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Time to get Fit thread

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Im kinda happy about this ride.

:thumbup Mike. thats a good pace especially for around town.

last 3 days

thurs: 13 mile mtn bike ride/ 1500ft elevation
max effort 27mile road bike ride / 2200ft elevation (set a new record)

friday: 53mile bike ride / 3600ft elevation
saturday: 72mile ride with 6300ft elevation

Legs are sore.

today:core work, some chest/back and beers.

nice, thats some great mileage for 3 days in a row. what mountain did you climb for the Sat ride?
Sunday was supposed to be my gravel race, the Belgian Waffle Ride. Of course thats been postponed and I never trained as hard as I would have. but we still had to ride... and we went pretty big. 93.3mi @ 8900ft. Pedal time was 7:35, total time was 9:15 because of waiting for a less experienced friend, refilling water, and a flat. I ate about 2000Cal on the ride, 300Cal at a gas station right after, and 1500Cal after an ice bath when I got home. thats prob the most calories ive managed per hour on a ride, and I felt surprisingly good at the end of the ride.

that big climb is the middle is 6.5mi, 2500ft, 7% and took me 1:04. my PR from 2013 at 58min still stands :(. maybe ill try to attack it in the fall on a cold morning. that climb has previously been part of TourOfCA. the KOM is 30:09 :laughing

the less experienced friend had a few firsts on the ride. first climbing-focused ride. first gravel anything, on 25C tires no less. first time up a hard climb - that peak is Cat 1. I got him into cycling a year ago by letting him borrow my old blue bike for months. so it was cool to share that with him.

I thought about buying a bike (pedal style) to get back and forth to work a few times a week.

Holy shit what a weird bunch of people bike folks are.

Apparently I'm a danger to myself and everyone else on the road on anything less than some multi thousand dollar carbon shimano allegra blah fucking blah thing.
Sunday was supposed to be my gravel race, the Belgian Waffle Ride. Of course thats been postponed and I never trained as hard as I would have. but we still had to ride... and we went pretty big. 93.3mi @ 8900ft. Pedal time was 7:35, total time was 9:15 because of waiting for a less experienced friend, refilling water, and a flat. I ate about 2000Cal on the ride, 300Cal at a gas station right after, and 1500Cal after an ice bath when I got home. thats prob the most calories ive managed per hour on a ride, and I felt surprisingly good at the end of the ride.

that big climb is the middle is 6.5mi, 2500ft, 7% and took me 1:04. my PR from 2013 at 58min still stands :(. maybe ill try to attack it in the fall on a cold morning. that climb has previously been part of TourOfCA. the KOM is 30:09 :laughing

the less experienced friend had a few firsts on the ride. first climbing-focused ride. first gravel anything, on 25C tires no less. first time up a hard climb - that peak is Cat 1. I got him into cycling a year ago by letting him borrow my old blue bike for months. so it was cool to share that with him.

Monster. :thumbup
I thought about buying a bike (pedal style) to get back and forth to work a few times a week.

Holy shit what a weird bunch of people bike folks are.

Apparently I'm a danger to myself and everyone else on the road on anything less than some multi thousand dollar carbon shimano allegra blah fucking blah thing.

there are pretentious a-holes in every hobby. some shops do a really bad job of creating a good customer experience.

a helmet, tail light, and good lane control practices should keep you safe.
there are pretentious a-holes in every hobby. some shops do a really bad job of creating a good customer experience.

a helmet, tail light, and good lane control practices should keep you safe.
I ride a cheap-assed Cadillac road bike that I bought 15 years ago that I bought for around $350 from costco years ago. :laughing

It works just fine for my needs.

My brother bought a used Cervelo, some insane carbon-fiber bike that costs $$$$$ new and even costs $$$$$ used. I told him I get the same amount of exercise on my cheap-assed bike that he gets on his fancy one. :laughing

I told him that I might not look as cool as him, or go as fast, but I have no problem locking up my bike at my destination. With his bike, I'd be scared to death that somebody would steal it, no matter what lock I put on it, I would never let it out of my sight except when it was in my garage.
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Sunday was supposed to be my gravel race, the Belgian Waffle Ride. Of course thats been postponed and I never trained as hard as I would have. but we still had to ride... and we went pretty big. 93.3mi @ 8900ft. Pedal time was 7:35, total time was 9:15 because of waiting for a less experienced friend, refilling water, and a flat. I ate about 2000Cal on the ride, 300Cal at a gas station right after, and 1500Cal after an ice bath when I got home. thats prob the most calories ive managed per hour on a ride, and I felt surprisingly good at the end of the ride.

that big climb is the middle is 6.5mi, 2500ft, 7% and took me 1:04. my PR from 2013 at 58min still stands :(. maybe ill try to attack it in the fall on a cold morning. that climb has previously been part of TourOfCA. the KOM is 30:09 :laughing

the less experienced friend had a few firsts on the ride. first climbing-focused ride. first gravel anything, on 25C tires no less. first time up a hard climb - that peak is Cat 1. I got him into cycling a year ago by letting him borrow my old blue bike for months. so it was cool to share that with him.

