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Time to get Fit thread

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So my build is kind of weird. According to my scale I am around 19% body fat (according to my scale) but I've always been able to make out abdominal definition regardless. And somehow I weigh 170 when my buddy who is identical build (but more active in sports) weighs 185. People say I look "slim" so where is all this fat?
What is the standard, these days for setting seat height?

the easiest method is to put your heel on the pedal at the bottom of the stroke and make sure your leg straightens (but doesnt lock). pedal backwards some and make sure that your hips dont rock at all. if you are using running shoes on flat pedals, you may want to go ~5mm lower.

my favorite method is measuring your knee angle, the Holmes method. your most-extended knee angle should be 145-155 deg, with most people btw 150-155 deg. most bike shops will fit your saddle height this way. unfortunately, you cant do this by yourself.

there are 2 other methods that are based on inseam that you can do it home. wear your chamois and measure your inseam using a book or level. with that number:
1. 109% of inseam == distance from top of saddle to pedal at bottom of stroke
2. 88.3% of inseam == distance from top of saddle to center of crank.
these both have drawbacks and should give two different numbers. without knowing your equipment or anything, #1 is probably a better starting point. if you were experienced and had all the kit, #2 is probably closer to what you'd like best.

the main things to prevent with proper saddle height are rocking hips and knee pain. ppl rock their hips because they are reaching - the saddle is too high. knee pain in the center under the knee cap is often caused by too much flexion - the saddle is too low. all 4 of these methods should put you inside the range that prevents both of those issues.
So my build is kind of weird. According to my scale I am around 19% body fat (according to my scale) but I've always been able to make out abdominal definition regardless. And somehow I weigh 170 when my buddy who is identical build (but more active in sports) weighs 185. People say I look "slim" so where is all this fat?

mostly, its part of your skin. you may also have some fat between everything, called visceral fat.

if you want your fat% to go down on your scale, measure again with your feet wet :D
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mostly, its part of your skin. you may also have some fat between everything, called visceral fat.

if you want your fat% to go down on your scale, measure again with your feet wet :D

Visceral fat is the fat that kills you.
the easiest method is to put your heel on the pedal at the bottom of the stroke and make sure your leg straightens (but doesnt lock). pedal backwards some and make sure that your hips dont rock at all. if you are using running shoes on flat pedals, you may want to go ~5mm lower.

my favorite method is measuring your knee angle, the Holmes method. your most-extended knee angle should be 145-155 deg, with most people btw 150-155 deg. most bike shops will fit your saddle height this way. unfortunately, you cant do this by yourself.

there are 2 other methods that are based on inseam that you can do it home. wear your chamois and measure your inseam using a book or level. with that number:
1. 109% of inseam == distance from top of saddle to pedal at bottom of stroke
2. 88.3% of inseam == distance from top of saddle to center of crank.
these both have drawbacks and should give two different numbers. without knowing your equipment or anything, #1 is probably a better starting point. if you were experienced and had all the kit, #2 is probably closer to what you'd like best.

the main things to prevent with proper saddle height are rocking hips and knee pain. ppl rock their hips because they are reaching - the saddle is too high. knee pain in the center under the knee cap is often caused by too much flexion - the saddle is too low. all 4 of these methods should put you inside the range that prevents both of those issues.
Thanks for taking the time to give me such a great breakdown! :thumbup

I'll be checking my seat height before riding tonight. I always carry a wrench to adjust it while out on a ride, but I don't want to stop and mess up my time but it doesn't feel too far off, probably low by less than 1 inch.
Thanks for taking the time to give me such a great breakdown! :thumbup

I'll be checking my seat height before riding tonight. I always carry a wrench to adjust it while out on a ride, but I don't want to stop and mess up my time but it doesn't feel too far off, probably low by less than 1 inch.

if you are too low now, going up will probably feel faster - which IMO is the main contributor to ppl having their saddle too high. people like that feeling and just keep going up. sadly, hip rocking can cause pelvis pain, back pain, knee pain (sides), IT band tightness, and rubs your sitbones raw. so you should know after 1 ride if you went too high.
How can I tell what my body composition is really like?

Honestly, what would be the point? A reduction of overall fat will also decrease the presence of visceral fat. It's pretty easy to recognize a significant reduction just by looking in the mirror.

It should be easy to tell if you are at unhealthy levels of BF percentage.
How can I tell what my body composition is really like?

If there's a collage near you with a kinesiology department (Cal Poly in my case) they usually do this stuff for free.

As for "where's the fat?" Most of it is probably subcutaneous. If you don't have a lot of vascularity is generally because there is a thin layer of fat between your skin and the muscle beneath.
another 4 miles down, posting from broga/brobility

handful of nacho cheese doritos
6 white fudge chocolate chunk chips ahoy cookies
2 scoops of proton

16oz ribeye
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

remainder of calories:
double stuf oreos
pepperidge farms sausalito cookies
jalapeno kettle chips
caffeine free diet pepsi -- found 12 of these in the back and they're awful.
Meh didn’t do either

Put on my 20lb weighted vest and mowed the back yard and front yard. 45mins total in the sun :p
Took some days off. Light workout tonight.

Tupac - Random Youtube Playlist


3x10 - Lay Underneath Dining Table & Do Rows
3x15 - Bar Dips on Dining Chair
3-Minute Plank
3x20 - Bodyweight Squat
3x15 - Crunch
3x15 - Push Up
3x15 - DB Flye
3x15 - DB Upright X-Over


• Bagel and Butter
• Vietnamese Coffee
• Table Grapes
• Sumo Citrus
• Minneola Tangelo
• 3 Oz Turkey & 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame Bread
• Handful Jelly Beans
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Bok Choy
• Pro Shake
• more to come...


CAL - 1283
PRO - 60
CARB - 218
FAT - 19

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Bruh how many ribeyes you got lined up in the fridge? That cant be cheap.

i buy in bulk when it's on sale at the supermarket. 6.99-8.99/lb which is still cheaper than lunch in SF lol. i have 2 in the freezer and one in the fridge. each one is 10-15lb.
Out of curiosity, checked macros on 16-oz ribby:

Pro - 79
Carb - 0
Fat - 100
i think protein's a little higher than that, and fat is lower if you trim it out. (between the ribcap and the eye as well as the silver skin + outter fat on the ribcap)
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