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Time to get Fit thread

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Food was completely different in the 50's when nobody was fat.
I know back in the 70's, the cheapest cereals were cherio's, corn flakes, grape nuts, etc were the cheapest and captain crunch, lucky charms, etc. were much more expensive. Now it's exactly the reverse!

Also, fast foods really came into their own at the latter half of the 70's.
I agree and disagree.

Meat is still meat, fruits are still fruits, and veggies are still veggies. Organic foods are available, but food from Safeway is just fine. We have way more processed food, and it's cheap. Food is cheap - it's why poor people are fat.

Psychology around food is different from the '50s.

We have an abundance of food. Fuckin' food is EVERYWHERE. Its constant, and everybody is consuming constantly. 6 small meals a day? It's amazing our society is so affluent we can do that. We are so affluent, our poor are fat, and the well-to-do can be fat, but they choose not to. Instead, they buy "natural" food that's 3-4 times the price of cheap food, and spend thousands of dollars on gym equipment and memberships to SoulCycle, when a jump rope is $4 from Walmart and jogging, push-ups, body squats, etc. is free. Amazing steel, old-school bicycles are $100 on CL and can last for decades (I have a couple of those). For one month of a gym membership, you can maintain a nice, old-school mountain bike for a year, or more.

Do poor people not have access to free exercise and healthy food? Have you seen the price of eggs, beans, and apples? Do children need to eat shitty school food, or can their parents prepare hardboiled eggs, apples slices and a few slices of cheese? That's what I give my son when he goes to school, or something of the equivalent.

When people were thin, pre-1990's, did food change, or did the psychology of food change? Fast food is literally the same price now as it was 30 years ago. But 30 years ago, there weren't as many fat people.

Not to derail the thread, but I truly do think we put waaaaay too much energy around food and diet. It isn't as complicated as people make it to be. We are addicted to food - whether from a fitness standpoint or from a fat standpoint.

I remember my wife was logging all her food in an app. Everything. I was like "what, are you going to be doing this when you're 80 years old?". She doesn't do that anymore and she's super hot and fit, always has been.

We both eat "whatever" and neither one of us has gained weight. If we need to lose weight, we do small adjustments, like "no desert" or "no doughnuts on Sunday. Difference is we simply eat like people did in the 1950's. Less frequently and with a lot less shame.

This is an entirely different discussion not really benefitting this thread, but I will just say that no a lot of people CAN'T prepare eggs, apples, and cheese for their kids.

anyway. back to GAINZ BRUH.

3x5 today.

Chin ups (these suck)
Overhead press
Yah I can't do the whole chicken breast, x grams of sweet potatoes and broccoli 7 days a week. Nor am I going to even attempt to log in or count the calories in the Japanese curry with 1 carrot, 2 russet potatoes, 30 grams of chicken thighs, 1 onion, and 7 Berkshire korean sausages I made the other day. This is why I say I dont track what I eat, but just the protein I get.
I know back in the 70's, the cheapest cereals were cherio's, corn flakes, grape nuts, etc were the cheapest and captain crunch, lucky charms, etc. were much more expensive. Now it's exactly the reverse!

Also, fast foods really came into their own at the latter half of the 70's.

any idea when HFCS became prolific in foods?
any idea when HFCS became prolific in foods?
HFCS was rapidly introduced to many processed foods and soft drinks in the U.S. from about 1975 to 1985. Soft drink makers such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi still use sugar in other nations but switched to HFCS in the U.S. due to higher sugar costs.

HFCS is used in almost every packaged food and soft drink American consumers see today. HFCS has replaced more expensively priced sugar in a variety of uses including; the beverage industry (41%), processed food manufacturers (22%), cereal and bakery producers (14%), multiple-use food manufacturers (12%), the dairy industry (9%), and the confectionery industry (1%).

Consumption of HFCS in the U.S. has been slowly and steadily declining since 1999 when 37.5 lbs were consumed per person. In 2012 that number was down to 27.1 lbs per person.

