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Time to get Fit thread

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For those of you who fast:

- How does this prevent your body from going into starvation mode and holding onto calories? (or is this a myth?)
- How do you concentrate when in fasting? I find my mind crumbles pretty quickly when I'm hungry
- Is it just for weight loss?

it's mostly a myth though there's studies that suggest long-term effects of a calorie deficit and metabolic damage. if you're in a calorie deficit, you will be in a slightly catabolic state most of the day (calories are typically anabolic). it'll have minimal/no effect on muscle loss for most people unless if you fast for several days at a time.

if you are fasting on a regular cadence, brain fog usually goes away after practice. if you're allowed to, a little bit of black coffee may help though and keep most benefits of your fast (black coffee will probably disrupt your fast) and no it isn't just for weight loss though it is an effective tool for weight loss (your opportunities to eat in a feeding window are lower and mostly it removes snacking).

in addition to weight loss, one of the primary health benefits is that your body will reap senescent cells that are not dead but not productive anymore, which I believe is associated with radical mutations that could manifest itself as cancer. there are other benefits but i forget them off-hand.
I only drink coffee black and typically most days of quarantine I've been fasting from wake to noon and drinking 2 coffees. Is this a bad idea?
Ive been doing a minimum of 16 hr fasting per day for over a year. During the past months SIP advisory I stretched it out to 20 hours. Some days I don't eat until 3pm and no food after 7. It ain't a big disruption, no issues with concentration or energy.
Only water during those fasting hours.
if your goal is simply to look good naked, that's fine in my opinion if you can keep it up consistently. the only pointer i give to people losing weight is to stay consistent and keep protein intake reasonable (100g+ at minimum)
I fast 12 hours everyday. I also eat like a maniac (just had Cadbury eggs).

I kinda look at it as giving my digestive system a break. In the 90's when the "eat every 5 hours" thing was a thing, I never gave my digestion a break.

I don't diet or anything like that anymore. It's totally not sustainable to be living like that, at least not when you like Cadbury Eggs and carrot cake from the Buttery. My weight stays the same and zero affect on my endurance/performance.
Every nutritionist that I've spoken to says that it's far more healthy to eat many (6 is the typical number they give) smaller meals a day.
Every nutritionist that I've spoken to says that it's far more healthy to eat many (6 is the typical number they give) smaller meals a day.

Most sources I have seen recommend that approach as well. It seems like smaller meals more times a day also keeps your metabolism up and running so it also helps with losing weight if that is what you are after.
3x5 again

Chin Ups (wow those suck cause I'm fat)

barbell overhead press

Most sources I have seen recommend that approach as well. It seems like smaller meals more times a day also keeps your metabolism up and running so it also helps with losing weight if that is what you are after.

More meals a day also means insulin gets raised more frequently which can be bad for the obesity issue.

I prefer 2-3 meals a day.

What keeps the metabolism going is proper exercise and not dropping calories too drastically.
I've been doing 16:8 IF for the past half year as well. 1st meal usually around noon - 1PM and second meal around 7PM in the evening. I try to keep my protein intake high and consistent. I don't know if it's actually successfully helped me lose weight but my body has definitely experienced re-composition based on old photos I see of myself.
I’m gonna nominate myself to be the only a-hole posting photos and videos of myself actually working out :laughing. I’m too fat to do a shirtless selfie.

When I was learning how to skip rope, I’d watch the boxing greats routines - especially Floyd Mayweather and Iron Mike (who is my favorite all time boxer). So... I’m gonna share my routine today. I cut the video because it’s just like 5 minutes of me jumping, so it’s edited to highlight some tricks and such.

Hope this inspired peeps. I sucked at jumping rope once and it took time to learn my rhythm and stamina for it. Jump light, small movements for rhythm, and have GOOD shoes.

Y’all should post pics and vids of your routines. Inspire others :)

Nice video, it makes me want to get back into a workout routine. Watching it makes my knees hurt though, jumping rope on concrete is pretty rough on your body, or at least mine. Thinking about making a plywood platform with a little flex for jumping rope outside my house.
The multiple meal per day is old school thinking. This is a new day an new era.
Got any links to back up that statement?

It may be a new era, but it's the same old bodies, unless I've missed something major that happened we still have the same DNA that we had 30/50/100 years ago.
I've been doing 16:8 IF for the past half year as well. 1st meal usually around noon - 1PM and second meal around 7PM in the evening. I try to keep my protein intake high and consistent. I don't know if it's actually successfully helped me lose weight but my body has definitely experienced re-composition based on old photos I see of myself.

Hey AO, do you take protein supplements; do you track macros; you still at Ci & Co of SF? And whatever happened to that chick in your class?
Got any links to back up that statement?

It may be a new era, but it's the same old bodies, unless I've missed something major that happened we still have the same DNA that we had 30/50/100 years ago.

If we're going back through history I doubt humans evolved on 6 meals per day. For every nutritionist saying 6 meals is ideal I bet you can find someone equally or more qualified saying longer periods of fasting is more beneficial. I'm sticking with their suggestions since their reasoning makes more sense to me.
Every nutritionist that I've spoken to says that it's far more healthy to eat many (6 is the typical number they give) smaller meals a day.

I prescribe to the 5-6 small meals a day school because:

1) I don’t like feeling full.
2) I have a flatter stomach with smaller meals.
3) I believe the theory of the 5-6 small meals a day.
4) It works for me.
5) If I don’t eat, I get hangry and want to kill ducklings with a ball peen hammer.
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