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Time to get Fit thread

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NWA Straight Outa Compton


3x20 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - Hammer Curl to Press
3x10 - DB Curl
3x15 - Crunch
3x10 - Hip Circles
3x10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x15 - DB Press
3x15 - DB Bent Over Face Pull
3x20 - Reverse Nordic
4x15 - DB Wrist Curl
4x15 - DB Reverse Wrist Curl
2x20 - Push Up


• Oatmeal, Banana, Almond Milk & Honey
• Bagel, Butter and Vietnamese Coffee
• Gabriella’s Lasagna - C 390, P 27, C 25, F 20
• Tangelo Minneola
• 2 Sumo Citrus
• Cheeseburger, Fries and a Coke :twofinger
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout


Can’t be good.
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Fucked up my shoulder again. Today was suppose to be over head squat and snatches. Anytime i rotate my shoulder to put the bar over head it hurts. :/

So did yesterday’s work out which was 1.5miles for time. Honestly can’t tell you the last time I ran a mile. Well over a year if not more. 14mins 35 secs. And it was awful

Gonna do some core work as well
Did some bar exercises to break in new motorcycle gloves. Even did bench presses which I haven't done in years.
The racers must have someone break in their gloves for them. I hate going just for a mellow street ride with new gloves.

I think the super high end stuff is probably custom (if needed) and doesnt really need too much if any break in
Fucked up my shoulder again. Today was suppose to be over head squat and snatches. Anytime i rotate my shoulder to put the bar over head it hurts. :/

So did yesterday’s work out which was 1.5miles for time. Honestly can’t tell you the last time I ran a mile. Well over a year if not more. 14mins 35 secs. And it was awful

Gonna do some core work as well

I have been babying my shoulder for the last month. I know your pain.
I think the super high end stuff is probably custom (if needed) and doesnt really need too much if any break in

Yeah makes sense the pros are not getting their stuff off the shelf.
I bought a pair of Dainese which have a really annoying feature referred to as the "Rossi tickler" in the palm area at base of fingers. It has the effect of making the bars feel thicker and preventing a tight grip. Its not leather so it won't breakin like leather. I'm thinking of cutting it out.
I use these to help me do large numbers of pushups while keeping my shoulders feeling fine even though one has moderate arthritis.

I agree and disagree.

Meat is still meat, fruits are still fruits, and veggies are still veggies. Organic foods are available, but food from Safeway is just fine. We have way more processed food, and it's cheap. Food is cheap - it's why poor people are fat.

Psychology around food is different from the '50s.

We have an abundance of food. Fuckin' food is EVERYWHERE. Its constant, and everybody is consuming constantly. 6 small meals a day? It's amazing our society is so affluent we can do that. We are so affluent, our poor are fat, and the well-to-do can be fat, but they choose not to. Instead, they buy "natural" food that's 3-4 times the price of cheap food, and spend thousands of dollars on gym equipment and memberships to SoulCycle, when a jump rope is $4 from Walmart and jogging, push-ups, body squats, etc. is free. Amazing steel, old-school bicycles are $100 on CL and can last for decades (I have a couple of those). For one month of a gym membership, you can maintain a nice, old-school mountain bike for a year, or more.

Do poor people not have access to free exercise and healthy food? Have you seen the price of eggs, beans, and apples? Do children need to eat shitty school food, or can their parents prepare hardboiled eggs, apples slices and a few slices of cheese? That's what I give my son when he goes to school, or something of the equivalent.

When people were thin, pre-1990's, did food change, or did the psychology of food change? Fast food is literally the same price now as it was 30 years ago. But 30 years ago, there weren't as many fat people.

Not to derail the thread, but I truly do think we put waaaaay too much energy around food and diet. It isn't as complicated as people make it to be. We are addicted to food - whether from a fitness standpoint or from a fat standpoint.

I remember my wife was logging all her food in an app. Everything. I was like "what, are you going to be doing this when you're 80 years old?". She doesn't do that anymore and she's super hot and fit, always has been.

We both eat "whatever" and neither one of us has gained weight. If we need to lose weight, we do small adjustments, like "no desert" or "no doughnuts on Sunday. Difference is we simply eat like people did in the 1950's. Less frequently and with a lot less shame.

All relevant points. People just want to eat large amounts of easily available garabage food. Thats why most are overweight. I dont even think you really need to excersie at all not to be fat. Only eat reaaonably clean with portion control.
I think I’m gonna have to baby it again. And I think it’s when I max out on pushups. Bad form.