In 2010, The Corn Refiners Association tried to change the name "high fructose corn syrup" to "corn sugar" due to HFCS's bad reputation. In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration rejected the name change.
Looks like late 70's, about then the fast food exploded in America.
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Hey Dudes,

New here to this thread(lurker) for some time. I'm 30 years old, 6'4 and currently 270lbs. In 2008, I was a fresh boot out of Fort Leonard Wood weighing a whopping 190lbs. Thought it would last forever. Abs were nice! Between 2008-2015, I was relatively fit and always loved lifting weights/crossfit style workouts. I was the never the bro dude about it, loved getting in and getting out. In late 2015, I opened my trucking company and well, fell off the wagon hard.

I've gone as high as 326lbs(confirmed via my doctor)in October 2018. My diet consisted of excessive alcohol, late night meals and I indulged in 80`s style Miami Fun(think Scarface). I was losing myself and thought it would be best to Sober up though I battled with the demons all of 2019..

October 2019, I finally went cold turkey. Since then, I've gradually increased my running/lifting habits. I'm currently on a OMAD setup, with chicken/veggies and fruit being my main source of food. I intake about 2 1/2 gallons of water a day. Purchased a Cannondale Road Bike this past weekend and I've put 21 miles on it so far. Tougher than it looks, especially in headwind.

Hope you guys enjoy your fitness routines even in this weird time. Stay Safe!
I've never been a believer in forcing water down my throat or tracking how many calories or protein I'm eating, I do make an effort to avoid sugar. I drink when I'm thirsty but I'm not ripped cut juiced and shredded so maybe I could be doing it all wrong.
Hey Dudes,

New here to this thread(lurker) for some time. I'm 30 years old, 6'4 and currently 270lbs. In 2008, I was a fresh boot out of Fort Leonard Wood weighing a whopping 190lbs. Thought it would last forever. Abs were nice! Between 2008-2015, I was relatively fit and always loved lifting weights/crossfit style workouts. I was the never the bro dude about it, loved getting in and getting out. In late 2015, I opened my trucking company and well, fell off the wagon hard.

I've gone as high as 326lbs(confirmed via my doctor)in October 2018. My diet consisted of excessive alcohol, late night meals and I indulged in 80`s style Miami Fun(think Scarface). I was losing myself and thought it would be best to Sober up though I battled with the demons all of 2019..

October 2019, I finally went cold turkey. Since then, I've gradually increased my running/lifting habits. I'm currently on a OMAD setup, with chicken/veggies and fruit being my main source of food. I intake about 2 1/2 gallons of water a day. Purchased a Cannondale Road Bike this past weekend and I've put 21 miles on it so far. Tougher than it looks, especially in headwind.

Hope you guys enjoy your fitness routines even in this weird time. Stay Safe!


New people in this thread make me happy. Keep on pushing man. All that matters is where you are going. Sounds like your headed in the right direction.
Hey Dudes,

New here to this thread(lurker) for some time. I'm 30 years old, 6'4 and currently 270lbs. In 2008, I was a fresh boot out of Fort Leonard Wood weighing a whopping 190lbs. Thought it would last forever. Abs were nice! Between 2008-2015, I was relatively fit and always loved lifting weights/crossfit style workouts. I was the never the bro dude about it, loved getting in and getting out. In late 2015, I opened my trucking company and well, fell off the wagon hard.

I've gone as high as 326lbs(confirmed via my doctor)in October 2018. My diet consisted of excessive alcohol, late night meals and I indulged in 80`s style Miami Fun(think Scarface). I was losing myself and thought it would be best to Sober up though I battled with the demons all of 2019..

October 2019, I finally went cold turkey. Since then, I've gradually increased my running/lifting habits. I'm currently on a OMAD setup, with chicken/veggies and fruit being my main source of food. I intake about 2 1/2 gallons of water a day. Purchased a Cannondale Road Bike this past weekend and I've put 21 miles on it so far. Tougher than it looks, especially in headwind.

