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Time to get Fit thread

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I prescribe to the 5-6 small meals a day school because:

1) I don’t like feeling full.
2) I have a flatter stomach with smaller meals.
3) I believe the theory of the 5-6 small meals a day.
4) It works for me.
5) If I don’t eat, I get hangry and want to kill ducklings with a ball peen hammer.

This is a good example of how no diet is the same for anybody. Blanket statement diets like "fasting is the way" or "six small meals is the way" is just hogwash because everybody is different. I've done both, and for ME, fasting work much better. There are foods that affect me, and some don't. You made a great point, dude, that it works for YOU. And that's awesome! So stick wid it braddah!!!!

There's also the person who sucks at diet, doesn't work out and is ripped all the time. Or the super hot chick who is super lazy and is just graced by nature. Just gifted people. Or gifted athletes, and people who can squat a million lbs and do flips off benches in some Asian country and gets a million youtube hits.

Everybody is different and not one diet works for everybody. :)

I just got back from training and filming videos for instruction. How to throw a straight punch using, what I call, the "Circle of Truuuuth" :laughing

No weights, no resistance exercise... just boxing drills. Felt awesome

*I'm making Filipino fried chicken tonight. #mannypacquiao #pancit #diabetes
This is a good example of how no diet is the same for anybody. Blanket statement diets like "fasting is the way" or "six small meals is the way" is just hogwash because everybody is different. I've done both, and for ME, fasting work much better. There are foods that affect me, and some don't. You made a great point, dude, that it works for YOU. And that's awesome! So stick wid it braddah!!!!

There's also the person who sucks at diet, doesn't work out and is ripped all the time. Or the super hot chick who is super lazy and is just graced by nature. Just gifted people. Or gifted athletes, and people who can squat a million lbs and do flips off benches in some Asian country and gets a million youtube hits.

Everybody is different and not one diet works for everybody. :)

I just got back from training and filming videos for instruction. How to throw a straight punch using, what I call, the "Circle of Truuuuth" :laughing

No weights, no resistance exercise... just boxing drills. Felt awesome

*I'm making Filipino fried chicken tonight. #mannypacquiao #pancit #diabetes

That is perfect advice here. No matter what, you have to find what works for your body. There are good strategies to use and will probably work for most, but thats not to say something else wouldnt be far more effective in one person and not another.
I prescribe to the 5-6 small meals a day school because:

1) I don’t like feeling full.
2) I have a flatter stomach with smaller meals.
3) I believe the theory of the 5-6 small meals a day.
4) It works for me.
5) If I don’t eat, I get hangry and want to kill ducklings with a ball peen hammer.

I'm like Blankpage: I eat when I'm hungry which isn't that much. I have to force myself to eat many times...
Squats x 7 sets (2 warm up)
Leg extensions 5 set
Ab work 6 sets

2x protein drinks - 700 cal
Chicken sandwich - 400 cal
Chicken ceaser salad - 400 cal
Raisin Bran - 200 cal
Handful of choc chips 100 cal (???)
Still leaning out.
Really feeling good about progress in leaning out. Maintaining strength.
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Hey AO, do you take protein supplements; do you track macros; you still at Ci & Co of SF? And whatever happened to that chick in your class?

Yah I use this stuff: https://www.bareperformancenutrition.com/products/whey-protein-5-lb-70-servings?variant=46504435221 Its probably the best tasting whey I've had thats given me the least amount of stomach problems. I tried tracking macros for a year and calories but I eat alot of asian food so its tough to estimate how many calories are in say.... stir fry or a stew that my mom makes. I just try to get roughly 100 - 120g of protein per day. When I was competing in BJJ I was weighing in at 150 lbs. but these days I hover between 152 - 155 lbs. Yes, I currently still work for the City as a construction inspector. And that chick I had a huge crush on got married and had 2 kids. She's still pretty banging last I checked. One of my worst L's. Oh well, I lived and learned. Check out this before and after photo. Left was 2 years ago in Asia when I ballooned up to 165. Right was about 2 months ago also in Asia.

Can do 4 pullups from hanging now

Just did 3 sets of 3-4 that's the most I could do. ANd I feel it. 60 second break.

You might want to increase the break time a little. That may give you a little more strength to do an additional rep and increase your time in tension during your sets beyond the first.
My form is decent I focus on form over reps. I was doing them totally wrong at first so I started over. Crossing my legs was a mistake.

Thanks for the video I'll watch it and take notes.


