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Time to get Fit thread

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Everyone is different.

Yes, and there is also the other extreme of taking too many days off. Like, I can go 4 days after a hard sesh, but 7 days is too long. Two weeks and it’s like starting over.

Depending on how bad my injury is determines how long I take time off. I’ve had some bad head injuries where I took time off, I had a knee injury and Achilles injury, now it’s my shoulder that pops all the time and I can’t bear to even press 25lbs with it.
another 4 mile run in the books, reverse hypers and mobility done. moving onto a couple hundred pushups.

12 golden oreos
couple liters of water
2 scoops of isolate

16oz ribeye
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
2 eggs
is 12 oreos a healthy meal?

Yes. Eating chicken breast and broccoli florets, packed away in plastic “meal prep” containers - and then purging on a “cheat day” - with no intent to compete but only for vanity is insane and if anybody did it with any other substance would be viewed as having a mental disorder. That or getting ready for wedding pictures.

Almost every bodybuilder I knew and trained with had a history of addiction. I knew one guy - who was straight - who prostituted himself to older men for steroids. Many of the women I’ve met are not doing it for empowerment, but because of a deeply rooted body image issue. I guess being addicted to fitness is better than cutting, though.

I used to have horrible body image issues - still do to a certain extent. It’s going away as I get older. Why do you think I competed in bodybuilding?

So let’s define healthy. A fit person depriving themselves is not healthy. Dagle sounds completely healthy, he couldn’t run 4 miles if he wasn’t. When I would diet for competition, I would get ridiculously sick every time without fail. Interestingly, allowing myself to carry a little fat and enjoy cookies with my family, I’m a lot “healthier”.
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Oreos are not even good cookies. Get some fresh out of the oven chocolate chip or peanut butter if you want to gorge. More than two cookies and my system is out of wack.
So my weight went up about 3-4 lbs. post covid, and noticeably on average I've been eating more and somewhat unhealthier. But it could be also due to me lifting more and doing less cardio centric exercises like BJJ or climbing. Overall I'm still eating fairly healthy and getting in my workouts 4-5 days a week. Just gotta be mindful of what I'm eating and not eat due to boredom.

Yesterday's workout:

1.5 mile run

100 kettlebell swings
4x10 pullups
2x10, 1x6 kettlebell clean and jerks (each shoulder)
3x10 kettlebell halos
3x10 decline pushups
is 12 oreos a healthy meal?

no not at all, it simply fits my calories. if i cared about health, i'd probably substitute it, but it's convenient calories a couple hours before a run and doesn't upset my stomach. meals with a lot of micronutrients tend to take up a lot of space giving me a stomach ache running. ironically, oreos, cookies, candy, peanut butter cups, chocolate truffles, don't. :laughing
another 4 miles today, skipping everything else in favor of voodoo flossing and tissue work with my massager. might fit in some pushups or other stuff later in the night but tbd.

think i had 6 golden oreos today and 1 liter of water before running since i woke up late. gonna try chewy chips ahoy for tomorrow's run.

dinner will be another 16oz ribeye, broccoli and rice. will fill the rest of the calories out with coke zeros and chips, popcorn or cookies.
So let’s define healthy. A fit person depriving themselves is not healthy. Dagle sounds completely healthy, he couldn’t run 4 miles if he wasn’t. When I would diet for competition, I would get ridiculously sick every time without fail. Interestingly, allowing myself to carry a little fat and enjoy cookies with my family, I’m a lot “healthier”.

This is a wonderful perspective.

How you feel about yourself > How you look.

Working to get fit should help you feel good about yourself. If its driving you crazy, make a change.
Made a thing..


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trapeze bars are fricking hard. Nice Mike!

wish I had the space to set up a home gym.

well we have the space its just being taken up my motorcycles and vehicles

also its freaking beautiful out today. Gonna bring my stuff outside and workout in the sun
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coincidentally my rings finally showed up. I ordered them just over a month ago.

My 4yr old making sure they work..


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I made it back out on the bike yesterday for 64mi & 4900ft. we did the same truck trail that destroyed my derailleur hanger 2 weeks ago. I made it through the corner this time. UNFORTUNATELY, my riding partner didnt. he passed me just before I started braking for the corner, forcing himself to a tighter inside line, and he tucked the front crashing a few feet from where I previously landed. thankfully he was mostly uninjured and his bike was ok.

we started this ride at 7am and thought we had time before the heat. so we added the huge climb in the middle. unfortunately, the dirt roads were chunkier, slower, rockier, and sandier nearly everywhere. a 5hr ride turned into 6hrs. by 11am, temps were in the 90s and I was destroyed. so we bailed on our final climb of the day (should have been at mile 57) and took the flat way back.

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4 miles run.

6 marshmellow oreos (didn't get to my chips ahoy as planned)
2 liters of water

16oz ribeye steak
1 broccoli
2 eggs
2 cups of rice

remaining calories:
2 scoops of protein powder

might switch to pasta this week since people are stupid and hoarding proteins at the store and my endless supply of ribeye might not be endless any longer.
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