Hope you guys enjoy your fitness routines even in this weird time. Stay Safe!

Welcome to the thread...... Start off small and take all the wins no matter how small they may seem.
Random thoughts:

  1. Circacee :thumbup

  • I think portions were smaller prior to “big sizing” and “big gulp.” Thanks McDonald’s, 7 Eleven et al

  • I find tracking my macros provides me with data on why the fuck I can’t get leaner. Frickin’ carbs will sneak up on you.

  • I find it fascinating how we can change our bodies through exercise and food (diet, nutrition). Can you imagine if a Silverback gorilla hit the gym and and protein?

  • Nice to see new posters in this thread.

2. I do cheat on my diet. I just make sure to adjust for it in the upcoming day or two as others have noted.

FYI, my first attempt at using List LOL:twofinger
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Random thoughts:

  1. Circacee :thumbup

  • I think portions were smaller prior to “big sizing” and “big gulp.” Thanks McDonald’s, 7 Eleven et al

  • I find tracking my macros provides me with data on why the fuck I can’t get leaner. Frickin’ carbs will sneak up on you.

  • I find it fascinating how we can change our bodies through exercise and food (diet, nutrition). Can you imagine if a Silverback gorilla hit the gym and and protein?

  • Nice to see new posters in this thread.

2. I do cheat on my diet. I just make sure to adjust for it in the upcoming day or two as others have noted.

FYI, my first attempt at using List LOL:twofinger

Lots of ones on there Lizard my man.

I found that modifying my eating habits has been the biggest bonus so far. I have lost about 10-14lbs in the last few months while going to the gym and eating right. Right now for the last month of SIP I have not been going to the gym and have been eating the same I have stayed at the same weight I was when I was going to the gym. So it proves to me I can lose the weight and now keep it off when I get to where I want to be weight-wise. I did go a little overboard with the deserts lately and saw a 2-pound spike but nipped it in the bud by going back to no desserts every night and back down to my normal-ish weight.
Lots of ones on there Lizard my man.

I found that modifying my eating habits has been the biggest bonus so far. I have lost about 10-14lbs in the last few months while going to the gym and eating right. Right now for the last month of SIP I have not been going to the gym and have been eating the same I have stayed at the same weight I was when I was going to the gym. So it proves to me I can lose the weight and now keep it off when I get to where I want to be weight-wise. I did go a little overboard with the deserts lately and saw a 2-pound spike but nipped it in the bud by going back to no desserts every night and back down to my normal-ish weight.

Yeah SIP has interrupted my routine. Lost some muscle; pants are little tighter.
I just had a piece of fried chicken, some rice and a handful of M&M's for lunch. :laughing

I am so pumped. I got one of these - a double-end ball. It's the only striking bag that hits back and it's not loud like a heavy bag. I love kicking heavy bags, but anybody can whale on a heavy bag with no technique. This thing is on a bungee strap so it whips back when you hit it. You better have your hands up or your slip game better be on point. I have been tagged in the face with this and it sucks. These don't sell as well as heavy bags because they are extremely frustrating, which makes them IMO a better tool for boxing. Can't drill with it tonight, but tomorrow, I'm gonna go ballistic! :teeth


Love those things!

Years ago I used to train with those, definitely takes a bit to get your reflexes down to consistently hit them! :laughing
4 mile run.. 2 w/ a facial mask on before reading that you don't need a mask in sf if you're out on a walk/run (heartrate got up over 180+)

6 marshmellow flavored oreos
2 coke zeros
2 pepperidge farm milk choc macadamia cookies
2 scoops of isolate
2-3 liters of water

remainder for today:
reverse hypers
mobility (voodoo floss, bands, massage gun)
pushups/lunges/crunches if i feel like it between valorant games

dinner if my online grocery order delivers:
16oz ribeye
1-2 cup rice
1 brocc.
I'm up about 5 pounds this month. Hope its all muscle and has nothing to do with that chocolate vanilla raspberry mixed ice cream I've been eating daily.
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