If it hurts, doong stuff that makes it hurt probably aint helping. There might be some stuff you should never do, because of a defect in the joint. Then, you might need to get it fixed
I have a set of those pushup handles also. For me they put my elbows out straight which according to Athleanx is supposedly bad for your shoulders. I don't care cause I don't do a large number of pushups. I'm kinda lazy and figure 4 sets of 25 gets me to 100 and isn't gonna do much damage.

if you guys want a little description of what's going on, for people who benchpress seriously this is the "tuck" concept or "keeping your lats tight". (if you look at the end when she equips with a slingshot, her elbows are tucked in narrow and her position is relatively strong.)
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Game changer is this heater I brought into my garage. Even when it’s warm out I crank this mofo up to 80°. Sorry folks, I don’t own a pair of long shorts :laughing Hey, dudes with big upper bodies don’t wear shirts, I wear shorty shorts!

5 - 2min rounds of skipping rope
5 - 2min rounds of shadow boxing
5 - 2min rounds of slip bag drills
7 - 2min rounds of double end bag
5 sets of 20 pushups with 30sec breaks
5 sets of 20 body squats with 30sec breaks
5 sets of 20 bicep curls with 30 sec breaks

5 slices of Little Cesars pizza for dinner and a handful of m&m’s :laughing

Perpetually 205lbs :teeth


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Game changer is this heater I brought into my garage. Even when it’s warm out I crank this mofo up to 80°. Sorry folks, I don’t own a pair of long shorts :laughing Hey, dudes with big upper bodies don’t wear shirts, I wear shorty shorts!

5 - 2min rounds of skipping rope
5 - 2min rounds of shadow boxing
5 - 2min rounds of slip bag drills
7 - 2min rounds of double end bag
5 sets of 20 pushups with 30sec breaks
5 sets of 20 body squats with 30sec breaks
5 sets of 20 bicep curls with 30 sec breaks

5 slices of Little Cesars pizza for dinner and a handful of m&m’s :laughing

Perpetually 205lbs :teeth
I had pizza tonight, and feel like crap for it. :laughing
Still worked out for 75min
Dr. Dre Playlist
Young MC
Sugarhill Gang
Fast Freddie


4x15 - DB Standing X-Over
11@30 Seconds - Jumping Jacks
5x20 - Push Ups
4x15 - DB Flye
4x15 - OH DB Tri Extension
3x15 - DB Military Press


• Bagel with Butter (becoming a bad habit)
• Viet Coffee
• Malaysian 3-in-1 Coffee
• 5 oz Turkey, 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Bread
• Sumo Citrus
• Pro Shake
• Orange
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Lop Cheung, Rice, 2 Eggs, Bok Choy :comeatmebitches!


Probably a little carby
so far this week

monday weight training + HIIT
tuesday cycling 45m 3400ft elevation
wednesday cycling 43m 3100ft elevation
thurs cycling 50m 4400ft of elevation
today weight training + HIIT

picked up a cycling bike (borrowed) about 3 weeks ago. been enjoying it up in here in the north bay. probably average 150-200miles per week.

home gym consists of

assault bike
c2 rower
solid pullup bar
3-4 olympic barbells
500+lbs of olympic bumper plates
kettle bells ranging 25-72lbs
med balls
squat stands
assortment of bands/dumbells/med balls/jump rope/etc

legs are a little beat today. gonna do a lot of land mine and kettle bell work in a bit.

rows, presses, rotational work, pullups, turkish getups, carries, and some other stuff ill figure out along the way.
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Went on a run with the kiddos yesterday and good god it hurt still. What really sucked was my knee started twinging right after warm-up and starting the run portion. I hate that shit. I straight-legged through it and it finally went away and could at least jog without hurting it. 47 years old with surgically repaired knees is no way to go through life son.......

Going to hit it again tonight and try to show my body who the boss is hopefully it doesn't retaliate with a cardiac event......
Jump rope work today

Warmup - Jump rope
Tabata style - 4 mins - 20 sec on 10 sec rest for 8 rounds

- 2 rounds -
10/10/10 plank - elbows and both sides
10 reverse crunches (knees to elbows)

Part 1 - 5:00
Double under practice - I have the whip marks to prove I suck at these

Part 2 - For time
200 single unders
21 Body Builders
150 Single unders
15 Body Builders
100 Single unders
9 Body Builders

total time 7:05

Part 3 - 5 rounds - 20lb DB
10x curls
10 tricep extensions
10 Russian twists
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