Epic ride.
cool story.

It is cool! I'm stoked at age 45 I can still do the same stuff I did when I was 13.

It's the one athletic endeavor in my life where I've actually gotten better as I got older.

I get invited to the Old School BMX Reunion every year (old pros and amateurs from the 80's and 90's) and its quite the sight to see 52 year old Ron Wilkerson blast 20ft. above coping on MegaRamp. Or see 50 year old's do backflips... and ride with the entire stunt cast from the movie "Rad".
Warm up- empty barbell

10 RDL's
10 Thrusters
30sec jump rope
10 bent over rows
30 sec jump rope
10 cossack squats
30 sec jump rope

Part 1 - 5 rounds

10 weighted glute bridges - barbell/65#s
10 deadbugs

Part 2 - 3 rounds - AMRAP each round 3mins with 3min rest

8 Russian KB swings - 53#
8 box jumps
8 weighted sit-ups - 20#s

2 + 8
2 + 16
2 + 16
I ride a cheap-assed Cadillac road bike that I bought 15 years ago that I bought for around $350 from costco years ago. :laughing

It works just fine for my needs.

My brother bought a used Cervelo, some insane carbon-fiber bike that costs $$$$$ new and even costs $$$$$ used. I told him I get the same amount of exercise on my cheap-assed bike that he gets on his fancy one. :laughing

I told him that I might not look as cool as him, or go as fast, but I have no problem locking up my bike at my destination. With his bike, I'd be scared to death that somebody would steal it, no matter what lock I put on it, I would never let it out of my sight except when it was in my garage.

assuming the same style of frame (road, TT, etc), he should easily be able to spend more time on his bike. modern carbon frames are more comfortable and their geometry is more friendly to more riders. so he'll have gone farther faster, and his hands, traps, and sit bones will hurt less. its a large price to pay for another "margin" gain, but its there. IMO, its kinda like comparing a Bilt helmet to an Arai. they both pass the same safety standard (hopefully), but you'd still rather spend a whole day in the Arai. and just like with your bike, you'll see more Bilt helmets hanging on the handlebar while someone is in a store.
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assuming the same style of frame (road, TT, etc), he should easily be able to spend more time on his bike. modern carbon frames are more comfortable and their geometry is more friendly to more riders. so he'll have gone farther faster, and his hands, traps, and sit bones will hurt less. its a large price to pay for another "margin" gain, but its there. IMO, its kinda like comparing a Bilt helmet to an Arai. they both pass the same safety standard (hopefully), but you'd still rather spend a whole day in the Arai. and just like with your bike, you'll see more Bilt helmets hanging on the handlebar while someone is in a store.
All good points.

For me, the bike is a tool for staying in shape until I can get back into the gym and get the workout that I really want to get. I do like the easier on my knees nature of riding the bike for cardio, with 4 knee surgeries in the same knee my ability to run is a mixed bag, day by day. I might ride the bike to/from the gym in the future, the gym is about 2.2 miles away, so a pretty easy 10 minute ride each way.

My brother does more riding, he's done several triathlons, and will do 50 mile rides, so it's worth it to him to own/ride that bike.
Warm up- empty barbell

10 RDL's
10 Thrusters
30sec jump rope
10 bent over rows
30 sec jump rope
10 cossack squats
30 sec jump rope

Part 1 - 5 rounds

10 weighted glute bridges - barbell/65#s
10 deadbugs

Part 2 - 3 rounds - AMRAP each round 3mins with 3min rest

8 Russian KB swings - 53#
8 box jumps
8 weighted sit-ups - 20#s

2 + 8
2 + 16
2 + 16

God. Damn. You are strong!
I only have a 53# kettle bell. I’ve been avoiding it and using dumbbells instead. I womaned up today. It was hard. First time in a long time that when I was done I just laid On the floor for a while :laughing

Thanks Lizardman :)
It is cool! I'm stoked at age 45 I can still do the same stuff I did when I was 13.

It's the one athletic endeavor in my life where I've actually gotten better as I got older.

I remember like ten yours ago my being blown away by some of the stuff you were doing on your bike. I'd love to find that thread again.

And with current knowledge!


We need to find the fountain of youth, or have we already?

2:00 jump rope
8 Body builders
20ft bear crawl
8 bent over rows - 20lb DB
10 air squats
30 sec jump rope


Every minute on the minute - 40mins

Minute 1 - 45 sec run/ 45 sec jump rope (alternating)
Minute 2 - 45 sec step ups
Minute 3 - 8-10 body builder
Minute 4 - 30 sec plank (with or without shoulder taps. I alternated)
Minute 5 - rest

and now? TEQUILA! :Port
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