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Time to get Fit thread

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I'm still making slow but steady gains in the pullup department.

Amazing how many "fit" people I know who can't do ONE.
I did a Tough Mudder event once a few years back at Tahoe. While most of the event were comprised of crossfit types, there also a few people that attended who had no business being there. Two things most big folks don't do well whether you're overweight or otherwise: pulling up their own body weight and cardio. Alot of the course was setup so that you had to run up a mountain, scale up a wall and over it. If you chose not to do the obstacle it was something 20 burpees. I'm pretty sure most people didn't adhere to that rule by 5 or 6th obstacle.
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thurs: 13 mile mtn bike ride/ 1500ft elevation
max effort 27mile road bike ride / 2200ft elevation (set a new record)

friday: 53mile bike ride / 3600ft elevation
saturday: 72mile ride with 6300ft elevation

Legs are sore.

today:core work, some chest/back and beers.
I always assumed they were very smart dudes for the most part. I have no illusions of ever being like them

I enjoyed the book Rogue Warrior where he discusses his training and hell week.
If you're interested in this type of thing, they documented the group of guys going through the BUDS Class 234 on the Discovery Channel. I watched it, they put them through the ringer.

Navy SEALs: BUDS Class 234

It's worth watching if you're interested in seeing what they go through in training. I had a good friend who died during the training, back in the early 80's, we never did find out what happened. He was the strongest small guy I ever knew, he wrestled at 167 but bench pressed 450.
Oh I dunno. Maybe he’s talking about a guy who slams test and anabolics. Then after a workout while still pumped and vascular, straps a trinket on his wrist and takes a self photo and then posts it on barf in the hope that the supplicants will provide that precious attention he desperately craves.

^^^ please do not start unnecessary drama in this thread.

If you have nothing to add, if thread doesn’t provide you with any useful information, then kindly leave.

That goes to everyone.

This is a motivational thread, people can post what they want but lately it’s been less about being encouraging to one another and frankly it’s going in a shitty direction.
^^^ please do not start unnecessary drama in this thread.

If you have nothing to add, if thread doesn’t provide you with any useful information, then kindly leave.

That goes to everyone.

This is a motivational thread, people can post what they want but lately it’s been less about being encouraging to one another and frankly it’s going in a shitty direction.

Went back 10 pages to see if I missed anything (yeah its a slow day so I should be riding). Saw no evidence of thread veering in a shitty direction.
Seems to be plugging along just fine.
Just a casual observation.

My apologies if I’ve offended you personally, the mods as a whole, or anyone else.

Appreciate it. Thank you.

Went back 10 pages to see if I missed anything (yeah its a slow day so I should be riding). Saw no evidence of thread veering in a shitty direction.
Seems to be plugging along just fine.

tried to push the pace on the 4 mile today, got under 7:15 the way there but was too gassed to run back at normal pace. Walked 1/4-1/2 mile and got back at 11:00pace.

Gonna try it again midweek with proper hydration and sleep. Also might break out a new pair of shoes and relieve this pair to streetwear/commute since I have 500+ miles on them now.

broga/brobility for my psoas, hip and other connected hardware (golden cross) as my hip hinge running didn’t feel good. Did reverse hypers before the run to see if it had any appreciable benefit. Didn’t notice anything.

Will hit 200 push ups and eleventy billion overhead tricep extensions before the night ends.

totinos personal party pizza
4 classic chips ahoy cookies
2 coke zeros
1/2 liter of water or so

16oz ribeye
2 cups rice 1 broccoli
coke zeros
3-4 liters of water

remaining cals:
White corn tortilla chips
4oz Colby jack cheese
2 scoops of proton
Oh I dunno. Maybe he’s talking about a guy who slams test and anabolics. Then after a workout while still pumped and vascular, straps a trinket on his wrist and takes a self photo and then posts it on barf in the hope that the supplicants will provide that precious attention he desperately craves.


You should totally follow me on instagram, nothing but shirtless selfies and $20k watches.
You should totally follow me on instagram, nothing but shirtless selfies and $20k watches.


I had a Prime Rib with raviolis and creamed spinach for dinner today because I wanted to see what it was like to live a day in your shoes. Oh man, I def cannot do this everyday..
oh yeah i wouldn't recommend it for most people. i'm working on heart attack #2 at 29 lol
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