Just tried his method of legs out, tight body, pull inwards and upwards and I did 5! Woot.
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LOL, my pull up bar is low enough where when I come down my feet will hit the floor if I dont cross them up. But when I'm at the gym, they're straight.
Its less of an arm exercise than it is an upper back and shoulder exercise.

I have a pull up variation where you don’t “pull up”. You only hang and “pull up” only with your lats. It’s about a 2” movement. However, you do many reps and it actually targets more because there’s zero arms involved except for grip strength. Add bar wraps and legit it’s all lats. Very difficult when done high reps or slow controlled reps.

Back in my bodybuilding days it was a closer for sure. Gym bro’s ask me what they are and I explain it and watch them gas out super fast.
Thanks! So 90-120 seconds?
For track, it takes 3 minutes for your ATP (Ready to go energy in cells) to recover to 98%.

If you're going for max reps, you'll need to be approaching that, though the burn rate for that energy is about 6-7 seconds at full burn, then you're into the glucose in your cells and bloodstream. That's why the first 6-7 seconds are so easy then it gets harder. The glucose converts the ADP (byproduct of flexing muscle cell) back to ATP.
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Yah I use this stuff: https://www.bareperformancenutrition.com/products/whey-protein-5-lb-70-servings?variant=46504435221 I see it also has casein :thumbup Its probably the best tasting whey I've had thats given me the least amount of stomach problems. I tried tracking macros for a year and calories but I eat alot of asian food so its tough to estimate how many calories are in say.... stir fry or a stew that my mom makes.Your mother is a saint. Make sure you wash the dishes and pots and pans after every meal I just try to get roughly 100 - 120g of protein per day. When I was competing in BJJ I was weighing in at 150 lbs. but these days I hover between 152 - 155 lbs. We’re probably the same size. I like to be at 150-153 but pre-COVID I was happily at 147-ish. Felt good! Yes, I currently still work for the City as a construction inspector. Glad to hear. What was your major? CM? My boss is from Ci CO SF. He loves to tell stories! And that chick I had a huge crush on got married and had 2 kids. She's still pretty banging last I checked. AO! This is great news! This is exactly where you want her to be. Most likely she’s bored with her hubby. That dude most likely has checked out in that relationship and abuses beeg.com 24/7. For a reasonable fee, I can orchestrate the total collapse of that marriage AND insert you back into her life. And I don’t even need to implement StaRang’s Four Elements. On the plus side, not only is she still bangin’ BUT with her and her kids you will have an instant family. And the bonus? Her kids are already out of diapers! Its win-win! To get started, paypal me a $5K deposit and I guarantee she will post “guy help” thread on a bikram yoga message board. One of my worst L's. Oh well, I lived and learned. Check out this before and after photo. Left was 2 years ago in Asia when I ballooned up to 165. Right was about 2 months ago also in Asia. I can def see the diff in your chest :thumbup
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I feel tiny at 194 pounds compared to people around me. What size clothes would you wear at 150?
I'm medium to large but some medium are loose. If I went to 150 I'm figuring I'd be wearing XS.
I feel tiny at 194 pounds compared to people around me. What size clothes would you wear at 150?
I'm medium to large but some medium are loose. If I went to 150 I'm figuring I'd be wearing XS.

Same. I wear Medium and Larges.

I always feel a bit small, too, at 205 compared to people around me - everybody towers over me and people are just big. I’m short at 5’9”, so I feel like everybody is bigger around me.

People also say I don’t “look” 205, and often mistake me for 185/190. I carry a lot of weight in my legs, so maybe that’s it?

I put together a small training compilation of stuff I do in my garage (well, one clip is at the park) essentially using no free weights (I do use cinder blocks though). Hope here’s some Monday motivation.

I feel tiny at 194 pounds compared to people around me. What size clothes would you wear at 150?
I'm medium to large but some medium are loose. If I went to 150 I'm figuring I'd be wearing XS.

I’m a small guy; 5’6 150ish.

Suits/sport coats: 38S
Dress shirts: 15 1/2 32 Fitted
Shirts: S or M depending on cut

I like the Asian/Euro fitted look as opposed to looser fit.


I'm a size M for most of my shirts. Jeans I'm 32/30. I've come to realize I don't think I can ever get 'big'. My frame isn't made for the beefy look. If I eat more calories, I just get porky. Heres a picture of my home setup:


2 sets of kettlebellts, my pullup bar, some bands, and yoga mats. The bench I'm using from my dining room table.
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