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Time to get Fit thread

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Honestly if you are happy with how you are then yeah, you are doing it right. At least in my book anyway. I was not happy with how I was. I bullshitted myself for years that I was ok with how I felt in my body but, it was just that. Bullshit. Since I actually DECIDED to be a different way, its been easy to find the motivation to exercise and change my diet. I still drink beer too, and usually tequila to go with it, just less often than I used to. I dont smoke nearly as much bud as I used to but I do on occasion still partake. All in all I don't feel deprived of anything and am generally happier with myself. Everyone is different but I think part of the fun is finding what works best for YOU.

I'm with you. I really cleaned up my diet because beer is my BFF, so somethings gotta give.

Like you said, just less. Not like my college years.

I like how I look. Could use more cardio work though. I hate often getting tired before my training partners do.
Was planning on joining a gym that has a pool this weekend, but decided to start a non-gym based routine, because general gyms weird me out.

Ended up bicycling 25-30 miles this weekend (mostly errands, but with some higher speed bursts). Also managed 6 palm-in pullups, 10 finger tip push-ups, a set of 35 (sit-ups and 4 types of cruches), and 40 or so minutes of stretching and shadow boxing today.

Once my body acclimates to a regular basic workout, I might try a chanting/meditation oriented yoga studio a block away from my house.
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Spent the weekend on dirt bikes. No gym but did all my floor exercises.
Riding was a great metric for measuring my endurance. Very pleased with my progress, not pleased by my belly but winning none the less.
Day 1 meal 1 - Breakfast

For someone who doesn't eat breakfast this is a LOT of food. But going to really try and stick to the diet/meal plan as im curious if more food means more fat loss. Im the starve myself/binge eat type :p


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Yea, but i struggled to eat it all. In fact I didnt finish. I was also suppose to have another snack before lunch and that aint happening either.

Gym time at noon (for me). Gotta figure out a way to eat all this food in a day.

also probably should have meal prepped yesterday like i meant to.
Kim, you want to be Power Girl you're going to have to eat like Power Girl.

Eggwhites are boring AF so get some pepper sauce or maybe Tobasco. Or mix all that shit up into one bowl. No really. Or you can do what I end up doing and turn all the almonds, blueberries and eggs into a shake and drink them. I know "yuck" but seriously if you want it bad enough you'll find a way.
Funny enough the egg whites was the easiest to eat. Oatmeal was just bland, Im not a huge fan of blueberries in general and my little egg muffin had too much red pepper in it :p next time i may mash up the blueberries to give the oatmeal SOME sweetness.

I wish I could just eat to eat and not care about taste, but I care :laughing

Just finished the grilled chicken, quinoa and steamed broccoli for lunch.

I think its going to take a while before I'm used the amount of food i need to eat.

First class was today, LOT of movments, lots of squats, lots of weights. One chick was like "fuck this class kicks my ass!" I asked if they were all like this and she says "NO! I like it but its hard as fuck" so the coach comes over and says "wellllllllllll, Tuesday's and Thursday's are a bit more tame, MWF are sprinters" So i asked what does it mean if i can only do MWF "You're gonna be really strong" :laughing
+1 on what Mike and beau said. You have to stick to a diet (and accept the word “diet”) or you won’t see results.

Getting in shape is 2/3 diet and 1/3 exercise. Are you counting calories and macros? Also, portion control. An extra spoonful of something could add a lot of calories, e.g., I passed on buying a muffin thing at Peets because it wouldve added 350 cal to my daily count. To burn off that 350 cal in the gym would take awhile.
Funny enough the egg whites was the easiest to eat. Oatmeal was just bland, Im not a huge fan of blueberries in general and my little egg muffin had too much red pepper in it :p next time i may mash up the blueberries to give the oatmeal SOME sweetness.

Smash that little quiche up with the egg whites and put the blueberries in the oatmeal. Or put the blueberries and uncooked oatmeal in a Nutribullet with some 1% milk and your fav protein powder (I love the Dymatize ISO100).

Missed todays workout. Kid was practicing driving he usually tries to keep me accountable lol

I did play soccer though and hit my stupid fitbit step goal.
As long as you feel guilty, the world is working as it should Mike.

And it's "Today" again...HIT IT!
Since we’re talking oatmeal. I mash a banana (red banana from Ecuador is my “go to”) and mix it along with cinnamon and raisins or chopped dates.
Day 1 meal 1 - Breakfast

For someone who doesn't eat breakfast this is a LOT of food. But going to really try and stick to the diet/meal plan as im curious if more food means more fat loss. Im the starve myself/binge eat type :p

You're gonna get bored of this real quick, I suggest trying to find a way to make it taste good. (Unless its already something you dont mind eating or actually enjoy)
Hooked on eggwhite omelettes. Trader Joes makes it easy by selling them in a carton.

I had a couple margaritas this weekend, funny how alcohol is such a disrupter. After not having any for a long time I really felt it, bad sleep, bad breath etc.

Managed to zip my moto pants which is a huge deal.
I ate TWO chocolate chip cookies this morning and I had breakfast :facepalm :facepalm

I am so not worthy of posting in this thread :(
I ate TWO chocolate chip cookies this morning and I had breakfast :facepalm :facepalm

I am so not worthy of posting in this thread :(

You are totally worthy of posting in this thread. :kiss
Losing weight is about energy management. Less energy input then output=lose weight. Yes, eating more at the right time can lead to weight loss. It's the timing and the quality of what your eating.
The key is planning your meals. I learned how to eat through weight watchers. It's what finally worked for me. If I'm going out to eat, I try and look at the menu before I leave the house and plan my meal. It's really hard to not order that hamburger and fries when they're staring you in the face. My breakfast and lunches are planned. I prepare my lunches on the weekend so I have the week all ready to go. Dinner is either a salad with lean protein or a lean protein and veggies. I'm lucky in that my SO sets up a salad bar in the fridge so making salads is really easy.
I lost 70lbs about 5 years ago. Put on 20 and have held it there for the past few years. I recently got back on the ball and have lost 6 lbs. I want to lose another 10-15.
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+1 on what Mike and beau said. You have to stick to a diet (and accept the word “diet”) or you won’t see results.

Getting in shape is 2/3 diet and 1/3 exercise. Are you counting calories and macros? Also, portion control. An extra spoonful of something could add a lot of calories, e.g., I passed on buying a muffin thing at Peets because it wouldve added 350 cal to my daily count. To burn off that 350 cal in the gym would take awhile.
Im following a personalized diet that is tailor made for me. Its a 6 week program. Exercise 3 days a week and eat healthy for 6 long weeks. So im not counting calories or macros really, But I am logging everything and it seems like I have a 1400 cap unsure on macros until i fill out a full week's worth

Smash that little quiche up with the egg whites and put the blueberries in the oatmeal. Or put the blueberries and uncooked oatmeal in a Nutribullet with some 1% milk and your fav protein powder (I love the Dymatize ISO100).

Now That I think I can do!

You're gonna get bored of this real quick, I suggest trying to find a way to make it taste good. (Unless its already something you dont mind eating or actually enjoy)

Yea I have no doubt. Im just going to do my best, by the end of the 6 weeks im hoping to be down 8-10% in body fat. But this diet is not sustainable for me. I just need to jump start and then try to maintain a healthy lifestyle of eating fairly clean and exercising regularly from here on out..
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