU.

Sound advice :thumbup
3x5 again yesterday

Bent over Barbell Row

Flat Bench

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